Tag Archives: Puerto Rico

Party In The USA – Part I

So quoting Miley Cyrus is definitely not how I want to start out this post (or any of the other to come), and which is being published after what seems like a million and a half years, but she does (did?) have the right idea because I am not kidding you guys, the United States of America is like an ongoing party.

Everywhere you go there are


  1. Stories to be told (oooooh gossssiiipppp 😉
  2. Great SCRUMDIDDLYUMPTIOUS FOOD (in massive sizings) – which I shall happily share with you
  3. Lights. Bright, flashing, lights everywhere!
  4. Such super friendly people – I mean, these guys can strike up conversations in lifts and not even feel a touch of shyness 😀

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