Final Post 2012

Wow ok guys so it has been a while, has it not? Honestly, I would have posted sooner but as busy as exams were… let’s just say post-exams got a lot busier 😉

I wish I could say I am here to stay but guess what my darlings… I will be on a plane this Friday!

Hahahahahaha… funny is it not that the world ends this Friday too? I can imagine casually trying to find a place to land 😉

Anyway, away from such morbid thoughts, ma famille et moi, we are spending our Christmas and New Year in India surrounded by large masses of relatives all cheek-pinching and question-asking, claiming how grown up we are. Honestly, I have to wonder, is it a relative thing? Whether I was 8 or when I will be 18, I will always have room to appear ‘grown up’ 😉

Anyhow, I just wanted to wish you all a very, very Merry Christmas this year and an awesome New Year!!! Best of luck with all your resolutions (even if they don’t include cooking ;)) and I toast you with classy apple-juice-in-champagne-glass for a fabulous year to come.

On that note, I leave you with some ex-Christmas recipes I would truly recommend to add a bit of extra-fantastic to your holiday. I have been cooking my butt off this past week but I suppose you darlings will just have to wait for those recipes (and they will be worth it :D). Furthermore, in this post to come, for the first time, THERE IS NO RECIPE! Just a review that legitimately will knock your socks off…

  1. Gingernuts – soft, crumbly and delicious, there is no way Santa is leaving you coal with these cookies waiting for him!
  2. Christmas Fruit Cake (Fondant Décor) – Beautiful addition to any table, decorate at will and enjoy the ‘ooh’s and ‘aaah’s
  3. Meringue Christmas Tree – Because normal trees are just so passé… 😉


So today, CCU met up with a new friend. Also sly, high and totally into food, this sleuth was currently doing a full-scale investigation on the various eats of Sydney. I would like to introduce you to new high school graduate, Tina from Food For Tina!

And her latest project…


Her syndicate was quite full but she managed to squeeze in some time to meet, greet and eat at Australia’s version of the Willy Wonka Factory with me…

review title


The first time you ever meet someone completely through Internet connection alone, you want to do it in the most fun and frivolous and delicious place possible. Checklist:

a) Kick-ass Atmosphere

b) Food

c) Music


May I just have the audacity to say we picked the perfect location? Haha… yeah I do 😉

I mentioned above that it is the ‘Willy Wonka Factory’ of Australia… while it is a little downsized, that is definitely the only way to describe the general kookiness, brilliance and ultimate deliciousness of this place.

The colours are fabulous, I mean everywhere you look there is a burst of technicolour! On top of that, there is macaron wallpaper. Do you remember Charlie licking Wonka’s edible wallpaper? Yeah… I was this close before I remembered myself 😉

And then on top of the usual blinding brightness and general Fabio-fabulousness of the place, CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS!

It’s not too hard to guess now but the location of our sleuthing was…

Adriano. Zumbo. Dessert. Train.

You know all those delicious little healthy raw fish thingies which are so popularly circulating cutie-pie tracks all over the world.



In it’s place, are plates and plates of exquisite desserts which are deconstructions, reconstructions, traditional and contemporary… anything you desire in the world in terms of dessert (though whatever other terms you could have I do not understand!) is yours for the taking… literally! Sorry sushi, you just got slammed!


Now, I don’t wish to be forward, but I believe Tina and I bonded quite well over the various plates of dessert shared together. Now, as you are all quite sane and stable people, various plates means 3-4 plates of mini desserts which are rich and indulgent beyond your wildest fantasies.

For us… it means… 9 plates. Now do not judge us. After all, one of our catch phrases of the outing was ‘We are doing it for our readers!’ – In fact, thinking about it, YOU SHOULD LOVE US! 😉

So now let’s begin. Take a sip of water from your hot pink cup which has been filled by your rose pink bottle and *breathe in*, relax and let your senses come alive…


Dessert #1: Corn, Mango, Saffron + Spice Cake

Hmmmmm… the only dessert I have remotely seen with corns is sweet cornbread.

At first glance you see a delicious small morsel of cake resting on a bed of seasoned corn, the saffron crumble and a rich, thick mango puree.


