Tag Archives: caramel

Guest Post: Frugal Hausfrau

Bonjour tout le monde! Today, we commence with the first guest post and as you can tell, OH MY GOD, they are going to be good. They are going to be soooo good! 😀

While I slave away at not a stove, but at my books (jokes, I will pretend to), I would like to, without further ado, welcome our first guest poster on Go Bake Yourself (fireworks go off, slow motion clapping everywhere!) – One of fabulous blogger mates, have you ever met The Frugal Hausfrau?

Spunky as can be, with magic sparks coming out of her hand when she touches a whisk, I think you had better start reading all about her impromptu virtual trip down under no? You’ll love it, especially when you start to (if already haven’t) salivate over all dem photos!

It’s high time I disappear now… so enjoy!!! 😀

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Belated Valentines Post

Yes, I am not so socially inept that I do not know that Valentines Day was actually last week. But if you truly love someone (or something in my case :P), then you know one week makes no difference right?


I would have made and posted these sooner, closer to the day of roses, velvet, love hearts and more, but the chocolates featured in this post weren’t delivered on time (delays happen) and then I was really busy and yadda, yadda, yadda (SEINFELD!) 😛

But what matters is that I am here now right?

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And So It Begins… With A Giveaway (Closed)

So, here I am again, feeling a bit sheepish that I am blogging when I have been ignoring all your gorgeous posts for what? A week and a half?

I would say ‘oops’ and cover my mouth with my hands all Marilyn Monroe style and pretend innocence, but it is just not that situation! 😛


You guys know that I graduated, and was rather thrilled with it. And then you found out for some obscure reasons, my finals at school were not my finals per se, because I have another set of exams now. #whatisblogging

I promise you all, it seems like exams are all I ever do, but these are for real, my final exams ever. For 4 months. For high school. Despite the fact that I am taking quite few holidays after I finish, I will be all yours. Soon my darlings… so soon!

4th November. Remember that. 😀


So on Monday, my final exams begin (On one day, I have 2 exams in one day 6 hours in one day, and my hand will fall off, I guarantee it :P)

I am already feeling the euphoria, the rush of chucking away sheets (You’ll see what I mean when I post again!) but no, let it begin. Like Jordin Sparks says, ‘Take one step at a time, there’s no need to rush‘ (Lies, I want to rush my butt off!) 😉

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Belated… Everything…

Hiiiiiiiiii… you… *hits you virtually on the shoulder lightly*

*awkward silence*


Ok, so maybe my keyboard is having a little trouble working… or have my fingers just gotten out of practice in blogging?

Fine, you wrenched the truth from me, it is the latter. Gosh guys, can’t you give me anything? You still love me right?


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Guest Post #1: Turtle Hand Pies

Hi everyone, can you believe it? Finally, I am this close to Graduation (Imagine me pinching my pointer finger with my thumb) 😀 – And with graduation comes performances, baking, class parties, baking, muck up days and lots of baking!

Before I graduate though, here I am ploughing through my workload because before every beautiful part of life, comes this hideous, clawing at your neck part known as my final exams. Eep! And because I cannot bake my butt off right now, I would like you to enjoy a huge range of wonderful guest posters especially chosen just for you! 

So close to the end of school, I can taste it! Au revoir mes cheris!

My Logo


Turtles. Tuuuurtles. TURTLES! The first word which pops in my head when I think of the super creative, super fabulous Kim from Cravings of a Lunatic – if you have not heard of  her blog, her insanely delicious and crazy blog, where have you been? 😉

A blogging Willy Wonka if you will, you really have to wonder where she gets her ideas for the insane desserts she shares with her readers!
I am sure you guys are going to enjoy this post to kick off my 
guest posts 😀 – Go Kim! Go Turtles (you shall see why…)


Hi folks. Let me introduce myself before things get a little nutty here. I’m Kim and I blog at Cravings of a Lunatic. It’s a bit of an indulgent blog, I make things like Trix Krispies and Pink Popcorn. I bake way too much and have a serious penchant for anything sweet. I blog savoury food too, but sweets tend to be my first love.

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Cupcake Confession

Psychologist: These sessions seem to be getting tedious. I am afraid I will have to advance you to a higher level of help if you cannot tell me.

Patient:How will I tell you without you judging me? How can I tell anyone?

Psych: You must not bottle those feelings, they will crush you later in life and you will wonder why…

cupcakes 19
Patient: It is not that easy…

Psych: Once you let it out, it will be. Tell me.

Patient: *breathes in deep* Ok… I think… I think I am… a cup-, a cupcake… snob…

Psych: Oh… wait, so you came here for ten sessions because you wanted to tell me you. are. a. cupcake. snob…?

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I Love Thee, Microwaves!

Oh how I love you microwaves! You are the fastest, easiest machines in the world which work as both a grill and an oven now for me, especially these long hard days of studying! Wherever would I be without you melting Nutella for my ice cream or warming up chocolate chip cookies! 😀

That sauce is hot, sweet and perfectly hidden in the middle of the cake...

That sauce is hot, sweet and perfectly hidden in the middle of the cake…

Anyway, excuse my ode to the microwave, I am guessing by now you know why I did it anyway 😉
I have always had a soft spot for anything that can give me a smashing dessert in a matter of minutes – let it be my microwave, my grill, my fridge or even my mother 😀
I remember my first ever microwave cake, courtsey of course of Not Quite Nigella, and her 5 minute cheesecake has been bookmarked for too long already – I vouch for the cake, even though I have made literally tens of.. well ok dozens of variations of it, the base is always so fudgy and perfect, it is a wonder it comes out of the microwave.

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Vanilla Maple Caramel Popcorn: My Guest Post

Good morning, afternoon, evening, twilight to all!

No matter which country, which culture, there is one thing that connects the human race. Our love of movies.

Honestly, can you tell me you don’t enjoy flopping down, shutting the doors on your phone and email before having a garbage can’s worth of popcorn while sniffing into tissues in front of a nice big screen? No? I really didn’t think so 😀

Well then, today is a very important post for you.

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