A Perfect German Morning

Am I in Germany  this morning?


Am I of German descent?


Do I even speak German?

No – though I do know a couple of German words (puffs up her chest with pride)



So why is this beautiful autumn morning German? Because I baked and cooked like a German.

Was I wearing a girdle?

No (thank god!)

Was I wearing a nice large flowery dress just below my knee?


Was my hair pulled back in a bun?


Cutest saucepan ever!

Cutest saucepan ever!

Oops, sorry you misunderstood – I did not look like a German while baking, I actually baked what they do. Don’t look at me like that, I can bake German desserts (though sweet pretzels is very much beyond me ;))

Well, I guess more than anything, it is a breakfast. A dessert breakfast. A German dessert breakfast. A Gersfast. I am so taking on Shakespeare in the whole make-up-your-own-word race 😀

Fresh summer fruits!

Fresh summer fruits!

So this Gersfast (pronounced Jers-fascht – I think it sounds more exotic this way) is a pancake. But because Germans are cool like that, they say “Ve do not vlip ze pancaak. Ve baak it ya?” **Note: This accent may not be German actually but it sounds non-English 🙂

Anyway, I had been wanting to find a good perfect recipe to have a Gersfast for a while – so when I did I kind of went overboard. And changed it completely. I made it a little unhealthier, served it a little more on the wild side and made it more tropical. Maybe I should change it to a Hawaiian German Dessert Breakfast? You think up a word on that, I am spent 😛



Enjoy my friends this newest breakfast creation because if you don’t, a large German housefrau will come running after  you brandishing a rolling pin. Don’t believe me? Fine, we always have German Shepherds 😉

Tropical Caramelised German Baked Pancakes
Adapted from Here


  • 1/2 cup plain flour
  • 2 tbs brown sugar
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 1 tsp nutmeg
  • 1 tsp allspice
  • 1 cup whole milk (or 1/2 and 1/2 – on preference)
  • 1 1/2 eggs
  • 2 tsp vanilla essence
  • 2 tbs melted butter + extra 3 tbs for caramelising fruit and if necessary
  • 570g worth of skinned, firm nectarine, peach, mango, apple, pear, plum slices + optional pitted cherries, strawberries, berries – I used plums and nectarines making it taste a little like the juicy inner of a cobbler!
  • 4 tsp brown sugar
  • 2 tsp fresh lemon/orange/citrus juice + 1 tbs zest optional
  • 1/4 cup desiccated coconut (optional) – add in with dry ingredients if using
  • Icing sugar, maple syrup, ice cream etc. to serve


  1. Preheat oven to 260 degrees C
  2. In a large bowl, whisk together all the dry ingredients excluding the 4 tsp brown sugar
    german pancake 1
  3. In a separate bowl, mix together all the wet ingredients except for the extra 3 tbs butter for fruit caramelisation and citrus juice
  4. Making a well in the centre of the dry mixture, slowly pour in wet mixture, whisking continuously until no lumps remain
    german pancake 2
  5. Heat a nonstick, 25cm ovenproof skillet/fry pan with the remaining 3 tbs of butter
  6. Add the fruit and 4 tsp brown sugar
  7. Cook until all the fruit has been caramelized – released juices and start to turn golden brown or darker (add the firmer fruits first such as apples, then mangoes, then stone fruit and lastly berries) – apples take approximately 10 minutes
    german pancake 5
  8. Remove from heat and stir in citrus juice (and zest if adding)
  9. Pour batter around the edges of the pan and then on top of the fruit
    german pancake 4
  10. Turn heat to 218 degrees C and bake for 15 minutes or until puffed and brown
  11. Let sit for 2 minutes and invert onto serving platter
  12. Serve with caramel sauce, vanilla ice cream and maple syrup – no joke, just do it 😀



I am also going to announce some great news. I have been given various awards from two different bloggers!

The wonderfully sugary and full of life Heather @ Sugar Dish Me recently received an accumulation of wonderful awards which she has passed onto a couple of nominees. Thank you so much it is an honour! If you have never visited this fine blogger’s… um… blog (;)) then you have been missing out sorely! Just now with her awards post, she has created such a delicious egg salad recipe to go with it. Honestly if anyone wants to get a little hungry, he gorgeous site is the place to go 😀
From her blog, I have gratefully taken the ‘New Blogger Award’ and the ‘Kreativ Blogger Award’ out of the 3 she offered 🙂
I think I deserved these two but the Beautiful Blogger Award was not meant for my site. Not yet but maybe one day 😀
So thank you again my friend and I will be sure to pass them along!

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The second blogger who so kindly acknowledged me in her passing on was the brilliant Betsy of Bits And Breadcrumbs! Thank you thank you thank you 😀 – If you have never visited this wonderful person, I think you need your eyes checked because every time I see one of her dishes, a little part of me starts to weep at the fact that technology is not so good yet that we cannot reach into the computer screen and grab things out of pictures!
She too created a collection of awards in a wonderful post which you absolutely must go check out here 🙂
From her wonderful site, I accepted the ‘Sunshine Award’ (so lovely!), the ‘Irresistibly Sweet Blog Award’ (because let us be honest, I am not into the savoury am I ;)) and again, the ‘Kreativ Blogger Award’ 😀

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Thank you again to you wonderful ladies! I am very happy to have received such beautiful awards and I want to pass them on as a package to these 6 bloggers as well 🙂

Accept or not, it is your choice and choose any or all of these awards as a way of appreciating your amazing blogging skills!

