A Belated Tribute: Anzac Day 2012

ANZAC. Standing for The Australian and New Zealand Army Corps. A word forever uttered with solemnity, dignity and respect.

Anzac Day. A commemorative day to celebrate those who fought for our country, pushed aside differences to aid each other as comrades so that their nation could forever sleep in peace and safety.

2016 will mark the 100th Anniversary of Anzac Day. Since 1916, there have been parades, marches, assemblies and speeches in every hall in Australia, as small as school gyms or as large as the Australian War Memorial.

Dawn Ceremony

Dawn Ceremony

Anzac Day initially began to commemorate the brave soldiers who participated in the tragedy known as Gallipoli. Eventually, this prestigious day grew in scope, and now celebrates the war efforts of all involved – soldiers, nurses, doctors, carers, the list goes on – everyone who made a stand and helped their country to allow it the freedom we all experience today.

The patriotism which goes with this day is not asked for nor is it compulsory. It is natural. Yes, I am not of Australian heritage. I am Indian. But the surge of pride comes just as naturally to me as any Australian. Born and bred here, I am just the same in respecting those who fought to keep this country safe.

Back when I was Mini-CCU, I was learning about Anzac Day. I would hazard it to be year 3 or 4. And I wrote a poem. Free verse is what I know its style as now but back then I was just expressing how I saw the Anzac soldiers and war. Now, almost 7 years later, after reading countless war movies and reading many a book, I still see them the same.

Red Poppies grew up from the graves of the soldiers

Red Poppies grew up from the graves of the soldiers


Without A Title

“Controlled breathing, daring not to let out a whisper

Soft whistles of wind rustling unruly hair

Dirt smudges, blistered hands and thudding hearts

They are the soldiers.”


“A scream, friend or enemy, piercing the smoggy air

Scraping boots running on rock

Expressionless, grim at the sound of guns

They are the fighters.”


“Battered, bruised and battle hardened,

Eyes watering, the sun rising on a long night

Coming home, leaning on shoulders

They are the saviours. “

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Of course, I think it is known worldwide, the food associated with Anzac Day are Anzac Biscuits. I have made them for two years running, every Anzac Day and while I promise to one day, post on it, this year I made something a little different.

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Remembering this dessert, I decided to make something traditional but with a twist. And so was born the Jam Layered Anzac Cookie Pie. Sweet, moist and delicious, this is like eating a warm crumble, stumbling into warm patches of jam, with the edges of the biscuit slightly crunchy like the cookie.

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Jam Layered Anzac Cookie Pies
An original CCU recipe

Makes: 5-6 (depending on the size of your ramekins)


  • 1 cup rolled oats
  • 1/2 cup desiccated coconuts
  • 1/2 cup plain flour
  • 3/4 cup brown sugar
  • 1/4 cup golden syrup (also known as corn syrup)
  • 130g butter
  • 1 tbs boiling water
  • 1/2 tsp baking soda
  • 1 tsp vanilla essence (optional)
  • 1/4 cup jam (your preferred flavour)

  1. Preheat the oven to 160 degrees C. Grease your ramekins very well
  2. Whisk all dry ingredients in a large bowl until well combined
  3. Melt the butter and golden syrup together in a saucepan over low heat. Once melted, remove from heat and stir in boiling water and baking soda as well as vanilla essence if desired
  4. Make a well in the centre of the dry ingredients and pour in wet ingredients
  5. Stir gently with a wooden spoon until well combined
  6. In each ramekin, place 1-2 tbs of the mixture in and flatten. If not thick enough, put in a little extra
  7. Spread a little under 1 tbs of jam in each dish
  8. Cover each jam layer completely (it may leak out by bubbling up the top if there are holes)
  9. Bake in oven for 15-20 minutes or until golden and looks crisp. Let cool for 5 minutes before serving đŸ™‚

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Also, here are some wonderful posts commemorating Anzac Day which I found:


On my promised note, today’s featured chocolate yummy are these Mini Sno-Capped Cupcakes at Zim on a Whim! Micha, you excel yourself in creativity – these were simply stunning and with fabulous technique!


