Daily Archives: June 20, 2012

I Love Thee, Microwaves!

Oh how I love you microwaves! You are the fastest, easiest machines in the world which work as both a grill and an oven now for me, especially these long hard days of studying! Wherever would I be without you melting Nutella for my ice cream or warming up chocolate chip cookies! 😀

That sauce is hot, sweet and perfectly hidden in the middle of the cake...

That sauce is hot, sweet and perfectly hidden in the middle of the cake…

Anyway, excuse my ode to the microwave, I am guessing by now you know why I did it anyway 😉
I have always had a soft spot for anything that can give me a smashing dessert in a matter of minutes – let it be my microwave, my grill, my fridge or even my mother 😀
I remember my first ever microwave cake, courtsey of course of Not Quite Nigella, and her 5 minute cheesecake has been bookmarked for too long already – I vouch for the cake, even though I have made literally tens of.. well ok dozens of variations of it, the base is always so fudgy and perfect, it is a wonder it comes out of the microwave.

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