Wishing For Spring

We are finally in our last month of winter. So long tall naked trees all wrinkled and gnarly. Goodbye mittens, beanies and oversized furry jumpers. Au revoir warm pancakes and French toast in the morning. Actually, I will be generous. The last ones can stay 😉

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I am feeling Springy. Yes, it is not even close to September but I think I may have caught the totally-clichéd-but-much-loved Spring fever. Admittedly I am not running around cleaning the house (because honestly, spring cleaning is what?) but I am certainly drifting off into daydreams of flowers, puppies and rainbows.

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To celebrate the feelings of Spring which make me

  1. Overwhelmed with happiness
  2. Forget to do my schoolwork
  3. Daydream all day
  4. Have a greater appetite

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I would like to share with you a dessert which is light but delicious, heaven for the palate no matter who the artist is (ugh, those savouries can be snobs though :P) and looks so gorgeous! Oh, and has Spring written all over it.

Sounds too good right? 😀

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Without further ado, I bring Spring into your mouth accompanied by vanilla ice cream tohave a party in the mouth celebrating berries, mint and freshness with a dessert so tempting, one piece will not be enough!

Oh, oh and just before I forget, it is actually not very sweet so go ahead and take another piece. Ok fine, finish it off 😉
And for all you soon to be Autumn dwellers, soften some apples with butter and apple, drizzle with caramel sauce and you have made an, as you say, fall version of this Spring dessert 😀

crumble pie4I have sweetened, richened (yep it is a word now!) and made this cobbler recipe more into the decadent dessert it is as opposed to something low-cal and edible for breakfast… though if you eat my version for breakfast no hard feelings 😉

Maple Berry Coconut Skillet Cobbler

Adapted from: How Sweet Eats

Serves: 6-8



  • 3 tbs butter
  • 6 cups mixed frozen berries (not thawed!)
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  • 2 tbs white sugar

Cobbler Crust

  • 1 1/2 cups plain flour (or use half oats as well)
  • 1/2 cup sweetened desiccated coconut
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • 1 tsp allspice
  • 1/2 tsp baking soda
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • Pinch of salt
  • 1/4 cup brown sugar
  • 56g butter, softened to room temperature and cubed
  • 1 cup buttermilk
  • 1 tbs strawberry (or coconut or vanilla) essence

Drizzle + Serving

  • Maple syrup
  • Fresh mint
  • Vanilla ice cream


  1. Preheat oven to 220 degrees C
  2. In a bowl, place mixed berries and sugar, stirring and let sugar dissolve into the fruits for 1/2 hour
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  3. Heat a large iron cast skillet (oven-safe) on medium heat and add in butter, letting it melt until nutty and browned – add in immediately the berries and stir into the butter until soft (3-4 minutes) – take off heat
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  4. In a large bowl, combine flour, coconut, baking soda & powderm spices and brown sugar
  5. Using your hands (since a fork works horribly, as you can see I tried!), work the butter and cut into the flour mixture till you have llittle pebble like crumbles strewn through
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  6. Make a well in the centre and pour in the buttermilk and essence
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  7. Gently stir together with a wooden spoon till the dough comes together
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  8. Spoon and pat down globs of dough on top of the berry mixture evenly till most is covered
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  9. Drizzle maple syrup generously all over pastry
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  10. Place skillet on a baking tray and cover handle in foil
  11. Bake at 220 degrees C for 15-20 minutes, before turning the heat down to 180 degrees C and baking for an extra 10 minutes or until the pastry is golden brown
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  12. Serve with ice cream, extra maple syrup and fresh mint 🙂


And so comes to an end my early dedication to the beauties of Spring, keeping my mind of Jack Frost and his crazy cold touch in Australia right now 😉

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Before I go, I would like to acknowledge  The Versatile Blog Award I have received from the awesome blogger at A Pug In The Kitchen 😀 – Her pugs are sooo adorable, it is true but the main reason to visit
my friend’s blog is because of her sunny disposition and fantastic cooking skills! Thank you so much 😀

So rules of this award are:

  • Thank the blogger who gave it you (can’t believe that is a rule, it is human instinct!)
  • Link back to said blogger
  • Tell 7 things about yourself
  • Pass on to 15 other bloggers
  • Tell chosen bloggers and make their day 😀 😀

Because I am constantly telling you my life stories because of these award, I am skipping that part but awarding out? I can do that 😀

Congrats to these nominees:

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  1. Pingback: Chickpea, Feta and Basil Salad with a side of Gratitude | bits and breadcrumbs

  2. thelady8home says:

    Oooooooo Uru you are such a magician. What an adorable cobbler, and I of course love your writing style. Congrats on your award. ‘Party in the mouth’ hahahaha! I need to steal that line.