The corn itself works really well with the saffron, a combination purely mind-blowing regarding creativity 😀
The mango was subtly flavoured by honey and was so thick, luscious and creamy without being creamy. God I am so good 😛


The spice cake itself was definitely not sweet-sweet-sweet but the earthy flavour tasted really nice with the sweetness of the other elements!
Rating: 7/10

Dessert #2: Chocolate Coffee Brulee
Tell me that does not sound classy. Oh that’s right, you can’t 😉


This dessert was a mixture of classic desserts twisted and manipulated to be something completely new! Firstly, the ‘brulee’ part was a small shard of golden caramel. Crunchy and sweet, it was a great textural addition to this dessert.

It rested upon a long log of coffee chocolate ganache-mousse. I call it this because its consistency was thicker than mousse yet not quite as stiff as refrigerated ganache. Life is tough but there was a pungent sweet coffee flavour in it so I forgave and forgot 😉
On top of said log, lay a small but significantly fudgy piece of brownie which was thinly cut to not make its richness overbearing! Place a couple of edible bath bubbles all over it and you have one very classy dessert 🙂

Rating: 9/10

Dessert #3: Twisted Annunziata + Pear Gel + Compote
Annunziata: The Italian word for ‘feminine Annunciation’
Annunciation: The Christian celebration of the announcement by the angel, Gabriel to the Virgin Mary that she would conceive and be the mother to Jesus

  1. I am not religious (not atheist but agnostic)
  2. I don’t speak Italian


Which is why I will not bother to delve into why this chocolate indulgence is named as it is. Who knows? Adriano knows but not exactly on my speed dial… yet 😉

I would describe this beautiful creation as generous. A thick rectangle of rich moussey goodness covered by a layer of milk chocolate ganache. To counteract the utter indulgent nature, it rested on a bed of slightly chocolatey flakes with a distinct sea salt flavour throughout them mixed, I am pretty sure, with cocoa nibs.

On the sides was the sun and the moon. The sun was a sweet but slightly tart pear jelly (WITH REAL PEAR PIECES WITHIN)which I loved with the chocolate flavour. On the other side, the moon tasted like a pear compote, a more demure option to its jelly counterpart.

As you can see, Tina became a bit fond of this one 🙂

Rating: 8.5/10

Dessert #4: Violet Crumble
Yes, I did indeed read it as violENT crumble… ahahahaha… don’t judge me.

This beautiful dessert actually makes a mockery of the knock-off Crunchie bar, Violet Crumble… suffice to say it takes it a whole new gourmet level.

Firstly, we start of with two generous spoonfuls of honeycomb mousse. They are light, sweet and like a whipped up, melted down honeycomb paradise.
Sticking out of one plump beanbag of mousse is a shard of dark chocolate, just for some texture and extra support. In the other, is a shard of honeycomb but soft and chewy unlike its usual form. Some may not like this unconventional form but I fell for it like a ton of bricks.

In the centre was a soft pillow of white coloured mousse with specks. I was like ‘vanilla?’ and then Tina said, ‘No, violet!’ which is when it dawned on me that the violet is a flower. Oops 😉


Anyhow, it was so fragrant, I felt like I was devouring soft edible perfume. Tell me that is not cool!
Rating: 8.5/10

Dessert #5: Cherry Coconut
This is plainly and simply a deconstructed Cherry Ripe. Who needs portable candy honestly! In the form of a trifle, it is simple and a little weird with its random streaks of red.

However on the first spoon where you taste the thick ‘Bounty-style’ thickness of the coconut with layers of whipped cream and cherry compote all topped with the same chocolate crumble from the Annunziata, you know you will never eat a cherry ripe again.

It is just so mainstream 🙂
Rating: 9/10

Dessert #6: Chocolate Namelaka
Namelaka: A Japanese term meaning ‘creamy texture’
Now, there was definitely no creaminess in the half-fudge-half-cakey brownie but on its side was what I called a ‘melted mousse’ which lay as a covering upon the sea-salt chocolate crumble. It was denser than a sauce and went really well with the texture of the cake, which may have been a little dry without it!


I loved the presentation of it, this dessert actually simply called to all chocolate devotees everywhere! I know how my eyes widened on seeing it 😉
It was simple but tasty

Rating: 7.5/10

Dessert #7: Hazelnut Daquoise
Actually spelt ‘Dacquoise’ but then again, maybe there are variations I do not know of 🙂
Daquoise: Refers to a dessert involving nutty meringue layers

You see the sausage in the photo? Hahahaha it is not a sausage 🙂 – Au contraire, it is a delectably piped hazelnut flavoured cream adorned by two caramelised hazelnuts. It was silky smooth, yes, SILKY smooth and a perfect texture balance to the meringue cake next to it.

