
Before I begin writing this post, let me just introduce to a good friend of mine. Her name is Patricia Dean-Escoto and a couple of weeks back, she introduced you to her, her story and her tips on how to combat cancer! 🙂

Thanks to her, I was able to give you all the opportunity to try and win her wonderful cookbook, Top Ten Superfoods For Preventing Breast Cancer!


And just like Ashley who won my last giveaway, this time it is lucky random winner, Sonali from Sugar et al to enjoy doing this!

Ashley, you have full permission to do this :)

Ashley, you have full permission to do this 🙂

That’s right, Sonali you are the lucky random winner of this wonderful cookbook! Congratulations 😀
I have sent you an email and if you reply within a week, it will be on its way – YAY YOU! 🙂


Enhancement. In today’s society, technology can do so much. It can make you look perfect. Humans looking perfect…?


Whether it be through plastic or through a computer paintbrush, it is amazing the smoke and mirrors effect it can have on a person. I found this slideshow on the internet the other day and it showed celebrities in their before and after photos. It just really got me thinking…


They may have gone from pretty to glamorous, but is it worth it?

Is it that everyone is in competition with everyone else to just look more attractive? I am sure for celebrities especially this is crushing pressure all the time! But does it have to be like that?


Don’t think I am bagging out people’s choices here, saying plastic surgery or photoshopping is wrong and going all extreme on you, no way. I would be an utter hypocrite if I did because like any normal human being, I can’t help wondering how I would look with an hour glass or slimmer thighs, trust me!


I am just thinking out loud to you about it, considering that it lately, cosmetic surgery has surged in our markets and become so popular.

What once started out with the more profound basis of helping those with disadvantages, deformities, burns or injuries from unfortunate incidents, seems to have lost its true purpose to me, now becoming more like shop for body parts.


What do you all think? And seriously, I am not going all ‘politically incorrect’ on you, just a query, let me know your thoughts 🙂

There is one thing which is even tastier when it is enhanced. Oh yeah, this piece of beauty just goes a whole new level when you alter this and add a little of that 😉 – Obviously you know by now, I mean the photos are a dead set giveaway 😛 but I am going to spell it out regardless!


Brownies. With a little surgical operation I called ‘being cheesecaked’. Oh my god.

Each bite holds the fudginess of a brownie with the creamy density of a cheesecake, resulting in a flavour explosion in your mouth and a rock in your stomach later. No seriously, only eat one, I promise you will regret it later. No? Ok, who am I to judge, grab a spoon and go eat that newly cooked brownie cheesecake BD (that is a smiley face with sunglasses, in case you guys think my type has gone berserk from the sugar rush :P)


Enjoy mes cheris!

Printable Recipe!

Cheesecake Swirled Brownies

Adapted from: Taste


  • 150g butter, chopped
  • 300g dark chocolate
  • 3 eggs
  • 2 tsp vanilla essence, divided
  • 2/3 cup brown sugar
  • 1/2 cup caster sugar
  • 1 1/2 cups plain flour
  • 80g sour cream
  • 250g cream cheese, room temperature
  • Chocolate chips to sprinkle on top (optional)


  1. Preheat oven to 170 degrees C. Line a 20cm baking tin with baking paper, letting it overhang on the sides
  2. Combine butter and chocolate in a saucepan over low heat and cook until they are melted and combined, the mixture being smooth – let cool for 5 minutes
  3. Meanwhile, whisk two of the eggs with the 2/3 cup of brown sugar and 1 tsp of vanilla essence’
  4. Add into chocolate mixture
  5. Add in sour cream and flour then stir to combine until a thick brownie batter forms (YAY!)
  6. Use an electric beater and beat the cream cheese in a separate bowl until it is light and fluffy
  7. Add in the remaining egg, 1 tsp vanilla essence and 1/2 cup caster sugar and beat until combined and liquidy
  8. Spoon into the tin half the brownie batter than half the cheesecake batter and swirl it through (I didn’t do this and believe me, swirling it all at once is too hard :P)
  9. Spoon in the remaining brownie batter than cheesecake batter to make a swirling marble pattern on top
  10. Bake for 25 – 30 minutes or until a skewer inserted into the brownie comes out with a few gooey crumbs (completely clean means they will not be fudgy and will be a tad over baked!)
  11. Immediately sprinkle over chocolate chips if using
  12. Let cool to room temperature and then refrigerate, loosely covered by a tea towel
  13. Remove and cut into squared before devouring!

