
My Big News

So I guess this was a long time coming, am I right?

For once, I am totally not going to beat around the bush, so guys… this is why I’ve been so busy…


It’s been my dream LITERALLY since year 8 to go on exchange, and for the past year, I’ve been planning it through my university’s exchange program. I was planning a year but a whole semester of travelling, meeting people and getting a full American college life experience? I am totally fine with that!

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Topsy Turvy Australia Day

A little bit of a twist on the most delicious traditional treat Australians have shared with the world. Who would have thought spongecake, chocolate and coconut would be such a magical combination?

An Australian, that’s who 🙂

The spongecake is dense, but soft and rich, and when it melts onto your tongue along with the white chocolate, you melt right with it – just like any dessert should make you!

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Virtually Silent

This decadent chocolate creations hides a surprise of strawberries stuffed between layers of moist, rich and crumby cake. The frosting was probably my favourite part of the recipe, being easy to spoon… I mean whip up… and it envelopes the strawberries in a warm chocolatey hug.

Then you get to devour it all.

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Plain Cake

I don’t appreciate the story ‘The Ugly Duckling’.

But disclaimer, I’m not trying to insult Hans, hell no, I have a full on fancy illustrated version of all his stories for crying out loud!

This is just a little critique. But things may become slightly heated. Like a furnace.

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I am literally all over the shop. A metaphorical shop of course, I would love to own a little business though someday… Ok, I am being tangential once more, I told you I am all over the place! 😛

Yesterday, was quite literally (FYI, I will be using literally quite a bit in this post) the first day in ages I haven’t done anything. I sat at home, I watched Fawlty Towers and I ate so much junk food my head started turning.

It was literally, the best day ever. 😀 #noregrets

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Guest Post: BeBetsy

Well guys, my exams are over by now, but I am wiped out from my first year of uni officially being complete (not that I worked as hard as I should of :P)

So I won’t be back till December (not too long no?)  – But I am baking already!

Till then, keep enjoying the amazing guest posts that have been rolling in, these bloggers are amazing!

Today, joining the wonderful chain of guest posters, we have Denise over from BeBetsyOne of my favourite websites, Denise features a lot of different writers for various homemaker topics, and each time I visit her site, I always come away with a smile 😀

Therefore without further ado, I shall leave you to enjoy her wonderful guest post full of delicious upside down cakes!

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Trying To Be Healthy & Massive Giveaway! (Closed)

Stevia. Stevia powder. I think a lot of us have heard about this product, but as far as artificial sugars I have never used it.Never even thought of using it, just because I enjoy me my caster sugar so much.Buuuut… let’s be realistic. In today’s world, majority of our diseases are lifestyle related.


As much as I say I want to eat a full pan of brownies, topped off with milkshake and fries, I doubt I would ever actually do that. Because I know of the sugary heartache to follow. Quite literally.

Doing it for a special occasion, go ahead, but I do kind of want to enjoy brownies everyday. Maybe not to that extent, but to some!


So artificial sugars are starting to become more popular. When I say artificial sugars, of course I do not mean disgusting, manufactured clumps of ‘cardboard sugar’ as I call it. I mean a natural substitute which is just… not sugar.Here is where NuNaturals come in.

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Brother’s Throwback

There are a lot of universal questions out there, questions that I have learnt through psychology, that are actually unanswerable, as they cannot be empirically measured.

Why am I using smart language? Because I am sitting in the grass on a lawn at my university typing away, pretending I am doing actual big person stuff, when really, I am promoting food porn…

But back to those types of questions, the types that now, I feel like I am not allowed to ask in the presence of those who do psychology, such as ‘what is life?’ and ‘what is my purpose?’


They are too philosophical, too broad, too unmeasurable, and yet, we all wonder about them. Let me add to what appears to be, the never ending list of  universal questions.

Is sticky date ‘pudding’ a pudding… OR A CAKE?!


I have been making this dessert (generic terms are best) for years, traditionally for my brother’s birthday so one special March day annually! And each time, while I cut it, spoon sauce all over it and serve a large scoop of vanilla ice cream next to it, I keep thinking… what am I serving?

What is it that I am feeding to people? How can I serve something and not know? What a conundrum…


But, this year, it was my brother’s 21st and it was about time I found out what was going on with his favourite dessert. Honestly, you want to know what I feel? It is SO a cake. I bake it, I cut it, it can be layered and filled with butterscotch buttercream (try that sometime!), otherwise it can be smothered in sauce. But at its foundation, it is a cake.

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Holiday Post #4: Mini Velvet Christmas Bundts

I am in Rome. With Colosseums and cute Italian boys and fascinating sculptures and cute boys that look like them. Definitely in a wonderful place right now 😉

But seriously, even though I am writing this way before I actually go, I can guarantee that I am having the best time of my life right now, travelling with my friends and enjoying Europe to its height!

Best post Christmas ever right!? 😉


I hope each and every one of you is having just as much amazing fun, and also have had the most incredible New Year’s bash, full of fireworks, dancing and good wishes!

But now the time has come to face 2014 😀

Eat cake first, before you do anything else though (I have wonderful philosophies!) 😛

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