I apologise sincerely and am regretful I am posting this three days late. Circumstance is not a good friend at times but I am thankful for that you all for understanding.

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Much love to you all đŸ™‚

Blog Sig


  1. I did read on maureen blog about that day, but I had no idea. the most beautiful part is that poppy flowers grew on the graves… touching!

    and here u mentioned that ur indian and I missed it. sorry uru, was quite busy lately, I ll promiss to find more time to hop over and visit your adorable and delicious bake treats.


    • Maureen’s post was a beautiful tribute indeed – and the poppies are almost bittersweet in their role concerning the great wars – a very special flower đŸ™‚
      And no need to apologise my friend! Yep I am Indian đŸ˜€ and I hope you enjoy whatever baked goods you see đŸ™‚

      Choc Chip Uru


    • Sorry replying a little late but this went into my spam for some reason! Thank you so much I will read it now and it was a pleasure to introduce you to Anzac Day my friend đŸ™‚

      Choc Chip Uru


  2. Nami | Just One Cookbook says:

    Even though the post was delayed I’m glad you shared it because I enjoyed your post! I learned about ANZAC day last year after I started blogging, and now this year I’ve seen more unique recipes and it was fun you round up other recipes as well. Nice work on getting all together. đŸ™‚


  3. This was a very touching tribute to the men and women who serve your country. My husband is in the military so veteran’s and memorial days are both cherished holidays in our household. Great poem, great recipe and thank you for sharing others tributes as well. I feel all gushy inside now!


  4. eliotthecat says:

    What a lovely tribute. Your poppy reference made me thing of “In Flanders Field” which we always read at my school on our Veterans’ Day in November. Really, thanks for remembering and honoring.


    • Thank you my friend – and In Flanders Field is one of my favourite poem, being the reason for my poppy in this post in honour of all the participants of the war effort đŸ™‚

      Choc Chip Uru


  5. Juliana says:

    Very nice post…I remember visiting some sites when in Turkey…
    Your cookie looks delicious and love the star shape đŸ™‚
    Hope you are having a wonderful week!


    • Yes Gallipoli was in Turkey’s region – must have been fascinating đŸ™‚
      Thank you for enjoying both post and recipe my friend!
      Have a wonderful rest of week đŸ˜€

      Choc Chip Uru


  6. I am not aware of Anzac cookies associated with commemorative day. Your cookie pie looks lovely. Its so simple and easy to make that i want to try. I do have small pie tins, which I never used.
    BTW. I didn’t know that you were a poet, too.


    • Yep, Anzac cookies were the only cookie one was able to send to the soldiers, therefore they became Australia’s staple. I hope you do enjoy them when you try them my friend đŸ˜€
      And hardly a poet (though you make my Mini CCU blush) – just an innocent dabbler in words đŸ™‚

      Choc Chip Uru


    • Thank you my friend, too kind! I bet your bars were awesome!
      And I most definitely will check it out – you say chocolate or cheesecake and I am there đŸ˜‰

      Choc Chip Uru


    • Please do not feel bad at all my friend, it is not an internationally recognised day and I am glad to introduce it to you đŸ™‚
      And thank you – almost over đŸ˜›

      Choc Chip Uru


  7. Abby says:

    What a wonderful patriotic post. Every generation needs to appreciate what was sacrificed in order to get to where they are today. My husband and I fell in love with Australia immediately! We only got to see Cairns and Port Douglas but I am hooked and would love to visit NZ too.


    • I agree – if the newest generation doesn’t appreciate the history will crumble! I am so glad you loved Australia my friend and you must visit NZ – both countries are stunning đŸ˜€

      Choc Chip Uru


  8. Claire says:

    Thank you for sharing such a wonderful recipe and a beautiful tribute. When I lived in Brisbane, I picked up quite a few of those star shaped pans for baking in my small toaster oven, and it’s time to pull them out for this recipe!


  9. What an enlightening article. I’ve never heard of Anzac day and will be on the lookout for more information about what happened. The warm crumple in the patriotic star shape looks perfect for the occasion.


