In Vogue: Coconut Oil

Hi Everyone,

I actually have quite a special treat today. Allow me to introduce to you all Ms Mishka Thomas, a free lance writer who contacted me a couple of weeks back with a fantastic coconut oil article. Being one of the unhealthiest and more indulgent style of blogs, I was thrilled to be able to twist things around for you guys by adding a little something healthy. PLUS, any baker or cook out there will tell you that these days, coconut oil is totally vogue! So without further ado, I hand over to Mishka who will enlighten you all on the benefits of coconut oil 🙂

And then of course there is a recipe waiting ;)…


Coconut Oil: Is This Wonder Oil in Your Kitchen?

Many years ago, people avoided consuming coconut oil because they believed that it is linked to heart disease. However, recent research reveals the exact opposite: coconut oil does not harm your health; in fact, it may be one of the healthiest and most nutritious substances in the planet!

According to leading coconut oil expert Bruce Fife, the key to coconut oil’s benefits is its lauric acid content. Studies also show that the high amount of medium-chain triglycerides in coconut oil also helps promote your optimal health, such as helping improve your brain power.

Seven Simple Ways to Use Coconut Oil

If you’re a first time coconut oil user, you may be wondering how you can use this miracle oil to help you stay in the pink of health. To help you out, Yahoo! News lists seven surprising uses for virgin coconut oil.

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  1. Coconut oil lets you enjoy desserts while burning fat. Virgin coconut oil helps improve your metabolism and promotes good digestion. If you’re one of those people who cannot go through a day without eating a sweet treat, here’s a good idea: the next time you bake a cake, use coconut oil in place of butter. It provides not only the same creamy texture, but a sweet flavor, too.
  2. Get rid of stubborn head lice. Is your child suffering from head lice infestation? Try this: soak his or her hair in some coconut oil. According to studies, coconut oil effectively cures head lice better than chemical-based, anti-lice shampoos.
  3. Keep your beloved Fido optimally healthy. Your darling dogs can benefit from virgin coconut oil, too! Holistic veterinarian Dr. Karen Becker claims that supplementing your pet’s diet with coconut oil or simply adding it to his food can help prevent canine obesity and arthritis.
  4. Clear out stubborn acne. Do you suffer from painful and unsightly acne breakouts frequently? Try this simple tactic: spread some virgin coconut oil all over your face to help minimize acne breakouts. It’s a natural alternative to the anti-acne medications and lotions that you frequently use.
  5. Use virgin coconut oil as a natural deodorant. According to research, the lauric acid found naturally in coconut oil can kill odor-causing bacteriabetter than chemical-based deodorants. Slather a small amount all over your armpits and see the results.
  6. Treat pink eye with virgin coconut oil. This can be credited, again, to lauric acid in coconut oil. Lauric acid helps your body create disease-fighting fatty acids, making it one of the best ways to get rid of pink eye.
  7. Annoyed with unsightly warts? Use coconut oil. Soak a Band-Aid in coconut oil and put it over your wart. Change the bandage every day, and, within a few weeks, the wart will be gone.

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Choosing Between Regular and Virgin Coconut Oil

Before you buy any coconut oil product, you must remember this: there is a difference between regular coconut oil and virgin coconut oil. Regular coconut oil is obtained from the dried kernel or meat of the coconut, called the copra. Copra is created through sun drying, smoke drying, or kiln drying. On the other hand, virgin coconut oil is made from fresh, non-dried coconuts.

Low-quality coconut oil is extracted from copra using chemicals. Many manufacturers do this In order to produce higher yields. This is an effective way of producing coconut oil, yet it is not as safe as you think.

On the other hand, virgin coconut oil is extracted using a safer process, without the use of chemicals and high heat. Through this process, the fresh coconuts are quick-dried, and the oil is expressed mechanically. Another way of doing this is by wet-milling the fresh coconuts – coconut milk is extracted, and the oil is separated from the water through fermentation, boiling, refrigeration, adding natural enzymes, or using a mechanical centrifuge.

If you have to choose between the two, choose virgin coconut oil. No doubt it’s safer, healthier, and more suitable for your health needs.

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About the Author

Mishka Thomas has been using virgin coconut oil in the kitchen and around her house for the last three years. Her favorite use for this wonder oil is as a mild sweetener to her favorite pastry and drinks. She takes at least three teaspoons of coconut oil every day.


