Lotsa Choc-Chip Love

Before I begin this post, I would just like to send my love and prayers to those affected in Oklahoma and anyone who has in any way, been touched by this terrible natural disaster. My thought are with you and please know that the world is behind you to support and send aid through any possible means.

Here are some links to donate and help families who have lost their loved ones, their homes and their livelihoods. 


I think today, writing is definitely not on my agenda. After fixing up 2 essays and writing another one, can you blame me?


Today, I feel like focusing on photos, photosphotosphotosphotosphotos, and did I miss any photos?


Anyhow, today I am going to live up to being Choc Chip Uru and present to you these bars.


These soft, gooey, feels-like-they-are-half-baked cookie bars. With chocolate chips.


And for a little extra, loaded with Mars Bars. Chopped, gooey, caramel-nougat-kill-me-now Mars Bars.

I can see a small wisp of drool sliding out of your mouth unaware. Yeah, you’re welcome 😉

Oh, and this uses my special chocolate chip recipe! Get excited guys, because as far as all the recipes for chocolate chip cookies go, my one is the only one using this method and therefore has the best results! 😀

Mars [Chocolate Chip Cookie] Bars
Featuring Choc Chip Uru’s Secret Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe 


  • 130g butter, divided in 1/2, at room temperature
  • 1/2 cup light brown sugar
  • 1 tbs dark brown sugar
  • 1/4 cup caster/white sugar
  • 2 tsp vanilla essence
  • 2 tbs golden syrup
  • 1 large egg
  • 2/3 cup self-raising flour (SRF)
  • 1 cup plain flour
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon/allspice
  • 3/4 cups chocolate chips + extra to sprinkle on top post-baking
  • 3/4 cups mars bars, chilled


  1. Preheat oven to 160 degrees C (180 degrees if not fan forced oven). Line a shallow, long baking tin with baking paper which drapes over the sides
  2. Roughly chop the mars bars into small pieces (do not eat half while doing this like I did)
  3. Melt half the butter in a saucepan over medium heat, stirring occasionally and let it brown – when smells nutty and turns brown, immediately take off heat and let cool
  4. Place other half of butter in a bowl and beat with all sugars until pale in colour (continue scraping down sides of bowl)
  5. Add in brown butter mixture and beat until well combined
  6. Add in egg and beat until combined
  7. Beat in vanilla essence and golden syrup
  8. Sift both flours, cinnamon and salt into the wet mixture and stir until few streaks of flour remain
  9. Add in mars bars and 3/4 cup chocolate chips and stir through until just combined
  10. Press down into the lined tin, making sure it touches all corners and is nice and smooth
  11. Bake for  20-23 minutes or until golden with a brownie-like crackly top (I KNOW!), golden and slightly puffy
  12. Immediately sprinkle on top the extra chocolate chips (aesthetic purposes) – do not touch them then because the residual heat will start to melt them slightly 🙂
  13. Let cool in tin for 10 minutes before taking out using the overhanging paper and let cool to room temperature on a wire rack before cutting into large  small pieces and eating storing 😉


  • You can make it into cookies (just roll into balls and place on a baking tray lined with baking paper, and flatten slightly with palm before cooking for roughly 12-14 minutes or until golden brown).
  • For the best pictorial of the first couple of steps, please see this post 😀

Give me some inspiration to write my friends – what would you like to know about next time? 🙂

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  1. What a yummy twist on a classic!

    You’re a sweetheart, CCU. Guess that’s why you like sweets so much. Kel and I happened to be in Oklahoma City the day after the tornado and it was such a sad, sad sight to see the devastation, knowing how many lives were just ripped apart. Thank you for your kind words.


  2. SuzaSuzanne says:

    What scrumptious cookie bars dear! I do need to try these out. My husband drove through OK., yesterday and sent me some photos from the tornado and its really horrible, so nice of you to include how to donate the relief efforts!


  3. The more chocolate, the better, CCU. Chips, Mars Bars, bring it on. We’ll eat it! You asked for more idea, so I thought of some (all including chocolate please) such as adding orange zest, or raspberries, or coconut. But when I searched your previous posts, it seems that you’ve covered them all. Maybe you could throw them all in together


  4. When I first saw this post, I thought ‘woah, those cookie bars look so good!’ (and of course they would be good, they were made by you!), but then I read that they have Mars Bars in them too? Oh my goodness. Yum! This recipes sounds and looks amazing. Thank you for sharing! 😀


  5. Can you believe I have trouble getting Mars bars in California? But I have actually sent away for them before, so I can see I’ll need to do that again! These fall into the category of decadent, and would therefore be quite irresistible! I am so impressed that you managed such a great recipe and post when you’ve been so busy with your academic writing. You inspire me! 🙂 And your efforts at photosphotosphotos is also amazing. You rock!


