Guest Post #4: Chestnut Bread

So my friends, once more my exams have come but at least instead of lasting 3 weeks, they are only lasting a week 😀 

In order to have some preparation time and all that, I would like you all to give a warm welcome to some stunning guest posts ranging from sweet to savoury (or should I say savoury to sweet) with a little surprise in the middle for you all!

As always, see you all on the other side mes cheris!

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So while I am not here today, let me introduce you to one of the bubbliest, coolest and all round awesomest (is that even a word?) bloggers 😀 – Meet Angela who blogs at The Squishy Monster!

She is so versatile in her cooking, like her byline claims, she really does blog ‘Cupcakes to traditional Korean dishes’ and each one is a work of art OR seen through a totally fabulous vlog (video blog!). But I have said enough and you probably want to actually hear from her, herself, so ladies and gentlemen, roll out the red carpet for Angie 😀


If Starbucks can start serving Pumpkin Spice now (which makes me dance a little jig in my head), I thought to myself, “Self, we can also bake a Chestnut loaf.”  Pops actually went on an adventure the other day to pick some himself as he’s pretty sweet on my Mama and these are her favorite nuts 😉

chestnut 1
These beautiful, glossy nuts live in these spiky burrs–they look like scary Pokemons, LOL.

Pops did the hard part.  He picked, extracted, and roasted these babies for us.

To prepare, he took a sharp paring knife and scored the underside (flat belly) and roasted them at 400 degrees for 25-30 minutes.

To create the Chestnut puree, take 2 cups of your roasted Chestnuts, 1/2 c Sugar, 2 c Water and bring it to a boil on low for another 25-30 minutes.  Cool, blend (or blitz in a processor), and strain through a sieve.

Chestnut Bread


  • 4 Room Temperature Eggs
  • 2 c Sugar
  • 1 c Canola/Veggie Oil or Melted Butter
  • 2 c Unbleached Flour
  • 2 ts Baking Soda
  • 1 1/2 tsp Cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp Nutmeg
  • 1 tsp Fine Salt
  • 2 c Chestnut Purée
  • 1 tsp Pure Vanilla Extract

chestnut 2

  1. In your first bowl, blend together your Eggs and Sugar.  Slowly pour in your Oil/Butter.
  2. In your second bowl, sift together all of your dry ingredients: Flour, Baking Soda, Spices, and Salt.
  3. In three separate additions, tip your second bowl into your first bowl to combine, taking care not to over mix.
  4. Lastly stir in your Purée and splash in your Vanilla.
  5. Bake in a well greased loaf pan at 350 degrees for 50-60 minutes.

chestnut 3
I had mine with a cup of Chai and enough Apple Butter to make any Mama gape at you in crazy wonder (but The Squishy Monster says it’s ok)!

chestnut 4


Oh wow, I think I am falling in love with chestnuts all over again. So moist, delicious and nutty, I love this bread and I think you all did too 😉
Thank you so much for sharing your memories, stories and delicious recipe, Angie, I certainly look forward to more from your fantastic blog and if you want to too, just visit The Squishy Monster 😀

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  1. Lady Montagu says:

    This chestnut bread is really nice and aromatic! I am enjoying it very much.

    I changed the recipe a bit: I used 2 eggs and 2 tablespoons flaxseed mixed with water, halfed the sugar (the creme de marrons is already very sweet!) and used 2/3 all-purposed flour and 1/3 whole-wheat flour to give it a richer, deeper taste. Worked great! And thanks for the recipe!

    Best, Lady Montagu


  2. Kimby says:

    Angela, I had to smile over your chestnut post — I’ve played THE song (“Chestnuts Roasting On An Open Fire”) about 400 times this month, lol — but I’ve yet to taste one. LOVE that you incorporated them into a bread!!! Everything about your post (and Uru’s intro) says celebrate and bake… with chestnuts. Thanks!


  3. amelia says:

    Hi, Lovely guest post. I’m a great fan of Squishy monster, she is fantastic. ( Hi-5 to Angie )
    This bread certainly look very tempting and delicious. Thanks for sharing the recipe. 🙂

    Have a nice week ahead,regards.


  4. hotlyspiced says:

    What a lovely looking loaf. I have never attempted anything with fresh chestnuts before; I always just go out and buy the paste. I’m inspired! But…we cannot buy pumpkin spice downunder xx


  5. Joanne says:

    Neat idea using chestnuts. Wonder if you can buy the puree because cracking a bunch of chestnuts would be too time consuming for me. I don’t even like to chop nuts. Love baking but don’t like the picky details 😉


  6. Veronica says:

    Geeez, everyone’s talking about chesnuts and here I am not ever having tasted one! I have no idea how good they are–I’m missing out! This does sound good adn I’m dying to try it. I hope I will have the opportunity to try chestnuts for myself some day. Great guest blog Angie!


  7. jen laceda says:

    Oh wow, that’s how a chestnut look like? Hahaha…didn’t know about the burrs…thought they came in a hard shell already! LOL! Anyway, the loaf looks divine! Your dad was a sweetheart to do all the hard work of prepping those chestnuts!


  8. Saskia (1=2) says:

    Beautiful looking bread Angela! Looks so moist and delicious. I’ve roasted chestnuts before but have never seen them available in their original spiky ‘packaging’. Gorgeous!
    PS. Good luck with your exams CCU.


  9. petit4chocolatier says:

    This is amazing! The chestnut bread looks delicious 🙂
    I have been following squishy monster for a while and her blog is wonderful and she is a sweetie!


  10. Cake Whiz says:

    i have been following squishy monster’s blog for a little while now and seeing her creations is always a pleasure!
    just hand me a slice or two of this glorious bread with a hot cup of cocoa and i will be in paradise 😉


  11. mjskit says:

    this is the first time I’ve ever seen a Chestnut bread. It sound wonderful! I fell in love with chestnuts last year so I look forward to giving this one a try!


  12. Tisa says:

    I have a new appreciation for chestnuts. That bread looks so inviting too, perfect for the winter months- thanks Angela and thank you Master Uru for introducing us to such fabulousness!


  13. Balvinder says:

    I think I am also falling in love with chest nuts. Yesterday I saw chest nuts muffins at Tina’s blog and today you have a guest post with chestnuts. I don’t know why I never thought of using it in my baking? We do even get chest nut flour.
    the bread sounds delicious!


  14. That looks amazing! We have masses of chestnuts going to waste here – but when we tried preparing some, oh wow, the taste was HORRIBLE! Maybe a different variety of chestnut… At any rate, the bread looks absolutely lovely. I’ll have to imagine the taste ;-)!


  15. viveka says:

    Ruth … this is something for me – have to look for the chestnut puree – hopefully they have it.Living in Sweden and chestnuts is something we eat a lot of.
    Will try to make this weekend.


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