Tag Archives: gelato

Eating Day @ Bondi Beach

Bondi Beach, contrary to it’s name, does not refer only to the vast expanse of golden sand. Rather, Bondi Beach encompasses a strip of streets, with more streets coming off said streets, weaving their way until you reach Bondi Junction. Where the massive shopping centre is and where the hipsters are, relatively, not so everywhere.


But everywhere you go, always take the weather-

Wait sorry, I got carried away. But from everywhere you go, every street you walk, every shop you enter (don’t take me super literally here), you can see the shimmering ocean lapping at the sand on the beach. It is gorgeous. I feel like the idea of an Australian summer was created by Bondi Beach.

Now why can’t I show you a picture of said beautiful view. Because I was too busy eating my gelato. You’ll see. You already got a hint…

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Best Italian Sweets & Desserts

So, right now I have a few pesky university exams – but totally don’t want to not be posting right? So I was lucky enough to be helped by the wonderful freelance writer, Emily Jones, who will be guest posting for you all today!

She knows I very much have a sweet tooth, she knows you, my wonderful readers have a sweet tooth, so with an Italian twist she decided to satisfy all of us with one slammin’ post!

Please give her a warm welcome mes cheris! And I promise to be back soon 😀

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