  3. Cakelaw says:

    You have no idea how I long for warmer weather – I may live in the south but I am a child of the north and I despise winter. Your cobbler looks just the ticket to warm the soul during these long, dreary winter months.


  4. Tisa says:

    This looks amazing. The coconut in the cobbler crust would be so good. I can see you love maple syrup a lot. So do I! Great job Uru for a fantastic treat once again:)) Oh and I love what you did with your page.Very bright and inviting. Come over and help me too ;-))


  5. Oh my does this look good! It cracks me up to hear you speaking of winter, when it’s the blazing hot middle of summer here! It’s been consistently about 37C here every day the past 2 weeks. I can’t even fathom turning on the oven… but I will give this a go, and maybe sub in some peaches which are in season here.


  6. Hello
    Thanks for your lovely comment on my little blog. I just thought I would let you know that my blog has moved and is now bighungrygnomes.co.uk. Unfortunately, if you want to remain subscribed to my blog, you will have re-subscribe to this new address. I realise this is a little bit of a nuisance but I would really appreciate your continuing support and interest in my blog


  7. Cakewhiz says:

    I am with maureen on this one! I can’t just stop at one serving…i wuld definitely be needing a second helping 😉
    The top looks so crusty… My cobblers never come out like that 😦


  8. Louise says:

    Skillet cobbler sings Autumn to me but when I imagine those delicious looking berries dancing with with coconut I hum Spring too!!!

    Thanks for sharing, Uru…Do you deliver???


  9. Yum yum yum! I remember the feeling of getting close to the spring… the thought made me chill. LOL. I definitely don’t miss winter and we’re almost ending summer… I wish I can stay here for summer and go to S Hemisphere when we have winter. 😉 Your cobbler looks yummy!


  10. Ooooohhh how clever to add coconut to the cobbler topping. I wish that I’d thought of that. I’m also loving your new site design — nicely done CCU! (I’m dreaming of a redesign as well. I’m starting to feel sad at the thought that September is around the corner as it means the end to summer here. I guess it just means that I get to experience summer a second time through you! Thanks so much for the award — I really do appreciate it. I’ve been away on vacation and overloaded with work since I returned….so you’ve helped inspire me to keep going with the blog. Sometimes are a little harder than others. 🙂


    • My friend, your blogging is fantastic and even though of course life is hectic, your blog is always a highlight 😀
      Have fun deseigning if you do and hey, winter means hot chocolate, caramel sauce and warm cobblers no?

      Choc Chip Uru


  11. Beth says:

    This looks awesome, and it’s still berry season here. Yay!

    By the way I finally got around to thanking you for the blog award the other day. Thanks again!


  12. applec says:

    Cobblers and crumbles served piping hot with ice cream gently melting over the top…oh I remember when I used to eat those delicious desserts. Oh what the heck! I’m going to treat myself with this one this weekend. Thanks for the reminder 🙂


  13. Gorgeous cobbler! I love warmed fruit desserts and this looks tasty. I hope you stay warm with this delicious dish! Im wishing it was cooler here. It’s freakin hot everyday! (I live in Florida). ❤


  14. mjskit says:

    What a great way to celebrate the coming of spring!!! Great cobbler! Can’t wait for cooler weather so I can make this! This would be a great way to welcome the fall. 🙂


  15. Ramona says:

    Gorgeous cobbler!! I still freaks me out when you are in winter when we are in a heatwave of a summer here in the States. The world is simply amazing. I am actually looking forward to our Fall so we can cool off a bit. Spring is my favorite time of year… so I am a bit envious you will be getting it next. 🙂


  16. kathleen1richardson says:

    Spring? It’s about to be Spring in Australia? I’m so jealous. I love Spring. Well, we in the U.S. are heading toward the end of summer — a very hot one, I might add — and easing into Autumn/Fall. Yay!

    I had my head in my freezer today, checking out jars of leftover evaporated milk, coconut milk and, ta dah!, buttermilk. I know I have everything else including coconut. Blueberries in the freezer. I could do this, couldn’t I. Just as soon as I finish eating the coconut/peach bread pudding I made today. What a great recipe, my talented friend!