    • Thank you for understanding and enjoying this post my friend, I am glad I introduced the beauty of Anzac Day to you đŸ™‚
      Also very happy you liked the cookie pie đŸ˜€

      Choc Chip Uru


  10. anne says:

    Every time I see some Anzac cookie recipe , there’s always this footnote why it’s been named Anzac cookies .Your variation sounds yummy and very creative with jam filling inside đŸ˜€ What a delicious tribute and you gotta eat it , too ! hahahaha


    • It is the traditional cookie so I guess that makes sense đŸ™‚
      Thank you for my version – and definitely more than one plus side to this type of tribute đŸ˜‰

      Choc Chip Uru


  11. Katerina says:

    This is a beautiful way to celebrate Anzac Day! All your bakings look delicious! I loved the the tribute to all those people who faught and suffered during that war!


  12. Lisa at fLVE says:

    Hi Choc Chip Uru. đŸ™‚ Thanks for visiting my blog while I am away. You are the best! These cookies look great. I have never had them, but I like your post. I will catch up later but it’s great to be back. Have a great day!


    • You must be very proud my friend đŸ™‚
      Thank you for enjoying this tribute and cookie pie – they both go out to not just Anzac soldiers but all the soldiers in the world

      Choc Chip Uru


  13. What a wonderful tribute, a lovely poem and a wonderful twist to the classic Anzac biscuit. I don’t know which I love more, your creativity or your very beautiful heart. You never cease to amaze and impress. I don’t know how I first came to notice your blog….but I am so grateful I did! : )


    • You are one of the kindest people I know my friend – you make me feel so happy whenever I read your comment đŸ™‚
      I am touched by your compliments and thrilled you enjoyed this post – thank you đŸ™‚

      Choc Chip Uru


    • The dry and crumbly ones are actually the traditional style and are eaten by dunking in milk đŸ˜‰
      I have a preference however for chewy, gooey ones too so I am happy you enjoyed these đŸ˜€

      Choc Chip Uru


  14. Dear friend CCU, I’m grateful for your reminder that we must honor those who defend(ed) us. In a few weeks we will celebrate Armed Forces Day here in the U.S. You have reminded me that I have many ancestors to think of, from those who fought in the U.S.Civil War, to my father’s naval history in WWII, to both my brothers serving in the military (one as a lifetime career) and finally, to my own son who is in his 22nd year in the US Air Force. You wrote a lovely, heartfelt poem that can be applied to any hero (they all are heroes) worldwide. Thank you for sharing it.


    • Your family has quite an honourable history in the army – you must be very proud my friend.
      I hope you have a wonderful commemoration on Armed Forces Day and you are right, this poem is for all those soldiers who work for a better world.
      Thank you for enjoying this post

      Choc Chip Uru


  15. Food Stories says:

    I have to honestly say that I only recently became aware of ANZAC day so I’m extremely grateful that you put together so a lovely, detailed post to bring me up to speed.


  16. Happy belated Anzac day, I had seen a few posts but I knew you would come through with a winner-these do look fabulous. Also thanks for taking the time to link up some fellow bloggers as well. Alwasy glad to stop and see what goodies you have made. Enoy the rest of your weekend!


    • You are so sweet to have faith in me my friend đŸ˜€
      Glad I came through for you đŸ™‚
      I am also glad you enjoyed my links – I love sharing recipes it is so much fun!
      Have a wonderful week!

      Choc Chip Uru


  17. Parsley Sage says:

    Cayman has loads of Aussies and Kiwis and we observe Anzac Day every year with a sunrise service at Spotts Beach. I’ll be sure to pass this fabulous recipe to my friends from down under đŸ™‚


    • Don’t be at all – It is not an international holiday – I am glad though you know of it now đŸ˜€
      And thank you for appreciating and enjoying both post and cookie pie đŸ™‚

      Choc Chip Uru


  18. Beetlebuggy says:

    What a beautiful tribute, CCU! And it’s so amazing to see your talent extending beyond the kitchen even to writing prose. Your version of the Anzac cookie sounds divine! Look at that gooey, jam-riddled cookie…it really is making me drool!


