Winner Announced!!!

Alright guys, the moment EVERYONE has been waiting for…. It is finally here πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

In case anyone is wondering what in the world I am talking about, here is a little recap:

Little girl skips along happily eating chocolate. Little girl starts to bake with chocolate. Little girl starts blogging about her chocolate dishes. Little girl blogs for a whole year and makes croissants (eats them with Nutella). Little girl gets sentimental and thanks all her followers and has a giveaway so people can buy chocolate. $40 worth of it if possible!!


And that is just about summing it up actually! I would have liked to do a bit of a full blown fanfare, complete with a Rio style parade and huge party balloons but since I can’t, can I get a drum roll going on your laps right now?

And the totally, awesome, lucky, first winner at Go Bake Yourself for a $40 giftcard for Amazon iiiiissssssssssssss…

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Angie you create incredible dishes, desserts and a culinary genius – I can’t wait to see how you use your $40 off Amazon πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

I will email you and please reply within a week, after which I shall email you your giftcard! To contact me, its πŸ˜€

I appreciate every one of you who entered and all I can say is there is always next time πŸ˜€


To celebrate this momentous occasion and considering I cannot write for very long since directix is beckoning me unfortunately, I will give you a recipe for homemade chocolate. Oh yeah, that’s right Guylian, eat your little heart out πŸ˜‰

This chocolate is incredibly rich and I love that it is so flexible – slightly gritty, rich and truffly with a velvety chocolate flavour, add in some Nutella or peanut butter, coat it in different flavours, you have a winner right here πŸ˜€

Enjoy mes cheris!

4 Ingredient Chocolate Creams
Source: Simple & Delicious Chocolate [Cookbook]


  • 200g dark chocolate – I used mixture of milk and dark
  • 2 tbs light cream – used thickened (heavy)
  • 2 cups icing sugar – used icing mixture
  • Drinking chocolate powder, for dusting – I used cocoa powder


  1. Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper
  2. Melt 55g of chocolate in a large heatproof bowl set over a saucepan filled with gently simmering water. Stir in the cream and remove the bowl from the heat
  3. Sift the icing sugar into the melted chocolate and then using a fork, mix well together
  4. Knead to form a firm, smooth, pliable mixture
  5. Lightly dust work surface with chocolate powder and turn out the mixture, rolling out to a thickness of 5mm. Cut into circles using a 2.5cm round cutter – I simply tore off pieces and made it into mini circles – faster and more fun!

  6. Transfer to a prepared cookie tray and let stand for 12 hours or until dry and set
  7. When the chocolate creams have set, melt the remaining chocolate in a heatproof bowl set over a saucepan of gently simmering water
  8. Using 2 forks, dip each chocolate cream into the melted chocolate
  9. Lift out quickly letting any excess chocolate drip back into the bowl then place onto cookie sheet. Let set – I used the fridge for faster results πŸ˜‰

Yeah, when I said Guylian and Lindt had some serious competition, I hope you did not think I was kidding πŸ˜‰


Definitely try this, it takes a minute, no baking and results in the richest, most addictive treats ever!

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  1. Mary says:

    Your homemade chocolate creams look wonderful– they remind me of a few years ago when we made homemade chocolate creams to give to our relatives for Xmas–we had a lot of fun adding different liquors to the centers to create various flavors!


  2. Kimby says:

    Congratulations to Angie for winning the giveaway and thanks, Uru, for making us all feel like winners with this recipe! Your truffle-esque creation is beckoning… πŸ™‚


  3. Congrats to Angie, and I see I’ve resurfaced from redesigning my business web site just in time to miss catch these amazing looking chocolates… a weakness of mine. I Liked you on FB, too. Seems it didn’t take the first time. πŸ™‚


    • Awww my friend it is all a matter of chance though at least you enjoyed these little chocolates πŸ˜€
      And I am absolutely fine my friend how are your many wonderful projects going?? I do miss your posting!



  4. So now you’ve gone and done it…it’s almost 11:30pm and I’ve gone and eaten four giant chocolates trying to satisfy the craving I just got from reading your post πŸ˜›
    Congrats to the winner (but I hope I win next time :))


  5. beccysfoodies says:

    wow!! they look amazing!!!!! πŸ™‚
    once again you’ve bedazzled us with your awesome culinary talent!
    and congrats to Angie πŸ™‚


  6. Starr says:

    Homemade chocolates are the best! Way more fun than store bought, and with the bonus of a bowl to lick πŸ˜€

    Congratulations Angie! Enjoy your tasty winnings πŸ™‚


  7. Congrats on the contest to Angie. What an amazing recipe CCU! My last jar of nutella had to be ditched because I didn’t use it …I don’t want the same thing to happen to this jar and this looks like the perfect way to ensure that doesn’t happen again!


  8. Uru, how do you get your chocolate dipped truffles so beautiful and perfect? Everytime I try, they end up looking disgusting (not that that stops me from eating them, lol). I definitely have to try this recipe, although they’d be dangerous to keep in my household. I can envision myself polishing them all off in one sitting!


    • Haha I am sure they turn out fine my friend πŸ˜€
      The big secret is to let all (and I mean ALL) excess chocolate drip off before letting it set and adding a touch of butter to the chocolate so it has a glossy finish πŸ˜€
      You are too sweet!



  9. viveka says:

    Congratulations to Angie … what a lovely gift !!!!! And those chocolate bits is to die for or ??????
    You’re an amazing patisserie – you should have your own little


  10. Saguna says:

    These look so pretty! They’d be a lovely DIY gift, actually. Congratulations to Angie! I made little mini chocolate treats too yesterday, white chocolate ones though. πŸ™‚


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