    Keep writing…


  17. I always forget it’s not the same season as us guys in the northern hemisphere, LOL. It’s always nice to see those flowers popping up to say hello, the birds chirping away and the general fuzzy spring feeling.

    The cobbler looks amazing and so perfect with the addition of the ice cream to acompany it. Yum!


  18. As always, when I come to your beautiful blog, everything looks sooooooooooo delicious! I was super confused when I saw the first line of this post, then the southern hemisphere thing hit me 😛 To think that Christmas was in summer when I was little (I lived in South Africa until I was 4.5 years old)…bizarre! I like my winters in the holiday season, but it would be interesting to hear your point of view – do you like your seasons being the reverse of ours? Also, we’re opposites in another way – my appetite is bigger in the cold months than in the hot months! I’m so ready for it to cool of for fall, then head into winter (!!!) and towards Christmas. But its in the 90s here, so yeah…


  19. Congratulations on your award, very well deserved and thank you so so much for passing it on to me
    I love cobblers and this one sounds amazing with all the berries. I find it slightly disorienting that you guys are getting ready for spring and we are in the middle of summer lol


  20. Susan says:

    The only thing that makes me sad about this post is that we will be facing fall and winter as your spring arrives 😦 The cobbler could make me a bit happier, however! Thanks so much for the award!


  21. Uru, you’re killin’ me w this. I wish I could reach into my computer and take that plate. It’s hellishly hot here in California right now. So I”ll have to wait until autumn to try your recipe. Gonna be a long wait!


  22. A_Boleyn says:

    Congratulations on your Versatile Blogger award. Well deserved. 🙂

    What a lovely cobbler. I am waiting for the fall so I can do some baking and cooking in general as I’m overdosing on ice creams, heresy I know, but they’re going to my hips. I made a ice cream cake variation of your rocky road ice cream recipe (an amazingly rich and decadent ice cream, by the way) so I need to get back to plainer hearty dishes.


  23. What a beautiful presentation of a cobbler…love the little skillet. It’s so hot here, but cobbler is good any time, especially with ice cream! Thank you for the lovely award, I’m so honored to be awarded by you…too kind you are! 🙂 And congrats to you on your award as well. I hope Spring arrives early this year for you!


  24. hotlyspiced says:

    Thanks so much Uru for the award. I’m truly honoured to be awarded by you. What a great cobbler. I love all the berries. And yes, I’m starting to get a bit excited about Spring being just around the corner as well. May it come quickly! xx


  25. kitchenriffs says:

    Cobbler is great. One of my favorite spring desserts. Or fall! Which we’re looking forward to (really hot summer this year). Nice recipe. And thanks so much for the reward! That was very nice of you – I appreciate it.


  26. Hey CCUru, I agree it’s absolutely freezing in the events but seriously, sunshiny days and gorgeous blue skies! It makes me sooo happy!As for your amazing cobbler I’d never think to put maple syrup on top, brilliant idea and so simple. Love it 🙂


  27. So funny you are wishing for Spring and I can’t wait for fall, apples, pears, warm comfort food and relief from the oppressive heat here in NYC. Your berry cobbler is the very definition of spring, it looks absolutely delicious, blueberries are at the farmers market and I will be making this asap.
    Thank you also for the mention, my pugs thank you too!! You are the very definition of a versatile blogger. Wishing you warm sunny weather, it will be there before you know it.


  28. Saguna says:

    Somehow forgot that you’d be experiencing the end of winter there…odd, but cool! I love this skillet cobbler, perfect idea! That buttermilk and coconut topping looks delish. I’ve got to try a skillet dessert sometime and this may be the one! 🙂


  29. Meenakshi says:

    Oh cobbler with coconut! You have me sold. I know you are missing spring, but then think of those apples and caramel…hot chocolate…hot cider and soup! I really like the new look of your blog! Those are your M&M cookies, aren’t they? LOVE them.


    • Oh that is cruel my friend, making me miss winter before it has even left 😛
      But ice cream galore no? 😉
      Thanks so much – I am glad you like the new look! And yep, the best m&m cookies around 😛



  30. Lisa at fLVE says:

    mmmm…what a delicious looking cobbler. I keep forgetting you guys have opposite weather from us. But I am glad spring is coming for you. Enjoy the warmer weather and desserts. 🙂


  31. Veronica says:

    So weird how our season are reversed! We’re in the last stretch of summer and will be moving into fall in a month or two. Love your dessert–I would totally eat it for breakfast! 🙂


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