Tag Archives: beautiful

I’m Singing In Niagara Falls

You know, because singing in the rain is just SO cliché and overdone 😉
I’d rather be dancing barefoot on a boat going through the thick, dewy water-fog of Niagara Falls any day!

But I wasn’t. Instead, I was wearing a poncho. An ugly blue poncho which was keeping the water off of me and preventing me from the gorgeous mermaid feeling that comes with embracing the water! On receiving it, I may or may not have loudly exclaimed ‘How do you put on this rubbish bag!?’, which got a bit of a chuckle from a lady near me but I knew she agreed.

I knew it.

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Part II: I Was In Canada, eh?

Hello again! I haven’t been wiped off the face of the blogging earth but I may as well have been considering I don’t have free time now. Free time is for chumps, I refuse to give my body a rest till I get home because I only have 5 months.

Wait no, make that only have 3 and a 1/2 months. What. The. Hell. *Crying here*

So yes, I am either studying (jokes, what a poor excuse to use that word) or I’m going out, roughly on a ratio of 15-85% at the moment. I usually exaggerate as you know, but today, that is just not the case. 

My life is pretty damn fantastic at the moment 😛

In the spirit of not working and snatching a few moments to relax in the beautiful library here at Boston College, I have decided to finally finish up Canada. And maybe even sneak in a little draft of Niagara Fa- OOPS… spoilers 😉

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