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  1. Suzanne says:

    I love these bars they looks so delicious. I too wish there wasn’t so much pressure to be thin, or the perfect mom, or the perfect woman etc. No such thing and I think if we just all focus on being better on the inside we will look better on the outside. Just to not be too hypocrital I do enhance photos and whatever else I can afford to do to look better myself 🙂 just wish we didn’t feel the pressure too!


  2. Sherly Maubere says:

    Thank you so much for the delicious recipe and even more amazing pictures… I think, without the picture, I won’t be thinking about trying the recipe 🙂
    Question: is it possible to put the size of the ingredients in g or ml instead of cup?


  3. Meenakshi says:

    I like how you talked about cosmetic surgery in all it’s seriousness and deliciously switched to cream cheese brownies! Love cream cheese brownies, thanks for sharing 🙂


  4. Oh my goodness, I am absolutely drooling over these photos… You’ve got me craving something sweet like mad! I would be happy with just about anything at this point, but the combination of cheesecake and brownies both in one bite would be completely irresistible.


  5. I’m a natural gal Uru – all the way through. I actually didn’t even wear makeup much until I graduated from college! 🙂 Ugh, busted, right? 🙂 I put very little makeup, heck, I didn’t even carry a “purse” until then. Love the cheesecake brownies – this is probably my fave brownie by far.


  6. Veronica says:

    “being cheesecaked” I love it! I think the plastic surgery is overused, but it does have a place. Wish some of these actresses would age gracefully (ala Meryl Streep) and not plastify their faces to try and hold onto their youth. It just looks so awful!


  7. I don’t judge people by how they look. But if plastic surgery, gastric by-pass or a simple hair coloring makes them happy, who am I to judge them? 😀

    Instead of judging people, I don’t mind being judged for happily stuffing my face with this decadent brownies. My oh my!


  8. Zoe says:

    Typically, cheesecake and brownies are delicious enough being on their own. Having them together… beyond delicious? – speechless!

    Eating too much these sinfully treats? I think I would love to Photoshop myself 😀


  9. vickibensinger says:

    It would be nice if people could just accept the way they are. It does make it difficult when magazines, and tv, show all the beautiful people flawless looking. I’ve never been one to want plastic surgery and I won’t ever do it. That said, as I’m getting older I do crave for the same body and face I had when I was 20 but those days are long gone.

    As long as we eat right, and exercise we will feel good inside and out and hopefully be proud of ourselves. Afterall, the extreme is never good – everything in moderation is key to happiness. If it wasn’t, then I wouldn’t be able to make these beautiful cream cheese brownies and while indulging, enjoy each bite!


  10. Tammy says:

    Well Doctor, I would say the surgery was a success. I’d like to be cheesecaked now xP …lol, nonono seriously thought these brownies are outrageous. Just when you think you’ve got it down, there always something new to try…these brownies are my list of things to bake. In fact pretty much everything is on my list Uru so kudos my friend.

    I used to think I’m a wee bit too young to start thinking about physical enhancements but nowadays the ‘enhancements’ seem to targeting the younger generation. Like you I think all the time to myself if only I were taller, skinnier…if my skin was like porcelain and my hair longer…yeah the list goes on. So I try to focus less on the runway models or those actress who are constantly playing with their faces and focus on the real women in my life. The ones who inspire me and make me a better person.

    Still. Ask me again when I’m forty ;p



    • Haha love this, doctor has successfully cheesecaked the brownie 😉
      I agree with you, focusing on ‘real’ people not under the same pressure as celebrities perhaps is much nicer 😀
      And even when you are 40 you will be beautiful!

      Choc Chip Uru


  11. applec says:

    Blueberries! If they could cure everything, I’d live forever. My favorite.
    As for the cheesecake brownies – send some my way 😉


  12. Juliana says:

    The brownie/cheesecake look great Uru…now that I finish my dinner I wish a piece of this treat 🙂
    As for plastic surgery, I am not into that, and do not judge what other people do with their body…to me inner beauty is the real beauty…


  13. I LOVE how you have enhanced these brownies with cream cheese! Such a great combination in my book. As for other enhancements….I don’t judge. Whatever anyone wants to do with their bodies is their business. But in my opinion….aging gracefully has absolutely nothing to do with looks! ;- }


  14. navane64 says:

    These days anything is possible. There may be side effects but still the beauty industry has grown tremendously. People are willing to pay and if it makes them happy, just let them be. Each of us have the right to do what we like, so???

