Eating Day @ Bondi Beach

Bondi Beach, contrary to it’s name, does not refer only to the vast expanse of golden sand. Rather, Bondi Beach encompasses a strip of streets, with more streets coming off said streets, weaving their way until you reach Bondi Junction. Where the massive shopping centre is and where the hipsters are, relatively, not so everywhere.


But everywhere you go, always take the weather-

Wait sorry, I got carried away. But from everywhere you go, every street you walk, every shop you enter (don’t take me super literally here), you can see the shimmering ocean lapping at the sand on the beach. It is gorgeous. I feel like the idea of an Australian summer was created by Bondi Beach.

Now why can’t I show you a picture of said beautiful view. Because I was too busy eating my gelato. You’ll see. You already got a hint…

Imagine a day so scorching that eggs fry on the sidewalk, and loner bullies, that will grow up to have serious issues, are off duty since the sun burns ants without the need for a magnifying glass. Imagine that with an extra dose of 40% humidity. That was the day I went to Bondi Beach.


Not my photo – press on photo for source!

I might be imagining it a little hotter for anyone stuck inside due to that massive snow dump. Think hot guys, think hot! But yes, it really does look like this. No need to photoshop this baby!

I met two mates there and we decided, first and foremost, we wanted to eat. Eat, and eat, get takeaway and maybe eat some more. Who was I to decline? Sitting, eating and shade all in one outing? YAS.

We were walking casually, admiring the view, pretending the sun wasn’t burning our arms when we made the decision to visit out first eatery for a light lunch. Anyone heard of misschu? Not pretentious, similar to a small little cafe, this is the home of one of the most popular Vietnamese eateries and catering.


Yes comfy crate seats are a thing – deal.

I mean, the owner is known as the Queen of rice paper rolls, so you have to really believe it (I’ve tried the rolls, I agree!)

Since we had already planned that to stop the sweats, ice cream or a frozen treat was a must, we had a pretty light meal (pretty good foresight)


I wasn’t overly hungry, so I ordered some Asian vegetable w/ garlic chives steamed dumplings ($7.60). While I unsuccessfully could once again, not use chopsticks for more than one bite, these dumplings were excellent.


Soft, but not chewy when you bit into it or stringy, and the filling had a a tasty flavour. It was almost messy in eating, because the amount of veges inside toppled out in every bite but I managed to look dignified.

As dignified as one can when they use one chopstick like a knife. #whitewashed

I also really liked the generous amount of soy sauce (but it was mixed with something else) that the dumplings sat in when served.


My friends decided to share two meat dishes (I applaud our wise decisions all round) and started off with some Prawn Dumplings ($7.60), which misschu is also very popular for. There was a lot of lip smacking and chopstick issues here as well, but I would still say the general consensus was that they really enjoyed them as well.

They also shared a dish of the coveted Peking Duck Pancakes ($7). Two small (much smaller than anticipated, I imagine giant pancakes), little wraps holding some peking duck and vegetables. I thought maybe it could be a little more generously filled with meat to be honest, but at least my mates enjoyed the flavour.


Our service was super fast (very super really), I kid you not, my dumplings were out within 5 minutes of ordering, with my mates’ orders close behind (though we did have to remind them about their prawn dumpling order).

My favourite part, besides the food, was this.


In a giant cooler full of ice, with an abundance of glasses nearby, was this authentic watering can for humans. I literally fell in love and realised just how kooky it is to serve water from something you expect there to be tea in. And there were two of them that we saw, so customers everywhere had easy access.

Speaking of easy access, the utensils and napkins were conveniently located on the side of the table, so maximum efficiency and eating space.

Really boggles with the mind that other restaurants haven’t thought of this! 🙂

Miss Chu on Urbanspoon

I am surprised it got such a low ranking to be honest. Maybe it was because we went when it wasn’t busy, but service and food quality was quite good.

Next, we jumped out of our seats to go the famed Gelato MessinaClaim to fame? Voted best gelato in all of Australia. Honestly, if you haven’t heard of this place, then you are not even Australia. If you are a tourist and you leave without trying it then go. This place is not meant for you.

JOKES, come back pls. 🙂

But it is incredibly delicious! I have had it countless times. Often I eat it before I remember to share it on social media (true story).


Cue ooohs and aaahs

All of us tried flavours from the specials board just because. In this delectable two scoop concoction, A (not the one from Pretty Little Liars) got the Passionfruit Meringue Tart on top of the Red Velvet Cake classic.She does not like red velvet cake but this flavour? She’s all over it.

Her sister followed suit with the Passionfruit Meringue Tart but it hid her other scoop of their most popular Lychee Sorbet (my suggestion guys, putting it out there!) 😛 I didn’t take a photo because the PMT was right on top and you couldn’t see it 😛


Mine? I got one scoop because my body doesn’t have the luxury of two scoops/heat makes me less hungry but what a scoop it was. *Ahem* if you saw this on my Instagram, get ready for a repeat reaction. I got the Peach Trifle complete with peach gelato, sherry jelly and sponge biscuits. *Drools all over again*

So lucky that we got there smack bang when it opened at 12 (might have been 12:10 but you know, for effect) and there was no line so zoop-doop-slurp and we were done. Wow, yes, it was rather quick 😛

Gelato Messina on Urbanspoon

After this, since I was having all the fun, I decided to take home some snacks for ma famille. Snacks as in desserts. You see, these friends, their mum introduced me to the beauty that is Pasticceria Papa. While we were too full to actually eat anything there, we ended up buying things for our families.

