
CCU Undercover: Macabella Review

Macabella. A mixture of chocolate and macadamia nuts that is the newest item to hit grocery shelves. With a smooth creamy milk chocolate flavour that leaves the famous Aussie, nutty aftertaste, I am very excited to introduce you to this new spread! 

Read on, to find out more 🙂

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Don’t Forget to enter my giveaway!

(Australians only sorriiiiie!)

Ok… now I can continue my post 🙂

I just coined the word.

Jokes, everyone uses it, in fact there is no red squiggly line under it, but I’d like to believe I was one of the first. Because I use it so much now you know? imagination truly is a gift.

Anyways, so you all should be proud of me, because your small not-so-little baker girl is marathoning. That’s right, I have signed up for… one, two, three…. 5 different marathons! I know right??? I can’t even believe myself!

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You know sometimes I have to question why I am still blogging? Have you, all you wonderful bloggers out there, ever felt like that? Sometimes I feel like I am blogging not for myself, not for my love of baking, but to give the audience what I perceive they want.

I have to stop then.

I have to take a step back and survey my surroundings. Blogging for me is not a career choice, it is quite literally, a hobby. Some people pay for dance classes? I pay to keep a website running. Some people decide to go out every night. Some nights, I prefer my pyjamas and baking 😛


So why is it that sometimes, I feel pressured to post? I hate the feeling of forced typing, where my words don’t flow, and I don’t put my diary-talk into a post. Can you tell the difference? Though for the most part, I will be honest with you and provide a bigger slew of food porn than usual instead of words 😉

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Making It Easier With ZipList!

Good afternoon, morning and evening my darlings! I am just lounging around, pretending to be a fish while my criminology essay sits untouched.

We have all been there, how sad does that empty word document look right?

But then I decided to stop being so unproductive (I can suck in my cheeks that much non?) and kick-ass myself into action… right into my blog 😀
Because as always my priorities are 100% on line!


In today’s post, I want to introduce you to new partnership I am in which is saving your lives. Yes. YOUR lives. And mine I suppose as well 😀

For ages now, you guys have been asking me to do some sort of printing mechanism for my recipes (love you!) and I used to put up a word document which you could just print – but it was hard, I often forgot and had to update my posts, and overall, just NOT ideal!

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Belated Valentines Post

Yes, I am not so socially inept that I do not know that Valentines Day was actually last week. But if you truly love someone (or something in my case :P), then you know one week makes no difference right?


I would have made and posted these sooner, closer to the day of roses, velvet, love hearts and more, but the chocolates featured in this post weren’t delivered on time (delays happen) and then I was really busy and yadda, yadda, yadda (SEINFELD!) 😛

But what matters is that I am here now right?

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Match Made In Heaven + Giveaway Time! (Closed)

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There were slates of clouds scattered throughout the sky, dimming the blue and creating an overcast. Glimpses of rays dodged between them, creating natural spotlights on the earth below.


He was walking, quite stiffly if I do say so myself, through the park. He looked all crinkly, and not fresh at all, as if he had definitely seen better days. ‘Ugh, how to do it, how to do it!?’, a single though revolving through his mind. He could feel his fingers probing at a lump in his pocket, its soft velvety texture not providing any reassurance.

She was coming to meet him in only 10 minutes, and he just wanted the world to stop so he could just breathe. He could feel himself melting by the heat of his stress and the pressure placed on him.



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Class of 2013

Dear Class of 2013

I do not know all of you. To some, I did not know you at all, apart from a face and a name. And now, at the end of it, I’m sorry  that I was too shy or didn’t put in the effort to get to know more of you. But during graduation week, honestly, I felt like that all melted away and I’m really thankful to all of you for making my last week at our school so wonderful! 🙂


Whether it be jigging class dressed as a transvestite or attempting to pretend nonchalance while holding your breath in your junior uniform, when we were together a grade, it made it all the more fun, and all the more memorable 😀
You made water fighting the most awesome-sauce pastime in existence and honestly, because of you all, graduation was brilliant and post-grad even better 😀


It’s surreal feeling, knowing we as a grade, will never fully be together again, and I feel a little weird about it. As much as I’m not going to miss our puke-ish uniforms (girls you know what I’m saying!) or the bells or the rules, I’m going to miss us. Our grade, the grade that was so vibrant, so crazy and so loved 🙂
The reputation of our grade was just… nuts. Actually. I wish I could use bette words but I really can’t lie when that was it 😛

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Guest Post #5: Chocolate Zucchini Brownies

Hi everyone, can you believe it? Finally, I am this close to Graduation (Imagine me pinching my pointer finger with my thumb) 😀 – And with graduation comes performances, baking, class parties, baking, muck up days and lots of baking!

Before I graduate though, here I am ploughing through my workload because before every beautiful part of life, comes this hideous, clawing at your neck part known as my final exams. Eep! And because I cannot bake my butt off right now, I would like you to enjoy a huge range of wonderful guest posters especially chosen just for you! 

So close to the end of school, I can taste it! Au revoir mes cheris! 

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I have recently met a new blogger, Candice over from Not Just An Auditor and her change to a healthier lifestyle while still enjoying all the flavours food had to offer is pretty inspiring 🙂

I am so thrilled that she offered to do a guest post today and share with you not only a brilliant recipe, but how she manages this ideal balance! Take it away Candice, and hope everyone enjoys it!


How You Can Have Your Cake & Eat It Too


In the last few months, I have been making an effort to increase my fitness and improve my diet so that I could lose some unwanted weight. For me, the exercise has been pretty easy but one of the toughest things was giving up all the sugary & fatty foods that I loved. As part of this, I have been discovering new recipes so that I can eat foods which I enjoy but with a reduced amount of sugar and/or fat.

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Before I begin writing this post, let me just introduce to a good friend of mine. Her name is Patricia Dean-Escoto and a couple of weeks back, she introduced you to her, her story and her tips on how to combat cancer! 🙂

Thanks to her, I was able to give you all the opportunity to try and win her wonderful cookbook, Top Ten Superfoods For Preventing Breast Cancer!


And just like Ashley who won my last giveaway, this time it is lucky random winner, Sonali from Sugar et al to enjoy doing this!

Ashley, you have full permission to do this :)

Ashley, you have full permission to do this 🙂

That’s right, Sonali you are the lucky random winner of this wonderful cookbook! Congratulations 😀
I have sent you an email and if you reply within a week, it will be on its way – YAY YOU! 🙂

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