    Btw, the brownies are fabulous and that finishing with a swirl like on top is simply lovable.


  15. Plastic surgery freaks me out! I don’t understand how people who get lots of it and end up looking like freaky waxed figures think they look beautiful. Or actresses who never needed it to begin with make their faces immobile and its so distracting when I see them on tv/in movies. Thank God this is an amazing, glorious enhancement – cheese-caked brownies are the best! Yours look fabulous, Uru!


  16. juanitascocina says:

    These brownies need NO enhancement!

    I’m totally neutral on cosmetic surgery. I feel it’s a personal decision and if it’s not my body, I should have no opinion. I may need some someday! 😉


  17. Eva Taylor says:

    At first I thought you had made fudge but then I read the title and it’s cheesecake brownies? OMG. My opinion on cosmetic surgery is that you need to be happy in your own skin, and if that means you need to have a little tuck, nip or what ever, it’s what makes YOU happy not the next person. Frankly, it’s the wrong reason to do it for someone else or because someone else thinks you need it done.


    • Haha these brownies were basically fudge they are so far removed from any cakiness 😉
      I agree, doing plastic surgery for someone else is definitely not the reason, do it for yourself and you alone 🙂

      Choc Chip Uru


  18. Balvinder says:

    I think cosmetic surgery or any kind of enhancement is justified for people who need it due to permanent deformity or damage done by tragic accidents or surgeries. But there are people and celebrities who exploit the power of science. I was reading few days ago about a Japanese model who completely transformed herself to look like a French doll.

    Anyways, Guru, your cheese caked enhanced brownies looks good, though.


  19. It’s funny because I recently went to a high school reunion & you could tell who’d had “work done”. Even with a great surgeon I think it looks fake & maybe that’s why it’s called “plastic” surgery. One woman looked like she had a mask on, she’d had so many lifts. That said, I get Botox every 3-4 months for terrible migraines and it’s been a life saving for me. The side benefit is fewer frown lines so I guess I’m being a little hypocritical.
    Cheesecake brownies? Yum.


    • I don’t think you are being hypocritical my friend, you have a medical reason behind it and I am sure you are smart enough to not let yourself ever look plastic 🙂
      But that said, I suppose if it makes your high school friends happy that is that haha 😉

      Choc Chip Uru


  20. Joanne says:

    I am totally against having surgeries for aesthetic reasons…why put yourself at risk of infection or complications just because you think it will make you look better (and in the end, it rarely does). These brownies are GORGEOUS!


  21. helene dsouza says:

    Congratulations to the winner, I am envious =P
    Cosmetic surgicals are a bit of a madness. I mean alright if you have hair growing all over your face and you can’t live a normal live without people starring at you, then it makes sense to “beautify” yourself. If you do it because somebody told you once that you have a big nose, then it’s complete nonsense. Or making your boobs bigger… wtf!? It’s just ugly and doesn’t make sense why somebody would want that but it’s their choice and they have to live with it anyway. Some people are just plain lazy too. Instead of getting in shape and working out they suck of their fats, which anyway one day is going to come back because their lifestyle hasn’t changed. Please Uru stay as you are =)
    Can I have a cheesecake swirl brownie please? =D


    • Haha i intend to my friend, I do like myself despite the flaws 😉
      I agree with you, the whole concept of ‘beauty’ is so twisted these days and the affect of lifestyle, it has warped the idea of cosmetic surgery and increased it for sure!

      Choc Chip Uru


  22. It’s a difficult subject, I grew up reading those magazines that made you think if you bought them then you’d dramatically improve and be like their cover stars, but I think you just have to be happy with yourself, because that’s how you were born! These brownies look amazing, and I’m soo tempted to have some. Send some over? 😛


  23. laurasmess says:

    Wow. What an insightful post Uru. I’m also saddened by the plasticity of today’s society but there seems to be no escaping it… it’s getting worse every year. In terms of ‘enhancement’ (very clever link!) I think that these cheesecake brownies are completely and utterly benefiting from their ‘augmentation’ (haha). After all, it’s all natural cheesecakey goodness! 🙂 Can’t wait to try the recipe xx


  24. Oh this looks so good! I would love a huge slab right away.
    On the surgically enhancements. When I was younger I had no desire to change anything. I have a crooked nose, I always have… and I have no desire to change it. As I get older I do feel that I want to stay looking the way I see myself, youthful and fresh. I have botox in a crease line on my forehead and I would consider other non invasive beauty treatments to slow the effects of the years.