Now guys, put that newfound coconut oil knowledge to use first and foremost in the kitchen – Thank you very much Mishka for this fantastic post 🙂

This recipe is for you 🙂 (but I suppose if anyone else wants to make it, it is acceptable :D)

*Note: I do not give precise measurements because it really depends on the eater how much yoghurt or coulis or muesli in each layer of the parfait 🙂

Coconut Breakfast Parfait

Source: Original Choc Chip Uru Recipe


  • 170g tub of Chobani yoghurt (Review to come!)
  • Homemade mixed berry coulis
    coulis 2
  • 2 tbs coconut oil (YAY)
  • Natural muesli (not toasted)
    photo 5
  • Bananas or any other fruit desired
  • Shredded coconut (optional)
  • Strawberries (optional)


  1. Dice your desired fruit and set aside
  2. On medium heat, add the coconut oil to a frying pan and let heat up
  3. Add the muesli and lightly toast for 4-5 minutes or until golden brown
  4. In a parfait glass, firstly layer a couple of tbs of yoghurt. You do not have to make it thick unless that is how you like it 🙂
  5. Cover this layer with as much diced fruit as desired
    coulis 4
  6. Spoon on top a layer of mixed berry coulis
  7. Spread a layer of toasted coconut muesli on top
  8. Repeat this layering until reach the top of the cup
    photo 4 (3)
  9. Garnish with strawberries and shredded coconut if desired

And suddenly you have a top-notch breakfast which actually took you less than too seconds to make. Plus is it SUPER healthy 🙂

Proud of me? No butter or sugar involved 😉



Just before I leave you, I would like to acknowledge some awards I have received since my Yr 11 exam times back in September which I still have not paid attention to. Unfortunately, because of time restrictions , I will not be passing them on this time specifically but to all my readers, you equally deserve them 😀

To see the requirements of each award, please visit these fantastic blogs!

Thank you to these very generous people!

  1. Daisy And The Fox awarded me with The Versatile Blogger Award 🙂
  2. Suzanne from A Pug In The Kitchen presented me with The Inspiring Blogger Award 🙂
  3. Mei from Bento Break gave me The One Lovely Blog Award 🙂
  4. Chloe & Sarah over at Honey & Lulu presented me with another Versatile Blogger Award 🙂

  5. Cass from Food My Friend awarded me with the Liebster Blog Award 🙂
  6. Carissa over At 350 Degrees gave me the Sunshine Award 🙂
  7. Viveka from My Guilty Pleasures presented me with the Blog of the Year 2012 🙂
    Blog of the Year Award banner 600
  8. Miss Marzipan was so sweet as to award me twice! Firstly with the Very Inspiring Blogger Award and then the Blog of Year 2012 award 🙂

    Blog of the Year Award banner 600

These recognitions mean a lot to me my friends, and I appreciate each and every one of you for doing this 😀

Blog Signature


  1. viveka says:

    Uru, you images doesn’t show …. and when I click on them … error 404 not to be found.
    I have never heard about coconut oil … I have something in a jar, maybe that is what it is.
    Have to check out .. because this screams at me big time. Love my desserts. Have to check my cupboard. Have a lovely weekend.


    • Hi Viveka 🙂 Yeah I know for majority of my posts from second half of 2012, no images are showing – I know which ones go where though so after exams I will be fixing it up! But thank you 🙂
      Haha definitely check out coconut oil, it has so many benefits!

      Choc Chip Uru


      • viveka says:

        I didn’t realize it was an old post … heard so much about coconut oil .. how good it’s for us. Will check the cupboard tomorrow.
        Have a great weekend now, Uru.


  2. Pingback: Why One Should Visit Go Bake Yourself - Food & Drink | Hobby news

  3. Oh wow. So many lovely comments here 🙂
    Loved this post as yogurt, berries and whole grains/muesli is my fave things to have when I want something sweet. I recently got 2 bottles of virgin coconut oil and was thinking of more ways to use it. Thanks for this post 🙂
    Earlier I used to make virgin CO at home and use it as a moisturiser for skin..want to include it in my food as well now.


  4. Denise says:

    I love coconut oil but I was not aware of all these uses! The parfait looks so spectacular!! I don’t usually eat breakfast but I sure would if it was this good!! Great photos,Too!


  5. Well done on all your awards! I enjoyed this post with all great info about coconut oil. I use it often – I cook with it, I baking with it, and I also use it my hair. Make that #8 – its excellent for your hair and scalp! I also use coconut sugar and coconut milk for cooking and baking! 🙂


  6. erika says:

    Such a great post! I just recently have seen the light of coconut oil and am so excited to use it in future baking projects. Good to know about the difference between virgin coconut oil and non, so thanks to the guest poster!

