Tag Archives: mixed greens

‘Please Sir, I Want Some More’

Hello lovely people! Exciting news!! Like, super exciting news 😀

For the next three weeks, once a week, I shall be posting up a themed post talking all about the different parts of being a university student! Through lovely Liz @That Skinny Chick Can Bake, I met Ala @Wallflour Girl, who was organising a little blogger link up party for those experiencing the roller coaster that is uni life!

From different themes for a range recipes, I totally promise you guys, my blog, and all the other fabulous blogs part of this link up, are literally going to be giving you all a magnifying glass to peer into the world of uni students today! 😀

And what a world it is… #undergradstudentbloggers

But look at the time, I don’t have time for an ellipsis! Let us begin then no? 😀

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