Introducing: Patricia Dean-Escoto & (Another) Giveaway (Closed)

*Just a quick note – if anyone wants to guest post for my blog in August, please email me and let me know, I have a couple lined up but some more never hurt when taking exams 😛 – email me at*

Now, let us begin this post… enjoy! 🙂

Ok, so do you remember meeting Ms Gluten-Free Machine, Lorna Foreman?
Well, allow me to introduce you another fantastic author – Ms Patricia Dean-Escoto – HOW COOL IS MS DEAN-ESCOTO’S NAME? 😀

But more than the name, more than the cool, it is what Ms DE is trying to promote around the world, and that is preventing cancer, specifically breast. Let me give you some stats:
*Taken from Cancer Australia*

  1. In 2010 in Australia, Breast Cancer was the second leading cause of female deaths by cancer, accounting for 15.3%
  2. In 2009, it was recorded that the likelihood of developing breast cancer before the age of 85 years old was 1 in 8 women
  3. In 1982, the number of breast cancer patients was 5,317 – in 2009, it was 13,668 

Is it our environment? Is it natural in humans? What is causing this increase? 

For now, cancer is threatening, it is a disease which takes lives easily, it is the stark truth of the matter. While we wait for a drug to be made which will forever eradicate the fatality associated with it, we have to take care of ourselves and promote and encourage our community to as well. This is why I am so proud to be hosting Ms DE, who is promoting this through her wonderful new book, Top Ten Superfoods For Preventing Breast Cancer

With two chances (yes twoto win this fine book (I have snuck a peak) AND a guest post which will knock your socks off, I would like you all to give a very warm welcome to Ms Patricia Dean-Escoto 🙂

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About Patricia Dean-Escoto:

Patricia Dean-Escoto is a certified nutrition consultant and breast cancer survivor.  Born in Montclair, New Jersey, she earned her master’s degree in Education from Capella University.  She has more than 20 years of experience working in both the field of education and healthcare.  In 2006, after being diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer, Patricia returned to school to study nutrition.  She is a graduate of Bauman College, where she earned her certification as a Nutrition Consultant.   Recently, she hosted a year-long radio show called Pathways to Healing on the Voice America network where she interviewed experts in the field of health and wellness.  She is a Raw Foods chef and author of The Top Ten Superfoods for Preventing Breast Cancer.  Patricia is also a Certified Cancer Physical Trainer.  Her company, Pathways2healing, works exclusively with cancer patients in the area of nutrition and exercise.  She lectures both locally and nationally on the topic of nutrition and cancer prevention.   She and her husband currently reside in Delaware.



Patricia, you are such a fine example to us all. Combatting a disease so strongly and then taking your experience and using it positively to enlighten others and enrich their knowledge. Putting in the effort after an illness takes courage to write an incredible book.

I know I say thank you from us all 🙂

With so much experience in talking, explaining and teaching about cancer, and working with clients who have gone through this trauma, I think I speak for us all when I say her book is metaphorically made of gold, containing a lot of useful, first hand information.

Let’s check it out shall we?


About The Top Ten Superfoods for Preventing Breast Cancer: 

The war on cancer has raged on for more than forty years.  Yet the incidence of breast cancer continues to rise with an average of 180,000 new cases reported each year.  In 2011, cancer surpassed heart disease as the number one killer of Americans.  All of this leads one to the natural conclusion that we are not winning this war.  While the medical community’s focus continues to be on treatment with the latest drug, nature has provided us with a natural way to help prevent this deadly disease.  In her new book, breast cancer survivor and nutrition consultant, Patricia Dean-Escoto reveals the top ten Super Foods for preventing breast cancer.    Written in clear, easy-to-understand language, citing numerous scientific research studies, The Top Ten Super Foods for Preventing Breast Cancer explains:

  • Estrogen’s role in the development of breast cancer
  • Environmental contributors to breast cancer
  • The role nutrition plays in the prevention of breast cancer
  • How inflammation contributes to breast cancer
  • The research-backed top ten foods for preventing breast cancer
  • Her H.E.A.L.T.H.Y.™ eating food model for cancer prevention



Not to mention this book also contains a 7-Day meal plan to get you started on a healthier lifestyle!
It is so exciting to meet someone so passionate about changing the world no, one disease at a time!