  6. Amy Tong says:

    Of course I don’t blame you for not feeling like writing more! 🙂 Especially that you shared these glorious chocolate chip love with us. Wish you a wonderful weekend.


  7. What timing! I’ve been trying to pop over for days. I can’t believe I am here at precisely this moment when I am so craving something sinfully delicious. I only wish I could have one bite!!!

    Thank you so much for sharing, Uru. I’m delighted to see you are still making heavenly goodness.

    P.S. I know you’re busy but if you get a chance, please visit my blog here. I did a post recently.


  8. Sorry, my writing tips only include things like guilt monkeys and zombie unicorns and ninjas. Doesn’t really translate to food blogging. 😀

    These bars look super thick yummy. I always was a sucker for a blondie. 😉


  9. OMGeee, I am drooling. Mars bars? I LOVE IT! It’s been awhile I get to catch up on my reading. Love how you always change your back drop. Thanks for coming over to check out on me too Uru! Keep up your baked goods cause I know I want more :P. ♥ Jo


  10. Eva Taylor says:

    OMG, CCU, you must know me by now that I am not a lover of sweet sweets, but this, THIS is truly a magnificent concoction, a mars bar brownie? I had to read the ingredient listing twice to be sure. Delicious.


  11. My Mom lives in Oklahoma, thankfully she and her home were spared, the tornado only had a minor impact on her town. I stayed on the phone with her until she lost power. It was so frightening, her house doesn’t have a basement she has no where to go that is safe.
    Your blondies look so good, I will try your recipe next time I make them.


  12. Veronica says:

    A tear of gratitude is about to escape my eye. OMgosh, these bars are just GLORIOUS!!! Who needs words when you have pictures of bars like these? Beautiful.


  13. It is a terrible tragedy in Oklahoma and my thoughts and prayers go out to those affected. I completely understand how you feel about writing when you have to write for school it is hard to be creative and let those creative juices flow. I am glad you took a well deserved baking break as these sure look stunning. Chewy, gooey and delightfully perfect. When is your last day of school? This year you graduate, correct? Have you applied to universities? Take Care, BAM


    • Haha thank you for understanding my friend – I graduate in September then finish my final exams in November – I am waiting for that day so much! Will be applying soon, everything is so exciting!



  14. navane64 says:

    Sad to read and watch about the disaster. I was watching this morning and the aftermath. Deepest condolences and prayers to all.

    I admired the use of the choc for a fabulous outcome. This is outrageously good.


  15. laurasmess says:

    Uru!!! These bars look amazing. Ah-mazing. Do they taste a bit like blondies? Love the addition of the gooey Mars bar… definitely worthy of all the beautiful photographs! Thanks for sharing your beautiful cookie recipe. Definitely making these soooon xx


      • laurasmess says:

        Oh yum… I love, love soft-baked cookies. You get the best kinda ‘cookie dough’ component but the crispy, delicious outside and molten chocolate chips! I will definitely make them. And I know I will like them, as it’s an Uru recipe!! Hugs xx


  16. Kim Bultman says:

    Uru, thank you for sharing those links and for your care & concern! We’re okay (our area only had high winds & torrential rains), but our hearts are heavy for the folks 2 hours west of us. Thanks again for your compassion, my friend. xo.


  17. Tisa says:

    My goodness, how can you have swoon inside greater swoon. This is magnificence, Uru. And really appreciate your thoughtfulness, mentioning Oklahoma.


  18. A_Boleyn says:

    It’s so sad to hear of all the people affected by this event. Thank you for posting links for people to be able to offer support.

    Love the decadent choc chip cookie brownies though I’d probably eat the Mars bars by themselves and not save them for the brownies.


  19. This recipe is totally wonderful and decadent. I need some, now! Good stuff. Thanks, and thanks for the Oklahoma love – I live one state over (also in the tornado belt) and that was one scary storm.


  20. No crumb left behind! Yummy! I love making bar recipes and yours look so gooey delicious!

    Thank you for being so thoughtful and sharing those donation sites. A lot of people are really suffering.


  21. Oh yum! These look amazing Uru! Mars Bars are my favourite but unfortunately, in the US we have to buy them at the expensive import stores. I always have my nephews in Canada send me a stash of the good British Mars Bars. I still have a few from my last batch so I am going to make these!



  22. viveka says:

    It’s amazing how people in US – year after year … live and raises through the the tornadoes, hurricanes and tropic storms – the wood fires … and they just rebuild their lives and homes time after time.
    This … is so tempting – has everything I can urge for.


  23. Terrible what happened in Oklahoma! So kind of you to put up links for donations.
    I would like to know what your secret is to staying thin with eating all these lovely sweet treats. These chocolate bars sound fabulous!
    🙂 Mandy xo


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