  19. Tisa says:

    Great job, Uru,!! Anzac cookie pie looks super yum. But more than, that you taught me something new. In fact, the whole fam came to read this post. Thanks for sharing that bit of Australian history. Very nice post my friend, you bring a lot of emotion into your writing.


    • It means a lot to me that your whole family enjoyed and learnt from this post. I appreciate it a lot đŸ™‚
      You are very kind my friend – I am also glad you enjoyed the cookie pie đŸ™‚

      Choc Chip Uru


    • Thank you so much – your creation was stunning and now proudly part of this post đŸ˜€
      And I actually did end up scooping ice cream on top after I finished photographing – nougat honey chocolate đŸ˜‰

      Choc Chip Uru


  20. I learned something new! You live in Australia!! Ha, how did I not know that I’m not really sure. But what a lovely tribute and poem to go along! These cookie pies sound incredible. Anything layered with strawberry jam is right up my alley!! Looks so yummy!


    • Haha I am glad you know my location now – I am a Sydney girl đŸ™‚
      Thank you for enjoying both post and cookies my friend – I think strawberry jam is loved by all đŸ˜€

      Choc Chip Uru


  21. navane64 says:

    I have much on Anzac Day and in fact have joined in the celebration for the purpose of the same day. Lovely cookies you have made to coincide with the remembrance of what Anzac day holds.


  22. navane64 says:

    I have much on Anzac Day and have once or twice joined in the celebration of the day. Lovely cookies you have shared to coincide with the Anzac Day.


  23. Beth says:

    Your anzac pie looks amazing! I hadn’t heard of anzac, or anzac cookies, until I started blogging, and now they’re so familiar to me. A lovely tribute.


  24. Ramona says:

    Well you have taught me about a holiday I have never heard about. Happy Anzac Day to everyone in Australia and New Zealand!! You really did a beautiful job with this tribute post.. well done!! Now onto those wonderful jam filled cookies. They look yummy and scrumptious. I am so envious of that star shaped baking tin… too cute!! Have a wonderful weekend!! ~ Ramona đŸ™‚


    • Glad I have my friend – it is such a special day đŸ™‚
      Thank you so much for appreciating this post
      And I am thrilled you enjoyed the cookies – the jam when warm just oozes out and I love that so much đŸ˜€ – Highly recommend getting a star baking tin, it is the cutest and the best đŸ˜‰
      Have a happy weekend my friend!

      Choc Chip Uru


  25. Wonderful recipe they look incredibly good and a touching tribute to Anzac day. I really enjoyed the post outlining the history of that day, it’s like Memorial Day in the USA. The poem is so touching and beautiful. Happy Belated Anzac Day and cheers to those that fought to protect and serve, and to those that died in service to their country.


    • Thank you so much for enjoying both post and recipe my friend – it means a lot to me đŸ™‚
      I have heard of Memorial Day in USA as well – it is necessary to commemorate those lost.
      I second your cheers my friend and thank you once again đŸ™‚

      Choc Chip Uru


    • Good evening (now ;)) my friend – As long as they are in your thoughts I promise you do not miss anything đŸ™‚
      Thanks for enjoying my star cake đŸ˜€
      Have a wonderful weekend too!

      Choc Chip Uru


  26. Dear Choc Chip Uru,
    I love your poem, very moving and very well written. I would have been very proud if one of my students had written as well as this. You certainly are a many-talented person!
    I love that poppies grow on war torn ground, re-energising the ground and reminding us with their colour of what happened there once.
    Your cookies/tarts sound delicious, as always.
    Have a happy weekend đŸ™‚


    • It means a lot coming from you my friend – I am thrilled you enjoyed my poem đŸ™‚
      The poppies are so symbolic – they are one of the most bittersweet fllowers in the world, beautiful as they are yet arising from bloodshed…
      On a lighter note though, thank you so much and I hope you too have a fabulous weekend and week to come đŸ˜€

      Choc Chip Uru


  27. You poem and partiotism is very visible today! So touching. I am totally going to use your new creation very soon because I can use some of my homemade jam in it!! I will let you know how it turns out……….always so happy to see your posts!