The cake itself was very sweet but I like it like that so no complaints! The meringue layer was crunchy perfection and there is really nothing else to say. I am not even the biggest meringue fan but fell in love with this!
Rating: 8/10

Dessert Palate Cleanser #1: Watermelon Yoghurt
Tina and I decided that after our insane indulgence of above, we needed to actually get a fresh wholesome taste in our mouths. Out come the equally delectable but refreshing desserts! 😀


This one was my personal favourite of the two we tried. Cutie-pie diced pieces of watermelon offered the perfect cold hit and then mixed with a gorgeous squiggle of fresh natural yoghurt, it was delicious. I think next time I buy some Chobani, I will be adding in yoghurt sans doute :)!!!

On the side, we had the tiniest meringue, which was a nice textural addition and with that, a little yellow cream-curd which neither Tina nor I could quite work out.
Aaaah well, life’s tough, guess you just have to eat and continue 🙂
Rating: 8.5/10

Dessert Palate Cleanser #2:Pine + Mint Splice
Pine…. Hahahaha that’s funny because this dish has both pine-NUTs and pineAPPLE 😛 – ADRIANO MAKING A FUNNY 😀

Anyway, excuse that… this was really really tasty and the sweetness from the pineapple curd, pineapple pieces went awesome with the delicious slightly bitter pine nut crumble it was on!

We were not quite sure but there is no other explanation so the mint must have been in the freshly whipped cream *drool*
I can still smell that beautiful aroma of mint mingling with pineapple… oh my 🙂
Rating: 8/10


Did I or did I not tell you it was a crazy hectic dessert meal????

Having tried Zumbo’s famous macarons many times before, we opted out of them (also because our stomachs were in serious need of a break :P)


Do you think perhaps I have convinced you Sydney-siders to drive over or you non-driving-distanced-people to catch a plane over?

I suppose if this was not enough, you have the a la mode option of ordering fresh donuts, having the exotically flavoured ‘soft-serve of the day’ and a smashing hot chocolate. Just a suggestion is all 🙂

General Information: Adriano Zumbo’s Dessert Train 

Overall Rating: 8.5/10


Address: Shop 1, Cafe Court
The Star/80 Pyrmont Street,
Pyrmont NSW 2009

Phone Number: (02) 9777 9000

White Plates: $5 each
Pink Plates: $6 each
Macarons: $2.50 each (black plate of each = $10 for 4)

Adriano Zumbo Pâtissier on Urbanspoon


Now before I bid my final 2012 adieu, I would like to again wish you all a great holiday to come, an awesome celebration of the world not ending tomorrow and a fabulous new years 😀


I will not be commenting for around 3 weeks on any blogs, not because I don’t like you of course :D, but rather to enjoy India to its full potential and have a bit of a break!

  • ‘Joyeux Noel’
  • ‘Feliz Navidad’
  • ‘Boas Festas e Feliz Ano Novo’
  • ‘Nadolig Llawen’
  • ‘Buone Feste Natalizie’
  • ‘Froehliche Weihnachten und ein glueckliches Neues Jahr’
  • God Jul and (Och) Ett Gott Nytt Ar

and a Merry Christmas to you all too 🙂

With love mes cheris,

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  1. Pingback: CCU Undercover: Adriano Zumbo Mirror Cake | Go Bake Yourself

  2. Pingback: CCU Undercover Diary: Adriano Zumbo Patisserie | Go Bake Yourself

  3. jlaceda says:

    Hope you are having a great holiday! You are so cruel to post so many wonderful goodies here! I am literally drooling! Oh, please stop this sweet torture! LOL!


  4. Carolyn Chan says:

    Haha your comment about your relatives is so true! Merry merry Christmas to you and your family! Have a wonderful time in India. And thanks for the inspiration, ginger biscuits are going to be cooked today!


  5. I wish that your Christmas will be fulfilled with sweet pleasure,
    Full with memories that you keep close and treasure.
    Happy Holidays x
    -The Little Housewife

    P.S Totally understands, been a busy bee myself, good look with your exams, have a fabulous trip and bring back loads of interesting recipes. Hope you have a good one! Missed being around here, glad everything is well.


  6. A delicious selection of desserts fit for a princess–two of them. Thanks to the both of your for making the sacrifice and testing them all! Have a wonderful vacation, CCU, and maybe (we can only hope!) you’ll bring back some food ideas from India.