See how I stress ‘for families’.
Yeah, let’s be honest, we ate it ourselves when we got home 😛

This delightful Italian patisserie expands out into a dessert and cafe section, and a smaller area where the freshly made breads are sold and you can see them making their pasta. It has quite a good reputation really!


I decided to get a classic Italian Ciabatta loaf and it was. a. hit. Crunchy when toasted, but fluffy inside, and when slathered with butter or oil, this bread just soaked it in!


Since my family are not huge dessert eaters I only got two mini ricotta cheesecakes ($5 per cake) to bring back. But bring I had to because I have never eaten a cheesecake like this.

Never. Never ever forever never.

It is so dense, there must be more cream than I can ever imagine in it. Cuts like butter and the tart around isn’t hard, but melts into the cheesecake filling. It is plain, though you can get one where there is Nutella in the centre, but honestly, it doesn’t need it.

Screen Shot 2015-01-30 at 1.52.42 pm

Not overly sweet and with a light dusting of icing sugar, it is equivalent to how Rachel and Chandler’s cheesecake must have tasted like. Or so I imagine.


I also got a giant chocolate cannoli, generously filled with chocolate cream. It took a lot of self-control to not devour this beauty on the bus home, pretending that if I didn’t, the cannoli would get soft from the heat!


It was crunchy outside, I was surprised that even after refrigeration, it stayed nice and firm as opposed to getting soft! The cream just I want to spoon it. Big love for that!

Suffice to say, I will be returning!

Pasticceria Papa on Urbanspoon

But this is just a hint of how much Bondi has to offer. The range of restaurants from pizzerias to hamburger joints, Bondi Beach has so many attractions! Now you see why there is a beach there? You eat, you swim, you eat, you swim.

Truly, it is the way of Australians 😉

But for reals, you think my eating is over? No, because when I got off the bus, my mum informed me that my dad had finished just then and was meeting us at the shopping centre near my stop for coffee. I was also informed I was to join them.

Right. Of course. I understand. I’m not too full, of course not!

But I still ate some scone, because who am I to resist the beauty of whipped cream and jam on a pillow of dough? Just being a normal civilian really 🙂


And that is really all I have to say to you lovely people – what more could I want, it was obviously a pretty wonderful day! 😀

Till next time (where, if things work out to plan, I should have a stunner of a recipe coming up!)

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  1. It’s disappointing that misschu might have to shut down – they do offer some good food at not unreasonable prices! Papa Pasticcerie is the best though – we had one of their ricotta cheesecakes as one of our (six) wedding cakes!


  2. Seriously, your restaurant posts always make me so hungry! It’s like, now I’m wanting dumplings AND gelato … and I just ate lunch an hour ago! Ha. =) But really, it looks like an awesome time with wonderful food + friends. =)


  3. What a lovely day to be eating out at Bondi! The look of that gelato is just amazing! wish I had some of that near me. I love Paticceria Papa while I was in Sydney. I think they were still at Harberfield at that all their rustic italian savoury and sweet treats!


  4. helene dsouza says:

    Oh prawn dumplings! *drool*
    You always get to go to the best eateries, wish we had such a choice here too. I bet you guys had a blast at the beach.


  5. I love the ocean and beach cities can be so eclectic and fun. Lots of interesting places to eat, and Bondi Beach sounds like a marvelous place to go with friends and have a fun time eating your way up and down the streets. 🙂 I wish I could try that gelato! It must be very, very good to be rated “the best” in Australia. I think I’d like to try the ciabatta, too. Actually, I would enjoy everything you tried. What a very fun day!


  6. This is a delicious post….we just can’t decide which dish is better….those soft,filled dumplings,rice paper rolls and such fabulous desserts has made us so hungry….if we ever visit that lovely place the first thing we are going to try will be those dense,sweet mini ricotta cheesecakes…thanks for sharing this post and such delicious food 🙂


  7. Eva Taylor says:

    All of the food in your review looks excellent, particularly the ice cream. But I’ll wait to get excited about it as temperatures are now plummeting to -20C with a wind chill. And we got about 50 cm of snow last night to top it all off!


  8. applec says:

    Meanwhile, as I stare out the window at the blizzard that has brought our city to a standstill….I’m SO jealous! Fabulous eats and what I wouldn’t give for that weather!


  9. Louise says:

    When oh when am I going to learn to NOT visit you just before I’m getting ready for nighty night??? Now I’m famished and looking for anything and everything to eat. Walnuts and raisins just aren’t going to cut it, lol…

    You “guys” did great with all your selections and even with your portions, pretty much anyway, lol…

    Thanks for sharing, Uru…I may just be calling your name in my dreams:)


  10. bec {daisy and the fox} says:

    Nothing better than an eating day! 😀
    man those dumplings and messina gelati looks like the bomb dot com!!! yum!
    what a fun day out with the pals 🙂


  11. Ramona W says:

    What a gorgeous beach photo… not to mention all the gorgeous food photos!! Looks like a great day eating and enjoying your beach weather! PS.. there is only a hint of jealousy from me… sitting here in sub-freezing temperatures. 😉


  12. Maureen | Orgasmic Chef says:

    Looks like I should visit Bondi – it’s been ages since I was there eating at a cafe across from the beach. I don’t know how you fit that scone in. 🙂


  13. Sounds like an epically tasty day out & my little sister is the no1. Messina fan in this family, followed by me! The original Papa Pasticceria is in (my local area,) seriously amazing and I’m definitely going to miss it when we move!


    • Haha believe me I am not skinny at all! And that is the ‘modest I’m not skinny’ that’s the hard truth 😛 Mm it can burn sometimes but you are in and out of the water so often it’s ok 🙂

      Choc Chip Uru


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