Dough Based

Breaking Fast Like A Boss

I’m going to get real with you guys today. Ok, so I am not fake at all in my other posts but today, I have just got to let it out. Hard hitting, real life observation that I, and basically everyone else in the world, have made.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.


You feed me well at breakfast, and I wouldn’t need to eat for the rest of the day until supper. Supper being fruit and milk of course. You feed me well at breakfast and I go out with a spring in my step, a smile actually on my face as opposed to pasted on, and a whole lot more positive vibes resonating from me! 😀

Breakfast is the best.

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Guest Post: The Dough Collective

This week has been super hectic, and writing for me has been intense, so, instead of hearing the drab, tired voice of yours truly, I want to give you an incredible guest post and recipe courtesy of a delicious new bakery opened in Sydney, called The Dough Collective!

This bakery is fast rising to be one of the most popular in Sydney, and considering its delicious range of freshly baked goods, there is no way I am surprised! I hope you enjoy this mes cheris! Now excuse me as I go enjoy all of Mothers Day with my ma!!

Hope you all have a wonderful Mothers Day too! I promise a proper post to come soon 🙂

My Logo


The chefs at The Dough Collective on Sydney’s George Street have perfected a unique yeasting process which allows the sweetness of the bread to occur naturally meaning sugar content is low.

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Happy Easter 2014!!!

I love Easter. Really, I truly just love this holiday 🙂

Christmas is awesome, Diwali is beautiful, but coming from someone who is nicknamed Choc Chip Uru, Easter is my heaven!!!


If it isn’t already obvious, it is because I am given a 4 day weekend of a holiday to enjoy eating chocolate. Since I am not religious, that is what, on base value, Easter means to me 😀

And I have some amazing memories associated with this festival! I mean,when chocolate is involved 24 hours a day for 4 days of the week, how can it not be right?

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Guest Post #8: Ensaymada Buns

Hi everyone, can you believe it? Finally, I am this close to Graduation (Imagine me pinching my pointer finger with my thumb) 😀 – And with graduation comes performances, baking, class parties, baking, muck up days and lots of baking!

I am no longer examining, my last one was 2 days ago actually, BUT, now I am out with friends, chilling and you know, haven’t really touched my spatula (I know, the horror!) – I promise, I will be baking up a storm soon BUT until then, please enjoy your final fabulous guest post 😀

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Bread Can Be Such A… Witch…

Obviously, I meant witch. Gosh, get your mind out of the gutter! 😉

Come on guys, we are keeping this blog G-rated right? Ok, perhaps PG but nothing more, I promise, cross my heart and hope to die, stick a needle in my eye.

Oh dear.
Did I just go all Saw-style, M/MA 15+ on you? Oops… honest mistake 😉

bread 16

Anyway, let me go back to the topic on hand. Bread. Dough. Yeast. I may have made it, used it, before but honestly, it is the kitchen bad boy.


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Mamma Mia!

“Mamma Mia… here I go again! My, my, how can I resist you?
Mamma Mia, does it show again? My, my just how much I missed you!
Yeeeees I’ve been broken heart-“
– Oops… I seem to have gone a little of track there! Sorry, was not talking about the hit ABBA song when I said Mamma Mia!


Rather, I was twirling a fake Italian moustache while patting my large stomach hiding under a big, red and white checked cloth. You get my image no? No? Oh that’s good because I really don’t look like that… 😉

(Also sorry you had to hear that high pitched, awful ‘Yeees’  😛 – not everyone can pull it off you know!)


But back to it, why was I unsuccessfully trying to twirl dough and flip it to high heaven when I can’t even do it with a basketball? Because when you are making pizza that is just what you do!

Every amateur, professional or first timer like myself knows that 😀

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Eat Breakfast!

Overlooked. Underestimated. Blindsided. Breakfast deserves better don’t you think?

I mean, I am a huge supporter of pancakes for dinner, wrapped in a cosy thick robe in front of the TV with everyone out of the house. BUT, how can that possibly compare to eating pancakes while the morning sun is streaming down your back and naturally keeping the pancakes warm while the birds are talking to you Cinderella style? (also known as chirping)


I am just saying, being in school, I see a lot of people skipping breakfast regularly, though especially on test days because they were studying or because they slept at 3, woke up at 8 and were going to be late.

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Guest Post: Speedy Pumpkin Wheels

Merry Christmas my friends, can you all believe the holiday season everyone dreams about is finally here for us 😀 😀 😀 😀

I hope you are all celebrating with family friends this joyous occasion of 2012, with lots of wonderful festivities, food and laughter 🙂

I wish I could be here with you all, and I promise to celebrate with you all belatedly but right now, I am with my family in India as I should be during this fabulous time 🙂

But no fear, no fear, I have some incredible guestposts lined up for you all and I hope each and every one brings a smile to your faces like they did mine – what else is Christmas and New Years about if not grinning? 😀

Happy Holidays!!!

P.S. I will not be commenting on ANY blogs for approximately 2 weeks so please do not think I have forgotten about anyone, I will be back on task straight after holidays 🙂

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Out Of My Control

Ok so I actually had a really cool post planned out for you today, halfway written and everything 😀

Then, you will never guess, half way through writing BAM the computer froze and came up with some weird message. Not good… but then at the bottom I saw an ‘auto recovery angel’ and I just about kissed my computer!

After a quick reboot, I was still grinning to myself.

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Happy 1st Birthday Go Bake Yourself + International Giveaway (Giveaway Ended)

Wow, ok, so as cliche as it may sound, it does only feel like a short while back that I started up this blog. Who knew a year would in fact, pass so quickly?

Looking back upon the whole blogging experience, there has been so much that I have learnt, so many people I have met and so much IT appreciation you wouldn’t believe it! It is almost a little overwhelming at times 😉

As it says in my ‘Where Did I Come From’ page, this blog started because I needed an outlet for my cooking, which was fast becoming an obsession. It was mum’s idea and I remember how apprehensive I was. Ma, can you remember how I worried I was?

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