  7. xoxbekxox says:

    I have been there! On our last trip to sydney we went to the one near the casino. I am pretty sure I had the Hazelnut Daquoise and it reminded me so much of Ferrer Rochers. It was fairly new from what I remember so it seems they’ve added in many more desserts and an a le carte menu! My bf had the V8 chocolate cake which looked the most rich, decadent thing ever. We also tried there macaroons- we were a bit disappointed with the texture, having had better elsewhere, but loved the flavours. I want to go back now!

    Thanks for writing this, I strangely (well not that strange considering I’m a foodie with a wicked sweet tooth) had so much fun reading this!


  8. petit4chocolatier says:

    Merry Christmas my dear and enjoy your holiday!!
    This post is amazing! I feel as if I was part of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory!! I love them all; especially Dessert #5. See you in 2013!!


  9. Michelle says:

    And a very merry Christmas and happy new year to you! Please share with us all your adventures in India—especially those “large masses of relatives all cheek-pinching and question-asking”!


  10. My dear friend, have a lovely time in India!! I know how you feel.. cheek pinching and all. LOL! It doesn’t get better when you get older… relatives still see changes and talk about them. 🙂 It’s been a great 2012 with all your sweet treats and Undercover CCU! Looking forward to 2013! ~Cheers!!! Ramona


  11. May you have a safe & enjoyable trip – be sure to ask the pilot to take on some extra fuel just in case you need to land someplace else. Enjoy the holidays & your family – no they will always pinch your cheeks & make a comment about how you’ve grown.
    Now that is truly an amazing array of good lookin’ food! How you manage to find it I don’t know, but please don’t stop.


  12. A_Boleyn says:

    Have a great trip and thank you for leaving us with that sinful dessert extravaganza. I give the whole experience 8 out of 9 because the sweet corn dessert really didn’t appeal to me but the other plates were very tempting.


  13. Have a terrific trip! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you, and I hope you don’t have to hear too many times how you’ve grown! Don’t even think about us while you’re gone, but be assured we’ll all be here for you when you return, famished, waiting for our next sugar fix! Have a great holiday.


  14. Wow! I am so totally full reading about your dessert plates! They all looked so gorgeous and unique. What a great place. A very nice way to end out 2012 Uru.

    Have a great time in India. It’s been years since I went back and had my cheeks pinched and was waited on hand and foot.

    Happy New Year to you my friend. See you next year!

    Nazneen xx


  15. Happy holidays to you my dear CCU and enjoy your time with family. I feel like I have a sugar rush looking at all of your delicious photos. Hopefully that will keep me happy until your return. Safe and happy travel. BAM


  16. Happy Holidays and have a wonderful time in India, I expect your cheeks will be nice and rosy from all the pinching. A beautiful post and great way to end 2012. Have so enjoyed reading your blog and I really look forward to more and more from you in 2013!


  17. daisyandthefox says:

    those gingernuts, christmas fruitcake and meringue tree look delicious! and so Christmas perfect! 🙂
    Have a wonderful holiday in India! 🙂 And a very Merry Christmas! 🙂


  18. Have a safe holiday in India! I wouldn’t worry too much about tomorrow – My daughter majored in Anthropology in college and she’s not worried – I suppose she would be aware of any prediction of a threat to mankind through the Mayans or Aztecs. First, I love the fondant covered fruit cake! More importantly – I want a ZUMBO here!!! You look beautiful in the pictures by the way!


  19. Have a wonderful vacation and holiday Uru–we will miss you but I am happy you will be in the land of cheek pinching–they used to tell us we were growing like a bad weed when I was young. Awaiting your comeback–I wish you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year my friend!


  20. thehungrymum says:

    ZOMG! I am *so* there! This place looks loco but so much fun. Haven’t yet been to the Star but I think you’ve just convinced me to check it out.
    Enjoy India & all the cheek-pinching that entails 🙂


  21. What a fabulous post for your last of 2012! I love that meringue tree and I hope I will have time to make it! It reminds me of the French pile of choux buns with caramelised sugar that they do, glorious!

    All sorts of lovely goodies here to try. It’s been such a busy end of year that I haven’t been in to read much recently but this was a BIG treat this morning! Thank you!

    Have a fabulous trip when you leave on your plane to India on Friday (I hope there’ll be some pictures . As you know I LOVE India!) and I’ll see you next year. Happy Christmas and may 2013 bring you all you dream of …..

    With love to you my friend

    Sally 🙂


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