Tag Archives: macaron

CCU Undercover Diary: Adriano Zumbo Patisserie

CCU jumped for joy when her parents came in carrying a sweet, rectangular box, so filled to the brim with macarons that there was barely any space for air in there! She swooned, she smelled and she enjoyed, wondering when her not-so-fun studies would let up and finally allow her to visit the Patissier herself. She grasped a macaron, bit into it, the shell cracking and the soft ganache filling oozing out, and she grinned a little harder…


All right my darlings, this is something new that I plan on introducing to you! As you well know, it is impossible to try everything at bakeries and ice cream parlours all in a quick hit, no matter how much you haunt their premises! For that reason, I have decided to do some ongoing reviews which will allow me to show you BRILLIANT EATS, but then keep adding to them as I keep visiting 🙂

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Macaron Madness + Homemade Caramel

This post is actually written 1st December – I think WordPress is in American settings and I cannot be bothered to change it 🙂

*Cough* *Cough*


Hello all, here I am home sick from school with a lot to tell. But before let me tell you two things

  1. It is the 1st of December – THE JOLLY SEASON IS OFFICIALLY HERE!
  2. It is good to get sick before your formal – formal countdown = 11 days to go!!!

Ok cool, now I can tell you all about everything. Yesterday after school, my awesome cooking teacher Ms D held a Macaron Baking Afternoon! Just like the meringue tower and the fruitcake, this was also an end of year finale event, and although only 4 of us students were able to make it, it was fantastic!
She had set out an array of different colourings and essences (dudes, I am talking apricot colours, coffee coloured with brandy essence – whatever you wanted to make and mess with people’s minds!!!) and our task was:


114Yes, that is correct, you heard me right BUT…

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