I won’t keep you much longer, who needs to hear me chatter on when you could be enjoying an exclusive guest post by my guest on her virtual tour!

Imagine you are at a cafe, it is still early morning with a nip in the air. Perfect time to lose yourself in a conversation such as the one to come with Ms Patricia (including a secret recipe just for you :))



Fighting Cancer with Food

When it comes to cancer, I strongly believe the best way to cure cancer is to prevent it.  However, organizations are not focusing on true prevention.  To them, prevention means making sure you get your routine mammogram.  While this may help some, research has shown these tests can also create more false-positives and unnecessary treatments.

The truth is that by the time a tumor is detected in a mammogram, it has been growing in our body for anywhere from 2 to 5 years.  More importantly, these snapshots in time do very little to address the real question – ‘Why is cancer developing in the first place’?

After my own diagnosis with Stage II breast cancer, I began a personal journey to try and determine what I could change in my surroundings to help prevent this disease from striking again.  This journey led me to become a nutritionist and, then, to eventually write my book, The Top Ten Superfoods for Preventing Breast Cancer.  My intention was to share, not only my personal story, but to also help anyone interested in arming themselves against a deadly disease, that despite our best efforts, continues to claim thousands of lives each year.

Fresh foods are key!

Fresh foods are key!

Food is power.  The fats, carbohydrates and proteins we consume on a daily basis, can have a profound effect on how our body functions and how it fights disease.  This battle happens on a cellular level, where diseases such as cancer begin.  Fighting cancer is a war we can win, but it will require a paradigm shift and an embracing of some old truths.  One being that food truly is medicine and our medicine is contained in our food.  

Meatless Taco Wraps

By Patricia Dean-Escoto

Makes: 4 Servings


Cilantro-Cashew Cheese (makes 1 cup)

  • 2 cloves garlic, crushed
  • ½ tsp Himalayan sea salt
  • 1 cup raw cashews
  • 2 ½ tablespoons fresh lemon juice (1 lemon)
  • ¼ cup fresh cilantro leaves
  • ¼ cup water

Ground Walnut Meat (makes 1 cup)

  • 1 cup raw walnuts or pecans (I like the pecans, but walnuts will work just as good)
  • 1 ½ tsp ground cumin
  • 1 ½ tsp ground coriander
  • ½ tsp liquid Bragg’s Amino Acid
  • Pinch of sea salt
  • 4 Romaine leaves
  • Salsa
  • 1 avocado, pitted and sliced


  1. To make cheese, place garlic and salt in a food processor and process into small pieces.
  2. Add cashews and continue to process until consistency is like a paste.  Add lemon juice, cilantro and water and continue processing until contents are smooth-like, but not watery. Set aside.
  3. To make walnut meat, place all ingredients into a cleaned food processor and process on pulse until mixture looks like ground meat.
  4. Layer the cheese and meat down the inside of a lettuce leaf.  Top with salsa and cut avocado, wrap and serve.


This is a delicious twist on a classic dish. The spices cilantro and coriander are high on the list of healing herbs primarily for their anti-inflammatory properties, while cumin seeds contain free radical, anti-cancer properties. Cashews have lower fat and higher protein content than most other nuts.  Additionally, the oleic acids from the nuts, a monosaturated fat, are known for their cancer-protective benefits.  Garlic is an infection fighter and its anti-microbial properties have been shown to offer protection against certain types of cancers.  Finally, the white part of the lemon has been studied for their anti-cancer properties.  This makes this recipe a power-packed cancer-fighting meal.


Only 4 steps in making a healthy, anti-cancer friendly dinner which looks delicious and by the sound of ‘walnut meat’ would taste fantastic too – Ms DE really is a marvel is she not? There are a range of benefits from all these ingredients and if it is tastebud-complimentary, who are we to say no to 2 helpings… or 5 😉

Thank you so much Patricia for teaching us all about how we can improve our lifestyle to lessen our risks and increasing our nutritional knowledge overall! If we all work to promote the eradication of cancer, it is a matter of time until we do no? After all, in the 1500s where people were dying of the bubonic plague, they imagine a better world, worked towards one where this disease no longer occurred, and voila, here we are 🙂


Haven’t Had Enough of Patricia?

