Cookies/Cookie Sandwiches

A Hygienic Obsession (Giveaway – Ended)

Ok so this post was absolutely, 100% scheduled to be for the Christmas period. I was going to act like Santa, launching a giant sack over my back and Ho-Ho-ing till all of you guys were giggling – you know the drill!

But, my holiday mood kicked in and I got so busy, that the very ability to blog dried up and was forgotten in the corner, while holiday celebrations took centre stage. That along with other commitments means that now, I am making this a new years style giveaway and post for you.

You know, taking the whole new year-new you approach (as if that hasn’t been done before, but regardless, it’s all good!) 🙂

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Don’t Forget to enter my giveaway!

(Australians only sorriiiiie!)

Ok… now I can continue my post 🙂

I just coined the word.

Jokes, everyone uses it, in fact there is no red squiggly line under it, but I’d like to believe I was one of the first. Because I use it so much now you know? imagination truly is a gift.

Anyways, so you all should be proud of me, because your small not-so-little baker girl is marathoning. That’s right, I have signed up for… one, two, three…. 5 different marathons! I know right??? I can’t even believe myself!

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A Cross Country Culinary Tour

Ladies and gentlemen, we ask that you fasten your safety belts and upright your seat-backs, as we are about to embark upon a small journey across the world.

The safety video will be shown shortly, and if you require any assistance throughout the flight, feel free to press the button located on the left of your armrest to call for an attendant.

Once again, we thank you for flying via Air Guru and hope you have an entertaining flight.

Hehehe… HI GUYS! 😀

Today I have a special treat for you! I am going to give you a look into the lives of a couple of bloggers, one in my hometown and one far far faaaar away! Both equally talented and wonderful, this idea is part of the ‘Cross Country Culinary Tour.’

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My Hatred of Stats

I don’t like to use the word hate on this blog. Not too often anyway. Saying you ‘dislike’ something is very different to saying you ‘hate’ something.

‘Hate’ connotes the idea that you despise something so much that even seeing it causes the fight part of the BAS to activate tenfold. That’s Behavioural Approach System to you my dear non-psychology studying readers 😉

Hating something means that the intensity of your negative feelings towards a certain person/place or thing is bordering on ridiculous.

‘Disliking’ something is accepting that you are not neutral or indifferent to a certain thing, rather would appreciate not being around it, if it can be helped. See? Infinitely, a more graceful and polite way of hat.. ‘disliking’ something. Classy.

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CCU Undercover: Embossed Rolling Pins @ Bezalel Art Shop

review title

There are time when I get emails that don’t just make me happy. They make me grin, throw my hands around a little and get super excited! Well, I was getting off the bus after a slog of a day at uni, and BAM! What should light up my day… night… like an email from Denis Savelyev, owner of the Bezalel Art Shop @

For those living under their rocks. Etsy houses creators of all sorts, ranging from specialty outfit to customised iPhone cases, to just about anything artsy, hipster and beyond your usual ‘Homemaker’ shops. They bring ‘vintage‘ to a whole new level, often shipping worldwide.


Denis exemplifies this, by being the creator of not only handcrafted earrings and pendants in unusual, innovative designs, but of the vogue new trend;

Embossed Rolling Pins.

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And So Ends The 2014 World Cup…

What a match.

What a thrill.

What an honour to watch two teams go head on to bring home the glory.

Is it not heartbreaking, that only one team can win?

Honestly, without the dulce de leche oozing gently out of my alfajores, I don’t know how I would have made it through all that stress!


This morning, at 5am Sydney time, I was huddled in a blanket, surrounded by an overdose of testosterone, watching Argentina play Germany in the FIFA world cup finals of 2014. I wasn’t waiting for the sunrise, or passing time due to my insomniac tendencies, but genuinely hauled my butt out of bed at 4:30 in the morning, solely for the game.

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I’m A Newni Student!

You know, it may surprise, but I do still have the ability to bake. Shocking I know, but it happens occasionally that I now actually have the time to chuck my books to the side most respectably, put on my TARDIS apron (I know, cute.) and get out sugar, butter and chocolate 🙂


It may not seem like it, considering when you look at my homepage and all you can see is CCU Undercover hogging away the front page and all. You see, if I start speaking in Freudian terms, CCU in a way, is my Id. My unconscious, overwhelming desire to go out and eat at every restaurant, regardless of the penniless consequences to come. She is impulsive, and merciless in using a knife and fork.


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Risky Business

I could feel my heart pumping, my hands going sweaty and my eyes darting left and right.


Paper was dampening in my hands, I had no way out. I could hear the construction in my head, houses going up around me, enclosing and suffocating me.

I walked down a couple of lanes, darting in and out of free parking, avoiding the houses and hotels surrounding me. It felt too suburbia, it felt too expensive, almost like I was stuck, living in the hub of a big game…

Suddenly a police officer stopped me. Pale as milk, yet imposing in his blue uniform, he beckoned me forward. Slowly, I walked up, not even knowing I had done something wrong.


Bound and gagged, he tossed me into a dark jail cell, with a small passage for visitors. Huh. Who would visit me?

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Holiday Post #2: Scottish Shortbread

Guys, Christmas is only two weeks away – what are you doing here sitting around, not buying your presents, or organising your parties, or ensuring the Christmas turkey can fit in your oven?

Reading my post? Ain’t that sweet, gnawww you guys! Ok fine, but after this you simply must get back to your baking, your making, your gift-wrapping 😀

Where am I (or will I be at this moment, considering I wrote this post a while ago)? Well, I am gambling, drinking and accidentally getting married by an Elvis Impersonator.

I am not 21 yet, so according to US legal stuff, I can’t. 😉 

My Logo

But yes, I am in Las Vegas, seeing the night life, living the dream and not sleeping – I am pretty darn sure I am not sleeping right now 😛
But besides all that, I am still pretty gosh darn (how mild!) excited hat Christmas is coming up!!!

And with Christmas, comes Santa’s favourite cookies… which seem to disappear before Christmas Eve at my place but maybe Santa likes giving me presents early? 😛



Now, I don’t know why there is a little bit of country-ism going on here, especially around such a festive season, but apparently, these shortbread are Scottish.


Frosty Baby!

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Well… I’m Off

Hi guys. So I do not have much time to write a lot in this post, though it includes an awful lot (contradictory, aren’t I?) 😛

But don’t blame me – it is SO my brother’s fault – he got me involved in a very heated Scrabble battle.


In the tiebreaker we TIED – 307 to 307, we are what champions aim to be 😉

But anyway, you are probably wondering about the title. I do this a lot to you.

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