A Party To Remember

Can I just rewind the clock and take it back to Christmas time of 2014? Can I take you back to reminisce about all that overeating and indulgent gift giving we all participated in for this post?

I was meant to do this post nice and close to New Years but then I saw running behind schedule, then I went to the Gold Coast and well… now I think I am on track!

I know it is not going to be a hardship or anything for you to turn back time again! Your Instagrams totally showed me how much fun you all were having!

And maybe… you saw mine?


Instahappy! You can’t see my smile but I am smiling 😛

That’s right, last year (how funny is it saying that!) my best friends from high school and I had a kick-ass christmas party for our group. What does this involve? A giant bunch of Indian-Sri Lankan babes singing random songs while doing the cup song repeatedly for 10 minutes.

And that is being recorded as well cause #memories.

The night also involved a boatload of food and candlelight for a wholesome Christmas almost-eve experience. We like keeping it real you know 🙂

My contribution to the evening!

My contribution to the evening!

My friend was actually planning this event, but what was even better was that I had the perfect ingredients to officially make it the Christmas Party of the season!


See, a week or two before, I was lucky enough to be contacted by Lel and Khai, an entrepreneurial couple who had only in September of 2014 started their Party Kit business at an online site called The Kit Source (aptly named!).


We met up and over large plates of Thai cuisine, discussed the reason L&K decided to pursue this area of event management and why in this particular way. Not only did I learn a lot from them about their business, but this discussion ebbed and flowed into all sorts of topics till I am pretty sure we had been talking together for 2 1/2 hours.

Woah. That was definitely a good time 🙂


Basically, the whole point for L&K to begin The Kit Source, was so that people could enjoy party planning without the headache of having to buy every little part separately and make sure it matches, make sure there are the right numbers etc. etc.

How many times have you put off having a party because of the hassle and the expense? I know I have, and even if I would look online, there were individual party sets of plates and glasses and it was just too hard to visualise.

Ngaw lollies as well? Thanks!

Ngaw lollies as well? Thanks!

Well, basically The Kit Source visualises it so you don’t have to. So you don’t have to spend tiresome hours picking out the right napkin colour to go with green plates and red cups. So you don’t have to remember on the party night that you didn’t get any straws.

It is all bundled up and ready to go!


Red napkins, cute Christmas straws and party bags! Even the ties are red and white!


Another good thing about The Kit Source is that their focus is not on the party. How controversial right? No, yes, ok let me explain it better… their focus is on making the party smoother. So many people go overboard, buying expensive photo booths and real gold glitter for a single shindig, they almost forget that conversation is key as well as the food serving.


I may be exaggerating, but if it isn’t someones birthday and just a saturday night, why the need to go so overboard people?
No one is going to be saying good things about your party if there is a DJ there, but the waiters didn’t provide you with serviettes with your hors d’oeuvres!

The range of kits, depending on the style of party you want, aid in enlivening the simple parts such as through themed plates and cutlery, and fancy banners. And if you are looking more so towards the decoration side, they have decoration kits as well, going one step further than the supplies.


This way you don’t have to save up a fortune for a party, but it can still flow smoother with a few surprise bits and pieces that bring a smile to guests faces 🙂

Generously, L&K provided the Christmas Party Supplies Kit ($55) and Christmas Party Decor Kit ($55). Since these are seasonal items, they are currently unavailable in their themes.


Arming myself with sticky tape and the box of decorations and supplies, I made my way to my friends house (not too much of a trek since its a 2 second drive…) and we started hanging the decorations around and setting out supplies for the night 🙂

I loved that there was such a strong and obvious christmas vibe in all the rooms we touched!


We first up, got out the supplies. Scattering Candy cane confetti all over the table (while making sure her dog didn’t eat any!) and hanging up the felt red and green christmas trees was already getting the party started!


The plates and cups they used, L&K pointed out, were specifically not plastic, and rather, either bamboo or strong paper materials from places such as Indian. They did not skimp on quality at all while being environmentally friendly!


Because why not?

Because why not?

One of my favourite decorations from the box were the felt giant Santa Seat covers! When everyone was gunning to get that seat when dinner rolled around, you could almost have made a game out of it!

Just a note though, they were a touch uncomfortable when the cotton-ball style top fell forward instead of standing upright!DSC_0160

But they looked absolutely gorgeous!