    And that breakfast parfait looks FABULOUS. I love the idea of frying muesli in coconut oil–you are a genius!


  7. Shakthi Abirami M M says:

    True! As Tine says, In india, among the other wonderful benefits from coconut oil, what we love it to use it directly on the skin as a pre-bath moisturiser. It leaves the skin supersmooth and well moisturised, even in winter! 🙂


  8. jen laceda says:

    Coconut oil is a staple here at home. Being originally from the Philippines, we’ve known about their health benefits for ages! Having coconut oil for dessert and burning calories – oh yeah!


  9. Susan says:

    Isn’t it amazing how certain foods were thought to be so bad for your health and now they’re finding out they are actually beneficial! What a delicious way to use coconut oil. I need to get some now 🙂


  10. Soni says:

    A great post by Mishka!!I also recently started using coconut oil and love it!!Your parfait looks lovely and I could eat it for my breakfast,lunch and dinner 🙂


  11. Sandra says:

    First of all congrats on your well deserved awards. The article was very informative and I love all the tips. I’ve been using coconut oil for a while and I love the taste. My granddaughter has a nut allergy so I can’t use it in baking as much as I want to. Thanks Mishka for sharing the information,


  12. You know I LOVE this healthy post. 🙂 I eat a version of this parfait nearly every day. Coconut oil is great stuff… though I don’t know if I’m going to be rubbing it under my pitts any time soon. LOL!


  13. Zoe says:

    I do have mixed feeling using coconut oil for my cooking and baking and prefer to stay on the neutral using coconut oil only if it is necessary…

    Congrats with all your awards! You are truly a star food writer 😀


  14. I agree with you about coconut oil. One of my good friends has enlightened me about this oil with the mistaken identity of being unhealthy. Other than cooking (I like to fry tempura vegetables in coconut oil), coconut oil is a good moisturizer and can even be used as a sunscreen. I think that coconut oil received a bad rap in the past when the USA was trying to promote soy or soybean oil as the “healthy” food.


  15. mjskit says:

    OK – I’m convinced. I’ll be buying that jar of coconut oil they have on sale at the co-op this week! I’d be taking a rubber spatula to the glass in the last picture to make sure I got every bit of this yummy parfait!


  16. You are such a loved blogger and very sweet girl! I congratulate you sweetie on well deserved awards, and I apologies for not being active commentator..but I am always thinking about you and your hard work. Great POST and delicious pictures! Have a wonderful week!!! xo


  17. I just bought some coconut oil about a month ago after seeing so many recipes about coconut oil and I’m sooo going to make this parfait. Looks amazing. I might sub the muesli for oats though. Some interesting facts about coconut oil though. No idea if I have regular or virgin. I’m assuming virgin as it was super expensive.


  18. Starr says:

    Great post! I’m a big fan of coconut oil, both in and out of the kitchen… I thoroughly recommend it as a moisturizer. After switching to it (and eliminating store bought lotions), my skin has never looked better (ok, maybe it did when I was a kid ;-)).


  19. navane64 says:

    Congrats on the awards Ms. I have started using coconut oil for my cooking after giving up for a long time. I also use virgin oil but somewhat a different brand. The market is loaded with many brands of virgin oil until its difficult to decide which one to buy.

    Thats a lovely and super tempting parfait. Great when I have to entertain guests or when I have a gathering at home.


  20. Becky says:

    I love coconut oil and it’s many uses. I will have to make this parfait soon. I love breakfast parfaits, and yours is gorgeous, Eating a parfait for breakfast, is like having dessert for breakfast, when you are really eating healthy!


  21. libishski says:

    I used to baulk at the thought of using coconut oil for cooking because back in Indonesia, most street sellers would fry their stuff in old coconut oil (that was meant to be thrown out ages ago) and it gave the food a nasty smell. That put me off from using it for quite some time until I read all about the goodness of virgin coconut oil and now I’m hooked.

    Not sure about using it as a deodorant though!


  22. magentmama says:

    We lived in India for 5 years in the 1990s and at the time coconut oil was used for the hair, they said it was very nutritious for the hair, made it healthy and shiny. My daughter has black hair so it really suited her. I didn’t know that coconut oil can be used in cooking. Here in Sicily we use mostly olive oil.