  25. mjskit says:

    I personally think that elective surgery for the sake of improving a feature that you think needs improving is just crazy. The risks are higher than people think. So why do people do it? Ego, vanity, the desire to not grow old…It’s crazy! These brownies are crazy good!!!


  26. Amy Tong says:

    I know….plastic surgery is getting so popular these days. Have you seen the one with the Korean version? It’s scary because there was a show sponsoring people from general public to go on plastic surgeries and go on their show. It’s like Korean Plastic surgery reality show. And the funny (actually more scary than funny) thing is that every one literally look the SAME afterwards. I guess they all got works from the same surgeon! LOL….Imagine walking down the street seeing your own “twin”! Anyway, these Cheesecake Swirled Brownies looks decadent. Looking way better than “artificial” noses or lips. 😛


    • Mmm, there was a japanese horror movie called Cinderella I read about based on the idea of plastic surgery, and the other won with Antonius Banderas – scary scary stuff! But a Korean reality TV show is probably the most frightening 😛
      And I can’t believe they look the same afterwards haha!
      Glad you enjoyed my brownies my friend 🙂

      Choc Chip Uru


  27. Minnie Gupta says:

    Sadly, it is the nature of their job which I think makes them do crazy stuff. It’s a vicious cycle, one that relentlessly pursues perfection no matter what the cost. In the showbiz, and sometimes even outside it, someone’s whole entire existence depends on how they look rather than what they have achieved, and that is why it is getting worse every day.

    But this cheesecake brownie has definitely benefited from the enhancement 😀


  28. Beth says:

    Beautiful brownies! And it’s too bad that so many people feel judged by the way they look. I guess we all do to a certain extent, don’t we? I’m happy to look the way I do – but I don’t have paparazzi following me around, either.


  29. Rhonda says:

    I would never choose plastic surgery for myself but I don’t really care what other people do to their bodies. I would choose to eat these brownies 🙂


  30. I never had a problem with plastic surgery. I’d never want it, but I never understood why it was such a “dirty” little secret. If you had plastic surgery, you had plastic surgery. I am neither scandalized nor disgusted. Unless you’re one of those people that just do it so often you look like a blow up doll, then I’m a little disgusted.

    Although, I think I could give these brownies a little nip and tuck. Yeah, I think a little off the sides and into my tummy would be good.


    • Haha ‘dirty little secret’ so so true! It is so common today, chill out and let people know! It is like a friend of mine who does tutoring and she knows I don’t do any so she kept it a secret – I mean why? Basically everyone does it 😉
      LOL this is why I love your comments ‘look like a blow up doll’ – omg, that is actually so true – have you seen the real life barbie? 😛

      Choc Chip Uru


  31. Oh my, that looks perfect indeed! I love this combination! About the enhancement issue, I think photoshop is wrong because it sells the wrong idea to teenage girls (in particular), something that simply cannot be accomplished in real life.


  32. I have no problem with people doing plastic surgery (or coloring their hair, for that matter, which is much, much more common). Whatever makes them happy. Whether that actually does make them happier if of course another question altogether! What would make me happy right now is a couple of these brownies. Good stuff! Thanks.


    • Haha even I dyed my hair (red in black which has now turned golden :D)
      I wonder though if people do it to make themselves acceptable for society or really for their personal happiness… probably a mixture…
      Haha thank you glad you enjoyed it!

      Choc Chip Uru


  33. These look soooo good! I’m going to try them for sure. That slide show was pretty interesting. See…. We could all look like those gorgeous celebrities if physically worked on and airbrushed as much as they’ve been worked on and airbrushed. But I think I’ll pass. 🙂


  34. Carine says:

    Wow, another gorgeous cake!
    As far as plastic surgery is concerned, I simply think it’s too bad some people don’t know when to stop. Well, it can be the same problem with chocolate cakes to some 😉
    Have a great Sunday! And a great week ahead!


  35. Cheesecake Brownies have been on my to do list forever Uru. You have just pushed me over the edge. (in a tasty way of course:)

    I think enhancement has it’s place in the great scheme of things but, human nature seems to exploit the necessities of it all many times and that, I think, depends on the situation.

    My daughter, who is under going chemo treatment for breast cancer, had cosmetic surgery a few months back. At first I was afraid it would hinder her spirit but in actuality, it has made her stronger and more aware of own self image.