In the Decor pack, there was also an abundance of ruffled ball and christmas tree decorations that really livened up both the house and the backyard (my friend has a backyard literally made for pixie woodland fairy sprite creatures!)



Not only did these come designed with a sticky pad on their underside (though this was not the case on the Christmas tree ones so they were a hassle), but they were easy to hang and didn’t just bounce away with a whistle of the wind (common in our dry Christmas heat!)




My friend had the idea that the miniature white versions of these beautiful decorations should have a sprinkling of blue frost dust and snowflakes on it for an authentic white Christmas feel, but when I see it in our Frangipane trees, I just don’t see it screaming snow 😛

And it didn’t really matter then because when the food was laden out, and the candles were lit, and people started mock-arguing over the Santa seats, it really did feel like the holidays there and then 🙂

Die for cupcakes by a mate!

Die for cupcakes by a mate!

My friend's sister makes these yearly - so glad I live nearby!

My friend’s sister makes these yearly – so glad I live nearby!



General Overview: The Kit Source

  • Not overly pricey for the amount of supplies and decor that is provided per kit
  • Easy to assemble, took less than an hour
  • Matched well and very thematically oriented right down to the last detail


I would definitely recommend giving Lel and Khai’s Kit Source a try for your next party! That way there is no headache for you and only extra fun times ahead 😀

To this amazing party that we are trying to make an annual occurrence, I too, of course, brought an offering besides the decorations.


I decided to go ALL out christmas and make ice cream. Because, regardless of how all out I got, I couldn’t forget that this is christmas in Australia.

Pretty sure it is obvious, but in case, this candy cane white chocolate ice cream had a refreshing but strong minty flavour, cutting down the sweetness from the white chocolate chunks that randomly popped up!


An extra burst of flavour came from the roughly chopped (more like beaten up) pieces of candy cane strewn throughout the dessert as well!


Hope you enjoy this recipe and keep it in the vault for next year…

My contribution to the evening!

My contribution to the evening!

Or you can depress over the fact that the holidays have ended and make it now… totally not fussed (especially since ALL the candy canes are still on sale :P)

Candy Cane Chocolate Ice Cream

Adapted from: BBC Good Food



  • 100g white chocolate chips
  • 400ml full cream milk
  • 300ml thickened cream
  • 1 tsp vanilla essence (I used a vanilla bean, split, but it was too strong)
  • 40g fresh mint leaves, washed and dried
  • 4 large egg yolks
  • 150g caster sugar
  • Red or pink food colouring
  • 200g candy canes, crushed


  1. Pour milk, cream and essence in a large saucepan over medium-low heat and bring to simmer. Lower heat slightly, add in 100g candy canes and the mint leaves and leave with a lid on top, stirring occasionally, for 15-20 minutes.
  2. Strain the liquid, pressing down on the leaves and candy to extract maximum flavour.
  3. Whisk the yolks and the sugar together until thick, creamy and pale.
  4. Reheat the milk mixture to simmering point, then pour half the mixture into the egg mix, stirring continuously as to avoid scrambled eggs.
  5. Add the hot egg liquid mixture to the remaining milk mixture again, stirring continuously, and cook over low heat for 3-4 minutes or till the custard coats the back of a wooden spoon.
  6. Remove from heat and add in a few drops of food colouring till the custard is a light pink colour.
  7. Strain the custard into a large cool bowl and leave to cool in the fridge, covered in plastic wrap that is touching the surface and preventing a skin from forming.
  8. Chill for 3-4 hours or overnight.
  9. Churn the ice cream in an ice cream machine till creamy and frozen.
  10. Add in chocolate bits and remaining 100g of crushed candy canes throughout the mixture, spoon into a tub and let freeze for 3-4 hours or overnight.
  11. Serve in chilled bowls with extra candy cane goodness!

Disclaimer: Go Bake Yourself received both party kit packages courtesy of The Kit Source. However, all opinions expressed are honest and her own.

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  1. What a fun party!!! The Kit Source would do well in an area like mine… You have to travel so far to get to any stores, then if you are trying to match colors, you could end up having to go another 50 miles to a different city! I am not normally a huge fan of candy cane’s, but your ice cream would make me change my tune. It looks delicious!!