  23. To think we had hundreds of coconuts growing in our garden when we lived in Mauritius. My hubby loved making bowls and the like out of the shells.
    Good to read about all the benefits, think i will have to add it to my shopping list.
    Lovely parfait!
    🙂 Mandy xo


  24. The Life of Clare says:

    Congrats on all those awards! I’ve just become aware to the wonders of coconut oil but its so expensive here that I haven’t used it for anything much yet.


  25. Pingback: Super Sweet Blogging Award and Blogger of the Year Award 2012 « Susartandfood's Blog

  26. Liz says:

    I never knew the differences in coconut oils…I will read my labels more carefully now. And what a fantastic parfait…it will surely l satisfy my sweet tooth!


  27. Ames says:

    Wow so many rewards! Congratulations 😀 And thanks for sharing the info about coconut oil – maybe I should go get some to use in the kitchen since it’s so good for your health!


  28. Suzie says:

    Very interesting article, I never knew most of those things that coconut oil is good for! I want to add some to my dog’s food. Especially, the one that’s a bit chunky 😉 The recipe looks fantastic too!


  29. Spoon Feast says:

    Great post, I have just started using coconut oil. I do like the flavor it imparts to foods cooked in it. I’ll have to try rubbing it onto my hands when they get dry. I love that it is so versatile!


  30. You’re right to say that coconut oil is in vogue. I’ve been seeing it a lot lately but I haven’t got down to trying it.. I love having yogurt and muesli. This looks great and healthy at the same time!


  31. I often use coconut oil in my cooking, especially for Thai dishes. However, I would have never thought to put it my parfait or to treat pink eye so thanks for those notes. Your parfait looks so decadent almost like a dessert, but healthy. Actually, I read your recipe twice and I believe there is not morsel of chocolate. Amazing!


  32. Tisa says:

    I am hearing so much of the benefits of coconut oil, now I am in the light of the differences, since all I use is the one derived from copra. Was actually going to purchase the virgin one, the other day. Now I will because you just gave me some good use for it. The parfait looks delicious:)


  33. Chef Randall says:

    I have coconut oil in my pantry. Wonderful information that you wrote about it. The photos are taken in such away..that you can just grab the parfait out of the computer screen. Well done on all your accomplishments and awards. :)>


  34. petit4chocolatier says:

    I love virgin coconut oil and did not know all the usage for it. Thank you so much! Now that wonderfully delectable dessert is something to talk about too! It looks so good. I wish I had one right now!!

    Congratulations on your awards! Well deserved : )


  35. Mishka says:

    Thanks Uru for publishing my article, and congratulations! You deserve all those awards. Keep posting and inspiring others. 🙂

    To all: Thanks. Hope you enjoy this post. Coconut oil really benefits a lot, isn’t it? 🙂


  36. Yum! i bought my first jar of virgin coconut oil the other day so this post comes at the perfec time heehee. I am jumping on the coconut oil bandwagon! But I’m not sure what to use it with – this looks great! Congrats on so many awesome awards btw 🙂 x


  37. Maureen says:

    The only thing I use coconut oil for (and I’m embarrassed to admit) is for making choc top for ice cream. I got it at the health food store so I suspect it’s the good stuff but I’ll double check.


  38. Saguna says:

    Super informative post Mishka and CCU, thank you! I LOVE coconut oil in baked goods and, well, anything- makes them smell so good and it’s perfect for using in peanut butter and chocolate cups because it stays solid at room temperature. Your parfait looks so, so good.


  39. mmmarzipan says:

    Aw, you totally deserve all those awards :)! Great info about coconut oil! I have been so curious about it and would love to try making some more healthy recipes using it! That parfait looks delish too! 🙂


  40. Great photos, Uru. I am still not sure about coconut oil. I know that sounds like heresy coming from a low-carber. 😛 I have my reasons and it was a low-carb doctor that made me wary. I know everyone thinks it is health food these days.


  41. viveka says:

    Congratulations to all that award rain .. hope you had a stabile umbrella. Your cakes, cookies, desserts and photo are killing me, but this breakfast parfait I just have to let go on file – have to go hunting for coconut oil … never heard of. Wish me luck!


  42. Really love this post, it’s informative and your parfait looks amazing. All those facts about coconut oil blew my mind. The virtues of virgin coconut oil are many, I am going to start adding to the dogs food, and start using it myself. Have a jar in the fridge, I have never opened. Thank you for posting this I really learned a lot!


  43. I love all of this Uru!! Great article Mishka – so many uses of coconut oil, I am amazed. I love using coconut oil!
    Fabulous parfait Uru!! Yum!! The last picture made me smile – it says it all 🙂


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