Or follow her virtual blog tour!

Giveaway Time!!!

With two different ways to win a copy of this book, I certainly do wish you all the best!

If you want to win it through my blog, there are three ways to do it

  1. Comment on this post
  2. Follow Patricia’s page on twitter and leave an additional comment telling me (if you already do, tell me in the additional comment)
  3. Follow Go Bake Yourself on Facebook and leave an additional comment telling me (if you already do, tell me in the additional comment)

I do encourage you to enter, winning could mean recipes beyond your dreams, all with wonderful health benefits!

You could also win by entering a Rafflecopter giveaway – all hope is not lost 😀

Thank you Patricia! 🙂


Hiiiii, it is just me again 😀 – I know this has been a long post but just before I go, I would like to bring your attention to Sydney’s City2Surf event! This newspaper clip basically sums it up…


Haha, ok maybe not totally but it is a HUGE annual charity run in which all the volunteer heroes (yes, they are all heroes) work to raise money for a cause close to their heart. It is beautiful is it not, to support someone in this cause?

I wish I could say I was doing this run, but it clashes by being exactly at the same time as my major finals (eeyuck no?) so unfortunately I am unable to compete, but please, check it out, sign up, find people who are running and sponsor them as much as possible – it is all for a good cause, no matter what you support.

Meet my friend, Chelsea Hendy 🙂 – Chelsea is a university student running this for the first time and is raising money for the Breast Cancer Foundation, helping to aid them in eradicating breast cancer by 2030. It is quite a personal event for her especially, as her nan is fighting breast cancer as we speak. Patricia combatted her disease and is now doing a world of good for others undergoing the same treatment. Let’s show Chelsea support by donating for her cause! Especially now that after this post, so many of us know more about it than ever 🙂

Chelsea is one of the many ‘Everyday Heroes‘ in this event – check out her page and thousands of others and help them in reaching their goals, literally (as cliche as it sounds) making our world better 🙂

Thank you so much everyone!

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  1. Pingback: Introducing: Leah Borski & Giveaway! | Go Bake Yourself

  2. Heather says:

    Thank you for sharing this Uru- I am a strong believer that diet plays a huge role in our overall well being with the capability of reversing or placing chronic illness in remission!


  3. Pingback: Enhanced? | Go Bake Yourself

  4. Kim Bultman says:

    Guest posts such as this one are “more” than a guest post — they’re a public service, an education, a motivation to pay attention, and a new way of looking at food. (Not to mention a tasty sounding recipe!) Thanks, Uru, for introducing us to Patricia, and thanks, Patricia, for sharing what you’ve learned!


  5. Pingback: Superfoods #3: Chia Seeds | Go Bake Yourself

  6. Barbara says:

    Most of us have someone close who has cancer. I firmly believe nutrition plays a big role. The healthier we eat, the better our health will be. Unfortunately, it’s not the only answer, but we should all take Patricia’s advice.
    Great post!


  7. At my age, there are more friends being diagnosed with this disease. I think it must be such a complex problem for them to have not gotten close to a cure by now. Your friend and other survivors are an inspiration to all of us to live better lives. xx


  8. Purely.. Kay says:

    With cancer running in my family, this was an excellent post for me to read and I’m happy I read it. This was amazing. Thanks for the information and Iove your last name as well 🙂


  9. stierneyc says:

    I lost my beautiful daughter to this insidious disease! She was only 37 and left behind a little boy, just under 2 years old. I believe the more information there is out there on this topic is good. Thank you for your inspiration, XOXO


  10. Sugar et al. says:

    Inspiring to read about Patricia! And that was a whole lot of useful information Uru. Diet is so very imporatnt to our well being. Wish you luck on your incredible journey Patricia!


  11. mjskit says:

    This is a different taco. I don’t think tacos are suppose to be near this healthy. 🙂 Actually, I love every thing about it. All of the nuts and then the avocado – delicious! Nice to me you Patricia!


  12. Now this sounds like my kind of recipe! I did actually make some walnut taco “meat” just this past week, although I used traditional soft corn tortillas as vessels. The lettuce wrap approach will be perfect for the height of summer though- Much lighter and more refreshing.


