
An Ideal Morning

I really seem to be on a breakfast kick these days, it would seem, but I can’t apologise for it because I enjoy myself so much! No one else is awake, no one is clanking around the kitchen, no one is calling my name.

Just me, my bed and a sunrise most mornings. Well, not my bed, I’m getting ready for uni! So me, my heater and a sunrise 🙂


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Breaking Fast Like A Boss

I’m going to get real with you guys today. Ok, so I am not fake at all in my other posts but today, I have just got to let it out. Hard hitting, real life observation that I, and basically everyone else in the world, have made.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.


You feed me well at breakfast, and I wouldn’t need to eat for the rest of the day until supper. Supper being fruit and milk of course. You feed me well at breakfast and I go out with a spring in my step, a smile actually on my face as opposed to pasted on, and a whole lot more positive vibes resonating from me! 😀

Breakfast is the best.

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Superfoods #3: Chia Seeds

Just a reminder, my newest giveaway is still running so if you haven’t entered already, go right ahead 😀


How lucky am I? A couple of days back, Justin from Cheap Super Foods Australia, contacted me, asking me to try some wonderful up and coming raw, organic ingredients from their huge range. As if I could turn down a huge opportunity like that! I know many bloggers, especially Vegan, focusing on all these new foods, so I knew I had plenty of inspiration to start making recipes.


But what are superfoods? Why is using them considered ‘super’ but using caster sugar, isn’t? We are not being ingredient-ist here, but the term ‘superfoods’ means that particular ingredient has been classified as Food with high nutrient and phytochemical content that may confer health benefits. It has few negative properties if any, considering it is highly unprocessed (natural), does not contain contaminants, saturated fats, artificial ingredients or food additives.” – Wikipedia

When I say ‘phytochemicals’, I mean naturally occurring beneficial chemical compounds in plants, such as antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and polyphenol. I used this think anything ‘organic’ equated in some way, to marijuana and hippie food, tasting like dirt despite any ‘benefits.’ Since I started food blogging, I have learnt a heck of a lot about all of it, and am glad to learn that is not the case! 😀


The wonderful folks from Cheap Super Foods sent me three different 250g samples:

  1. Cacao Powder
  2. Coconut Sugar
  3. Chia Seeds

Let’s begin making raw, organic, totally delicious desserts shall we?

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In Vogue: Coconut Oil

Hi Everyone,

I actually have quite a special treat today. Allow me to introduce to you all Ms Mishka Thomas, a free lance writer who contacted me a couple of weeks back with a fantastic coconut oil article. Being one of the unhealthiest and more indulgent style of blogs, I was thrilled to be able to twist things around for you guys by adding a little something healthy. PLUS, any baker or cook out there will tell you that these days, coconut oil is totally vogue! So without further ado, I hand over to Mishka who will enlighten you all on the benefits of coconut oil 🙂

And then of course there is a recipe waiting ;)…

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Finally Found A Positive For Spam

So I had quite a bit of free time lately, god knows how but I am not going to question it, and it gave me time to contemplate the important things of life.

Then I looked at my clock and only 10 minutes had gone by, though in my thoughts it had been hours. Cool 🙂
So then I started to contemplate ridiculous nonsense scenarios, events and general craziness which, I don’t know about you, always seems to take up the majority of my day dream sessions 🙂

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Think Of The Positives

So you know that I am having my exams this week and next week. One this week, 4 next week. No justice right?

I am essaying it up in history and English, trying to understand the French news and right now, mathsing (yes it is a word… now ;)) like there is no tomorrow. Fun no?
No, actually not really, but I take solace in going through your blogs, commenting and basically enjoying myself as such as possible before I have to go and do some more work 😛

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Technical Jargon

Html, A-C control panel, ctrl + shift – THERE IS TOO MUCH OF THIS! At least, inside my head right now and it is spinning 100% out of control. Megabyte, gigabyte, kilobyte – can someone just hand me an aspirin right now?

I pride myself on knowing a little bit about computers. I did not believe myself to be technically impaired when it came to them until I started blogging. Sure, figuring WordPress out was a little bit of a hassle, but now I have made some monumental computer decisions which I need you for! 😀

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Peculiar-But-Cool Habits

Before I begin this post, I just wanted to link you all to a foodie interview I was lucky enough to do on the awesomely talented Maureen’s blog, The Orgasmic Chef!

If you want, you can check it out here – It was such a fun experience and I just wanted to shout out a big thank you to you Maureen for asking me 😀
An awesome experience 🙂

Now let the post begin 😉

What do you do that’s a little… off. Do you wear your shirt backwards because you like that side better, eat jam on both sides of your toast and secretly fancy 2 minute artery-clogging meals?

I am so totally not saying those are my secret habbits. Remember I am asking you 🙂


Personally, I think it is awesome to have little, how do I put this, eccentricities which make you totally unique. My family, as all families, are full of them 😀
Today I would like to show you one of my dad’s which he has genetically passed down to me. Parents, sheesh, whatcha gonna do with ’em? 😉

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Manipulation Before Breakfast

I think we would all want to look like this while making pasta. Look at how neat the kitchen is, how spotless the dress and how non-tied-back-in-a-scrappy-bun the hair is. I think we all definitely would not mind.

But there are two problems with this which may have the slightest interference with your cooking:

1. You would need to have a huge fan constantly facing you so your hair can look ‘naturally’ blown back

2. Considering you are not actually looking at the pasta while putting it through, you will need to make sure your finger doesn’t go through with it

I’m just saying…

I’m just saying that the grass is not always greener on the other side (to quote my mum). We wish for lots of things but when you actually get down to the crux of it, truly I don’t think you would want it

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A Perfect German Morning

Am I in Germany  this morning?


Am I of German descent?


Do I even speak German?

No – though I do know a couple of German words (puffs up her chest with pride)



So why is this beautiful autumn morning German? Because I baked and cooked like a German.

Was I wearing a girdle?

No (thank god!)

Was I wearing a nice large flowery dress just below my knee?


Was my hair pulled back in a bun?


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