  2. hotlyspiced says:

    I do love Christmas parties and it looks like you were all having so much fun. The gift tags are really cute and it looks like this business has a lot of great parties ideas. Your ice cream is a very pretty colour xx


  3. I love that you used mint leaves in this ice cream as well as the candy canes. I’d probably make it with dark chocolate chips just because I’m not a huge white chocolate fan. But it sure looks good! What a great idea your friends have for the party kit. 🙂


  4. You made your ice cream theme perfect. Cute! What a lovely party. They do a lot of party planning and wedding planning in South and Central America. Almost no one does the party stuff on their own anymore. It’s amazing to me how sophisticated and elaborate some of these party planners are.


  5. Glad to know you had a wonderful Christmas and that our Party Kit was useful!! It was lovely meeting you Uru and thank you for giving us a go.

    If you plan on buying some Party Kits, mention “Go Bake Yourself” so we can throw in some bonus cookies.


  6. applec says:

    Such a fun party. Great idea to be able to get a party kit and then you only have to worry about the food. Yay! Everything looked delish!


  7. Sounds like a holiday to remember! Peppermint stick ice cream is pretty much my favorite flavor, too, and I used to go nuts when it was released seasonally. I sure wish I could have a giant bowlful of your perfectly pink rendition right now!


  8. My absolute favorite type of ice cream when I was growing up was called “peppermint stick” and it looks very similar to this – now you have me craving ice cream in the morning! Looks like it was a perfect addition to an awesome party. =)


  9. Ramona W says:

    Candy Cane ice cream is perfect for your hot Christmas! I still have a hard time wrapping my head around Christmas being summer for you all in Australia. Seeing your friends gather to celebrate reminds me of decades ago when my school friends and I would do the same thing… love those memories. 🙂


  10. Becky says:

    Looks like your party was a success! The Santa seat covers are so cute! Love the peppermint ice cream with white chocolate. I”ll have to put the recipe in my “vault’. Happy New Year 2015


  11. Louise says:

    Sounds like The Kit Source is on to something Uru. I immediately remembered when I would make all inclusive baskets for my clients. Paying attention to detail is the most important thing. I remember once including nails, a hammer and picture wire so a client would have all they needed for a surprise party they were giving. (it’s a long story:)

    You “gals” all look so happy. I’m sure it wasn’t only because of the time of year, although that sure did help!!! As did those goodies and that ice cream. Oh my! Never to late for Candy Cane Ice Cream in my book especially with white chocolate!!!

    Thank you so much for sharing Uru…It sounds like you “guys” had a blast!!!


      • Sorry that header is from my old site, and I could not get rid of it – my pinterest link is actually in the side, but it just links to my profile! Thanks for trying to pin my ice cream, I have a pin button on my header bar so wherever I visit, I can pin any of the pictures on any site 😀 xx

        Choc Chip Uru


  12. Nessy Eater says:

    That kit looks fun and easy! Looks like you had an excellent time during the Christmas holidays. Totes need to try your candy cane ice-cream because that’s an incredible combination.


  13. It sounds like you and your friends had a great time & were able to enjoy yourselves rather than fussing. I think the party kit idea is a great one but probably wouldn’t work as well in our area as we have 2 major chains that have stores with nothing but party … everything. The buildings are the size of warehouses & have aisles of everything in every color which is coordinated. They have different sections for different types of parties. For example, I was able to get everything for my daughter’s engagement party in one quick stop. For areas without something like that though, I can see where a party kit delivered to your home would be very helpful.


  14. I Wilkerson says:

    Cute party kit–though I have recently figured out that it’s a lot easier to go green than I thought. I have the glasses and tableware for over 50 (not that it all matches) though I still need paper napkins and plates (I buy compostable and compost). For a 20ish person party, I can do all real dishes (matching as long as there are two tables) and cloth napkins.


  15. Now that is what I call a party – a party in the box is a great idea. I am delighted to hear that you had a gathering over the holiday and shared this delicious ice cream. I just love mint chocolate chip ice cream so this would be fantastic.


  16. navane64 says:

    I like the party pack things hang on the tree. Indeed very nice. As the ice cream – great – the vibrant attractive and yes to the flavours too.


  17. shenANNAgans says:

    What a brill idea, loves it! I am all for the attention to detail when pulling an event together and the decorations totally make it (or break it). The candy cane icecream looks amazeballs. You da girl! xo


  18. missemzyy says:

    OMG I am so buying one of their party kits next time family and friends come over!! Mum and I are constantly on the look out for matching decorations and theme ideas so it will be one less thing to worry about! Your candy cane ice cream looks soo indulgent! I’m sure your friends would have loved it! 🙂 x


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