  13. Chelsea says:

    Hi Uru,
    Thank you for posting my fundraising page! Thanks also for raising awareness of this terrible cancer. It was great to hear about Patricia’s journey. I will definitely be buying a copy of the book for my nan who is battling breast cancer, and whos name also happens to be Patricia!
    Chelsea 🙂


  14. Meenakshi says:

    Wow Uru thanks for putting together this great great post and its wonderful that you are making a.difference through your blog. The cashew cilantro cheese sounds so interesting! Cashews do have a creamy texture when ground- didnt know it could be a cheese substitite!


  15. grace says:

    what a special post! information like this should absolutely be more well known. the tacos sound great, and that’s coming from a die-hard omnivore!


  16. RubyShooZ says:

    Thanks for the great reading and for the giveaway as well.

    I am one who fought cancer with foods and I’m six years cancer-free at this point.

    Thanks to to Patricia!


  17. navane64 says:

    Scary to read about cancer but is becoming so common these days. Lost many people in my family due to their suffering from cancer. It was knowledgable to read about how to prevent or outcome cancer and I have to agree that incorporating veggies and fruits into our diet is so important.


  18. helene dsouza says:

    Oh yes cancer has taken many loved once from us…
    Interessting health book for sure. I like the Cilantro-Cashew Cheese recipe. never seen one like that. So is this giveaway world wide?


  19. I’m really impressed with all that Patricia has accomplished since her Cancer diagnosis and post-recovery. I admire that she took the responsibility to learn more and take control of her overall health. I enjoy vegetarian and vegan options, and these meatless taco wraps sound delicious! This was a wonderful guest post, CCU. 🙂


  20. CCU, what a remarkable woman you brought to our attention, Patricia sounds like such an incredible inspiration – how wonderful. Cancer is such a complex and all too often very sad and painful disease which affects the individual and family for an uninvited life altering shift into a direction which can be so heart wrenching. Thankfully there are special people like Patricia to help.
    🙂 Mandy xo


  21. Hotly Spiced says:

    Patricia sounds like an incredible person who is doing so much to educate and assist people with the prevention and the treatment of this terrible and escalating cancer. Good on you Uru for bringing her book to our attention xx


  22. Balvinder says:

    Well said Patricia,Food is the power. Eating the right healthy food and keeping a healthy lifestyle is the key to prevent cancer. The recipe of tacos is very interesting. I would like to know what is Liquid amino acid? Is there any substitute?


  23. Great post and nice to meet you Patricia. I teach classes at our cancer support community here in town and recently taught one on raw food. While researching the topic myself i was amazed at how many survivors claim their remission was all due to their raw food diet. Whether raw food or not, healthy eating and exercise is proven to ward off cancer and many diseases. It surprises me how many people still don’t follow a healthier way of life.


  24. Nice to meet you! And a friend’s mum passed away from cancer a few years ago and she said how important diet was. If she ate anything deep fried then it was disastrous to her white cell count whereas if she ate organic f&v it was really beneficial 🙂


  25. laurasmess says:

    Fantastic post Uru, and thanks Patricia for sharing some of your knowledge about breast cancer prevention. My mother experienced breast cancer a couple of years ago. Luckily, after surgery, chemo and radiotherapy she seems to be doing well… but it’s always good to know further preventative tips. Thanks again xx


  26. It’s wonderful to meet you Patricia, thank you for helping us to lead a healthier cancer free life. My Mom and sister are breast cancer survivors and I am going to order your book and send it to them. Great post Uru, we have to eradicate this deadly disease.


  27. Hello Uru,
    On behalf of Patricia and Book Marketing Services, I would like to thank you for hosting Patricia today on Go Bake Yourself. She is excited to be here. If anyone has any questions and/or comments they would like to share with Patricia, please leave them in the comment box. Patricia will be by later in the day to respond to everyone.
    Please enter the giveaway to win an autographed copy of The Top Ten Superfoods for Preventing Breast Cancer plus a 30 minute consultation with Patricia and a 3 day meal plan. Click on the Rafflecopter link that Uru provided or go to
    Join us for the last stop on Patricia’s ten day tour on Friday, June 21st, when she will be the guest on Breast Cancer Defense
    To your health!


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