Monthly Archives: March 2012

Nothing Says Thank You Like Ice Cream

My blog now is almost half a year old. Even as I say it I cannot believe how much it has grown since then. From grotty pictures and posts which lasted one paragraph to a slightly more sophisticated style of photography and ultra long posts which I sincerely hope entertain you.

It is necessary though to say that I would never have lasted so long if it weren’t for all of you – the food blogging community – and my friends and family (who go without saying :D)

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My Simply Nutella Saturday

Don’t tell me you have never done it before. Don’t go pushing your glasses up your nose and flicking an imaginary speck off your business suit. You are not making eye contact, just staring at your screen typing away, mouth set in a grim line while I accuse you. Don’t lie to me. I don’t know why you are lying to me. When everyone has done it before.

simply nutella 3
You look up at me sharply when I say that. You subtly look both directions before giving me a slight nod to continue. And I do.

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A Monstrous Post

What is a monster? Is it

a)  A big fuzzy cuddly bear which is reminiscent of Big Foot but misunderstood by society because of its size?

b)  A terrifying, vicious troll like creature which lives under your bed apparently?

c)   The inner turmoil one carries inside themself eventually becoming inexpressible?

d)  A cookie

Surprised I picked d)?

You really shouldn’t be if you know me well (Though am I quite partial to a) as well ever since seeing Monsters Inc ;))

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Happy Early Birthday JJ! (Traditions of March #3)

Dear JJ,

Hi 🙂

How you feeling? Older, wrinklier or wiser? No? Just 16 yrs? Not different? Good stuff.

So I hear you are going to have a great day tomorrow. Are you upset I posted early? I just wanted to send you to bed hungry 😀

JJ, I just want to say to HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

cheesecake 11Out of the 4 years I have now known you (a lifetime right?) we have gone through so much together *sniff* – netball tryouts at school, dancing, parties, formal, even ‘sleepovers’ where you look like me to certain people (:P) and our shunning because of loving pineapple lumps!

You make life so positive and upbeat dude – I am not kidding, with your older-sister attitude 😛
Though let me clarify, you are so totally younger than me 😉

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A Mad Weekend

This weekend was mad in the kitchen. This weekend I baked two dishes and neither. one. had. chocolate.

It is not even a case of rustling up a one person dish for myself like my last post which was exploding chocolate-y goodness. I just did not bake with chocolate, my melts resting comfortably away in their pantry instead of screaming and running amuck like usual. Not that I would know of course 😉

mini cakes 7

And what is even more astounding that the cookie batch and the mini cakes batch would be perfect for a tea party. You know what else goes well with tea/hot chocolate, oh whoops there I go again, chocolate!

I feel my temperature running high, my head starting to spin – I simply must have been quite delusional as to do this to myself and to my family (who actually sacrilegiously prefer it this way!)

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Belated Happy National Pi[e] Day

Pi = 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716 – and it keeps going (if you really want to see, check this out!)

Lots of people do different things to honour yesterday/America’s Pi Day. Let us take for instance, my friends’ maths teachers. Mr S, well to put it nicely, is highly enamoured with Pi. As in, yesterday, he spent the entire period showing his class (and this is the smartest class in the school mind you) ‘Pi’ music videos and mercilessly singing along. *shudder* – but also kinda funny 😉

one person pie 3

Being a food obsessed, maths hater that I am, it was only natural for me to think of pie. The real type of pie. Not some imaginary number that really does not make any sense 😛

Anyway, I was totally going to celebrate with an uber delicious, super gorgeous, terrific pie. And I would have if I could have. But a little thing in my life, called Yr 11, of course stopped me from sharing an aromatic homemade pie with the world/my area. So I had to make do with what little I could do. Me :)… I mean :(… 😉

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My Brother’s Last Teen Year (Traditions Of March #2)

We all love our siblings. There is no doubt about it (nodotabotit as my brother likes to say) that a lot of the time, you can share the world with them, even more than your parents and that is totally normal (mummy, daddy you never heard this from me! ;))

But of course then there are the times that siblings fight – I am talking from the stupid hair yanking to sock hitting to pillow fights to more grown up ‘angry discussions’ like taking too long in the bathroom in the morning and sharing the car 😛

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A Perfect German Morning

Am I in Germany  this morning?


Am I of German descent?


Do I even speak German?

No – though I do know a couple of German words (puffs up her chest with pride)



So why is this beautiful autumn morning German? Because I baked and cooked like a German.

Was I wearing a girdle?

No (thank god!)

Was I wearing a nice large flowery dress just below my knee?


Was my hair pulled back in a bun?


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3 Ways To A Happier Life

Hi, what am I doing posting on a Wednesday during school?

*ooh, bad girl truanting*
*ooh, bad girl not working her butt off unnecessarily*
*ooh, bad girl!*

Hehehe... Cheeky :D

Hehehe… Cheeky 😀

I will have you know that I can disprove all the above statements.

One: I am not truanting. Though every child takes the odd sick day which isn’t really a sick day, I can’t afford to anymore because we work quite a bit in school. So no, I woke up this morning with a splitting headache. And I’m telling you, I can sympathise with those bog body victims who got smashed with an axe on the skull before being tossed away. Ok, maybe not really 😛

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Traditions Of March #1

March is a very festive month for me. It starts off for one thing with National Peanut Butter Day so you kind of already can guess it is a little more explosive than other months which start of normally… pfft…

Golden Delicious :)

Golden Delicious

It is also the month for National Pi (e) Day, which I will of course also be commemorating in due time. Just guess, guess what day it falls on (for those who have long since ditched maths, I say good for you and also, remember 3.14…? :P) – come to think of it, Pi is also 22/7 so shouldn’t the 22nd of July also be Pi (e) day? Look, if I must sacrifice myself and honour the holiday by making pie, I will. For the day. Not for me. Not at all 🙂

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