Daily Archives: June 29, 2012

Here’s S’more Irony

UPDATE 30th June: Sorry guys but my Food Buzz sharing does not seem to be working completely so I may not be able to comment on all the blogs I usually do – sorry about that! Hope it will be fixed soon 🙂

HIIIIII, GUESS WHO IS ON HOLIDAYZZZZZ (yeah, I’m kind of cool enough to put ‘z’ instead of ‘s’ :P)

smores stuff 15Do you want to know what this means? Like Joey would say ‘Yeah, you do!’ This means I will be posting just about every second day. Yea, lots more chocolate recipes for you 🙂
You want to know why? Because I can 🙂

You know what else? Already, I have revamped my recipe index – why? Because I can 😀

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