    Thank you so much for sharing, Uru. I need to make me some Brownies!

    P.S. I do hope you will make our Picnic Round-up tomorrow. There’s oodles of stuffing faces planned:)


    • That is inspiring, see your daughter is an example of how cosmetic surgery was initially used, to help those in medical trouble gain back confidence and aesthetics – My best to her and all of you, I am sorry I was unaware of this before. Your daughter sounds like a fighter!
      Human nature does tend to exploit my friend, that is very true and a little unfortunate.

      Haha I saw your picnic round up and enjoyed it thoroughly – if it was a literal picnic with you all, I would have been stuffing myself to the point of bursting! Thanks for hosting and hopefully next time, I will be able to contribute too 🙂

      Choc Chip Uru


  36. bec {daisy and the fox} says:

    i would happily have a rock in my stomach to enjoy these beauties! 🙂 yum!! you’ve out done yourself Uru! 😀


  37. Shirley Tay says:

    I like the swirls & patterns on your desserts; they look fun to make. I’m sure u’re aware I’m also a beauty blogger, always getting invitations from aesthetic docs. I’m not against others going into plastic surgery, but it’s a no-no for me. I don’t mind non-invasive treatments like lasers to treat pigmentations, but nothing more than that. But all these may change when I reach 60 or so. Then again, no one may wanna sponsor me by then. Hahaha!


    • I am with you my friend, laser treatments and non-invasive surgeries are much less scary as well (and your skin is evidence of how brilliant the results are :D)
      Haha you will always be sponsored my friend, trust me 🙂
      Or else their less!

      Choc Chip Uru


  38. healthyyou72 says:

    Well hello there gorgeous brownies! I have not added cheesecake to my brownies yet, but think it sounds pretty amazing! Beautiful, Hugs, Terra


  39. There no such term as ‘elective surgery’ in my vocabulary. I am what I am. (Besides, I’m afraid of going under the knife!) — Delicious looking brownies, by the way. I’ll bet they taste as good as they look! 😉


  40. Congratulations to Sonali on winning your giveaway.
    I am all for people who want to have plastic surgery within reason obviously – you get some people who go completely overboard. I don’t see any harm in people wanting to feel and look better, but again within reason.
    Given half the chance, I am sure I would have something done – maybe something less invasive without going under the knife.
    Your brownies look fabulous.
    Have a super week ahead CCU.
    🙂 Mandy xo


  41. I saw the same slideshow you did and thought many of the people looked great without makeup–a few were having a bad hair day but don’t we all? I wonder when all the artifice started–when it was decided that we were not good enough and have to enhance ourselves in so many ways just to be presentable–I admit to wearing makeup and trying to make myself more attractive–but really, in my natural state I am not that bad.
    Anyway your enhanced brownies look absolutely sinful–but they are too heavenly to relegate to sinfulness though


    • Make up I have absolutely nothing against (unless it is caked) but the whole concept of artificial surgery to enhance yourself confuses me a little, it is truly to each his own, but I suppose I will understand the desire to have it done later on in life 😉
      Thank you my friend!

      Choc Chip Uru


  42. viveka says:

    Blue berries … is good for any cancer – or to prevent any cancer. Also during my cancer treatment somebody gave me the tip about eating fresh pineapple … good for the immune system, so I was eating one per day … and it was one of the few fruits I loved during my chemo – most things tasted metal. Congratulation to you, Ashley … the happy winner.


    • I am so sorry you had to go through that my friend, and I hope I can do a lot more in the future than just raise awareness through a little blog! You inspire me and others 🙂

      Choc Chip Uru


  43. I have three good friends who’ve all had facelifts. I’m the only holdout. I have no desire but I have no problem with those who feel it would make a difference in their life. Everyone walks in their own shoes and whatever helps make each day easier is just what they should do in my opinion.

    I think I’d adore these cheesecake brownies!


  44. Sugar et al. says:

    First of all, thank you heaps for hosting such a wonderful giveaway! I feel lucky to have won that awesome book! Can’t wait for it to reach me:-) And the cheesecake swirled brownies, what can I say! You are the genius creator of all things sinfully gorgeous. Keep them coming!


    • My pleasure my friend, I will be sending as soon as I can 😀 – Hopefully by tomorrow actually, but I shall email you so you know to expect it!
      Glad you enjoyed the brownies, I loved eating them too 😀

      Choc Chip Uru


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