So the awards were 😀

  • Kreativ Blogger Award
  • Sunshine Blog Award
  • New Blogger Award (I use 1 year of blogging to say you are experienced in the blogging world :D)
  • Irresistibly Sweet Blog Award

And I am giving them all to…. *drum roll please*

  • Anita from The Hungry Couple – She is so bubbly! All her posts are so much fun to read and she is full of sunshine 😀
  • Lacy from NYCityEats – A relatively new blogger I have met, she is so happy all the time (and I can see why because the dishes she makes and eats are gorgeous!)
  • Tina from Pinay In Texas Cooking Corner – There is not one seafood creature this woman cannot manipulate into a divine dish – and then she comes up with the most sweet recipes ever! So multitalented and creative 😉
  • Laura from Sprint 2 The Table – So fit and healthy! You would think I would be at least 50 metres away from her blog at all times but her dishes look so good it is actually impossible!
  • Helene from Masala Herb – A mix of savoury and sweet is her deliciously flavoured blog but as a perfect, Helene is irresistibly sweet 🙂
  • Alberta from Just A Smidgen – A poet. Oh my gosh, she writes so wonderfully. And then she tops it off with a perfectly executed recipe – like an ice cream sundae writer!

german pancake 10
german pancake 11So congrats my friends you all much deserve these awards!
And have a wonderful weekend everyone with your Gersfasts 😀

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  1. ekwee says:

    Oh no. I made a terrible mistake. It’s called clicking on your pancakes/sweet breakfasts tag while I’m supposed to be being productive. I can’t stop reading. You are so funny!!


  2. If you have the german shepherds, that’s more than enough to make you German 🙂

    So I’m loving this Gersfast. I’ve never had anything like this so I’m super excited to give this a try. Thanks for sharing such a wonderful recipe!


    • I love German Shepherds and would like to own one so that totally counts 😀
      I am so glad you enjoyed this recipe thank you so much! Hope it turns out like it did for me 🙂

      Choc Chip Uru


  3. I have always wanted to make a baked pancake (also known as a “Dutch baby,” but I haven’t gotten around to it yet. Yours looks beautiful and it is a good thing to eat while the weather is still cool and we can pretend we need the calories.


    • I didn’t know they were also called Dutch Babies – how cute 😀
      And I am so glad you enjoyed these pancakes thank you so much – I also promise you there is no pretense, in order to enjoy calories are a necessity 😉

      Choc Chip Uru


  4. Just Baked says:

    I just love German pancakes. It’s so much easier than standing at the griddle flipping pancakes while the others get cold. 😀 The addition of caramelized stone fruits sounds amazing!!


  5. Our minds are connected today, I made pancakes this weekend too! Yours look AMAZING, I love the idea of making them with big chunks of fruit:-) Be sure to check out my post, I gave you the Kreativ Blogger award:-) Have a wonderful week! Hugs, Terra


    • We are telepathic my riend – great minds think alike 😀
      Can’t wait to go see them and I am honoured for the award – thank you very much!
      I appreciate it 🙂

      Choc Chip Uru


    • Thank you so much for following and leaving such a nice comment (s – I got both :D)
      Hope you enjoy all I have to offer in this blog 🙂
      Is there an email way to join yours?

      Choc Chip Uru


  6. Liz says:

    Pancakes topped with cobbler filling? Who could resist? These are some fabulous pancakes…so much better than what my hubby whips up on the weekends…LOL.


    • Haha don’t let your husband here that 😛
      Or give him this recipe – your cobbler statement makes me think some streusal filling on top would be just right… mmmm 😀

      Choc Chip Uru


  7. Lovely transformation with the fruits you did. Yeh, instead of just going for plain fruits, adding ingredients and coming out with a recipe is superb. I am not sure on being a German but I love this fruit desert you made. Congrats on the blog award too.


  8. beccysfoodies says:

    congratulations on alllll those awards! 🙂 you deserve them!

    and that german pancake is making my mouth water…. yuuum!


  9. Congrats on the awards, they just keep rolling in for you and that is a good thing! Your fruity caramelly pancake looks delicious. You really have a lot of juicy variety packed in there-yum! Enjoy the weekend!


  10. First off, thank you thank you thank you! That was so sweet of you and I’m extremely honored to receive your awards. 🙂 I’ve really enjoyed coming to your site every day! You make such mouth watering goodies, I too wish that technology where you can reach through the screen were real! Like right now, I wouldn’t mind that delicious german pancake for breakfast this morning! I’ve got peaches on hand and I’m totally trying it out.

    Thanks again for the awards, made my day! 🙂


  11. Wow… a breakfast like this, I’m swooning already and you top it off with an award! I’m beaming from ear to ear.. thanks so much for the shout-out:) Your style or writing always makes me smile.. I should plan to read yours first each morning, it’s a cheery way to wake up:) xoxo Smidge


    • Thank you very much for such sweet words and you much deserve this award 😀
      I too love your poetic blog – makes me think of simple beautiful things in life 🙂

      Choc Chip Uru


    • Maybe, I do have a tendency to finish before sharing (jks jks… kind of ;))
      And it was my pleasure you deserved them – congrats and thank you!
      Have a wonderful week!

      Choc Chip Uru


  12. lol, ve definitely enjoyed ze post. im thinking the truckload of fruits that go into this delecious looking pancake more than make up for the unhealthy aspect. congrats (once again) on all the award’s… ur in demand grl 🙂


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