  28. You are without doubt a truly gifted and talented young lady. Your poem is beautiful and moving. I too love Australia. I have many Australian friends. Sadly I have only been able to visit your wonderful country once, but I was not disappointed.
    On a lighter note. Your version of the Anzac biscuit looks extremely yummy.
    Thank you a wonderful tribute to the heroes and heroins of war. đŸ™‚


    • You are very kind my friend, thank you. I am glad Australia has touched you so much in one visit đŸ™‚
      I love it!
      Also thank you very much for enjoying these cookie pies – they commemorate such courageous people on this day đŸ™‚

      Choc Chip Uru


  29. What a perfect tribute, my friend! Isn’t it odd that poppies tend to grow where the ground has been disturbed mostly by war? I love to think of each and every one of those flowers is a new life given by the sad loss of the person that lost their life.

    The jam layered cookie pies look so delicious, very drool worthy! And the jam goes with the poppy too.

    P.S. Was going through FoodBuzz when I saw your new post so left you some buzz-love too.


    • It is ironic isn’t it? But your ideology sounds beautiful and is how I will look at it from now đŸ™‚
      Thanks for enjoying these cookie pies đŸ˜€
      And I funnily enough was thinking of the poppies when I used the jam đŸ™‚
      Also you are too sweet for the buzz!

      Choc Chip Uru


  30. What a lovely, respectful tribute. I remember when I was little seeing the old men giving out red paper poppies on Veterans’ Day here in the US. I didn’t understand what it meant then, but I felt the solemnity and the dignity of those aged heroes.


  31. The Mom Chef says:

    I’ve never heard of Anzac Day before but I’m so so glad that you shared it’s meaning. I did see Gallipoli (the movie) and it made me cry. I don’t think you should share food at the same time that you share such a moving poem, though. You have so many talents!

    Yes, the cookie pie is gorgeous (how could it not be if you made it?) but that poem was incredible.


    • The movie was indeed moving – It stills gives me a little bit of a gut wrench when I think about it – more sad that it was real đŸ˜¦
      But that’s why we have Anzac Day – to commemorate them đŸ™‚
      Thank you so much your kind words my friend – Mini CCU is blushing đŸ˜‰

      Choc Chip Uru


  32. suzisoutlook says:

    Lovely post and Happy Anzac Day to you. Your cookie pies look totally delish, chewy and jammy. Hope you have a wonderful weekend.


  33. hotlyspiced says:

    Hi Choc Chip, thank you so very much for your touching and well researched and incredible post honoring our ANZAC heros. I’m so honoured that you mentioned my grandfather and his contribution to the war. Thank you so much for helping ignite his story because the story of what he and the other prisoners went through, definitely needs to be told. Have a wonderful weekend and I hope you have a huge response to your post xx


    • It was a pleasure to include your grandfather my friend – he was one of the many heros we commemorate on this wonderful holiday so it is so important to celebrate them properly.
      Thank you for enjoying and your kind wishes đŸ™‚

      Choc Chip Uru


    • Thanks đŸ˜€ – I certainly found that one bite did not suffice! Glad you enjoyed the round up as well đŸ™‚
      Hope you too have a wonderful weekend my friend!

      Choc Chip Uru


  34. LinsFood says:

    Must confess, not heard of Anzac Day but Anzac cookies bring back memories! They were the first cookies I tried when I came across the idea of cookie bouquets over 10 years ago! The pie idea is new to me, looks drool worthy!


    • I am glad to have introduced this commemorative holiday to you then đŸ™‚
      And definitely happy it brings back such yummy holidays! In a cookie bouqet? Now that is style đŸ˜€
      Thanks for enjoying my ‘pie’ đŸ˜‰

      Choc Chip Uru


  35. viveka says:

    All those wonderful cakes … with no calories in. *smile .. Happy Anzac Day to you .. That banana muffin and the milk are talking to me !!!!! Wonderful stuff every time I visit you.


  36. samology says:

    Happy Anzac Day to you!!! I’m totally loving your baked dedications to the day! And it can’t get better than that star-shaped cookie of yours! đŸ˜€ Looks so crumbly and delicious!!


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