Guest Post #3: Homemade Lemon Curd

Bonjour mes cheris, get excited for me! After I finish these exams I am wading through right now, half of year 12 will be forever finished and over with! YAY!

Mais non, focus, FOCUS! It certainly is not over yet no matter how much I dream about year 12 formal. Ah, c’est la vie!

Anyhow, while I am not here to give you recipes, tips, tricks and well, my blog, I have some pretty fan-friggin-tastic fabulous chefs lined up to do so instead! A whole range of dishes for you to enjoy while I am on this undesired break 😉 – You won’t even notice my absence I promise!

See you soon for the April holidays and wishing you all a marvelous Easter break! Promise me you will chow down on what that Easter Bunny brings you/your chocolate loot stashed in the bottom of your drawer – Yes, I am on to you all 😀

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You have met my third guest poster before and I am pretty sure you would remember her well considering she made an incredibly delicious Chocolate Amaretti Torte!

She shows off her range today by changing from a decadent, chocolate overdose to her traditional family recipe which oozes out sun, Spring and lemons!

Please welcome back my friend, Sally from her stunning blog, mybeautifulthings and her Homemade Lemon Curd! 🙂


Hello Fellow Bloggers, I am Sally from mybeautfulthings and I am delighted that I am able to Guest post on Uru’s fabulous blog. My blog covers all manner of lovely things, food being just one of them and today I want to share something a bit different – Homemade Lemon Curd. This is the most delicious confection to spread on toast or crumpets, to fill a Victoria Sponge or a Chocolate or Lemon Cupcake or to use in this Lemon Curd and Clementine Parfait!



This is an old family recipe that my Mum always used, called Lemon Cheese and from a recipe from A. Woodcock from 1940ish.  I have the recipe in Annie’s handwriting in a beautiful little leather bound book. You can see that she also made it in much larger quantities. Many of the recipes in this little book are in enormous quantities as Miss Woodcock baked for a bakery. It couldn’t be more simple but it’s a good job I watched Mum make it many times as Miss Woodcock gave only the ingredients.


Homemade Lemon Curd


  • 4 oz (113g) butter – cut into smallish chunks
  • 1lb (453g) sugar, caster or granulated (I prefer caster sugar as it is much finer and dissolves more quickly)
  • 4 eggs, beaten
  • 4 lemons, finely grated rind and juice

**I often make it with 3 oz (85g) butter, 12 oz (340g) sugar, 3 eggs and 3 lemons which makes 3 little jars and that’s what I did here.



  1. Put all ingredients into the top of a double saucepan or in a bowl standing over a pan of just simmering water.
    Using a bowl over hot water in place of a double saucepan

    Using a bowl over hot water in place of a double saucepan

    All ready in the bowl

    All ready in the bowl

  2. Almost melted and pips have come to the top to be easily scooped out

    Almost melted and pips have come to the top to be easily scooped out

    Stir until all the sugar has dissolved.

  3. Continue heating, stirring from time to time, until the curd thickens.  It takes some time but don’t try to hurry. If you turn up the heat, you are in danger of making scrambled curd. Use a wooden spoon. I melted the spatula!
    Coating the spatula so now ready to pot

    Coating the spatula so now ready to pot

    All melted and blended, just needs to thicken

    All melted and blended, just needs to thicken

  4. Three little jars of beautiful lemon curd

    Three little jars of beautiful lemon curd

    Convention has it that you strain the curd into sterilised jars but we like the bits so we never strain it. I sterilize the jars by half filling them with water and heat them in the microwave and then dry them out in a hot oven. Let them cool a bit before you pour in the Lemon Curd.

  5. Store in a cool place (I usually keep them in the fridge) and use within 3-4 weeks. Ours rarely last that long!

I hope you enjoy it. Please let me know how it works out if you try it.

Mr S loves Lemon Curd on hot toast and I like to use it in recipes. See Lemon Curd and Clementine Parfait!

Lemon and clementine parfait

Lemon and clementine parfait

Thanks again, Uru and good luck with all your exams. We look forward to your return. 🙂


Thank you Sally for your delicious recipe, I know I for one will definitively be contemplating making this curd just so I have an excuse to try it all different ways you have shared!

What makes this recipe just that extra special is that it has family ties and history, don’t you agree?

If you want to see more (what is this ‘if’ business ;)) then head straight over to mybeautifulthings for a refreshing perspective on life!

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  1. Pingback: Guest Post: My Beautiful Things | Go Bake Yourself

  2. Pingback: Getting Back Into It | Go Bake Yourself

  3. Pingback: Guest Post #6: Lemon Curd Cupcakes | Go Bake Yourself

  4. Terra says:

    I just scrolled through and enjoyed all your resent guest posts. You must be crazy busy, but half way done YAY!!!! You seriously ROCK my friend!! This lemon curd has me drooling!! Hugs, Terra


  5. Cakelaw says:

    I love old fashioned recipes like this, where the original cook gives only the recipe because it is a given back then that you knew what to do. Definitely a lost art.


  6. grace says:

    lemon curd is so rich and flavorful and so versatile–i can think of no fewer than 10 things off the top of my head in which it can and should be used!


  7. LinsFood says:

    I saw this this post the other day and meant to comment so if I’m repeating myself… Love home made lemon curd, one of my favourite cupcake ingredient/topping too! Great pics!


  8. eliotthecat says:

    I love vintage recipes like this. And, you are a mind reader. I have been contemplating making a cupcake with a lemon curd filling. Ta da! You presented a stellar recipe.

    Great guest post!


  9. Barbara says:

    Guess you’re getting in the Easter mode! Love all the eggs.
    Nothing more delicious than lemon curd. I can eat mouthfuls of it….don’t even need something to eat it with! 🙂


  10. Amy Tong says:

    What a great post. I usually cook my lemon curd with direct heat. I gotta give your method a try cos my kids like to distract me from my stirring and “things” could happen if I don’t pay close attention. This is a much easier way to control the heat. 😉


  11. Thank you Sally and Uru for a fabulous guest post! Isn’t lemon curd so luscious! I love it in baking and desserts, too. Though your little jars, Sally, certainly are a beautiful thing and I believe I would only need a spoon! Good luck with your exams Uru…and thank you Sally for sharing your dear family recipe! : )


  12. Monet says:

    Beautiful lemon curd! Thank you so much for sharing. I have had a long day…and I needed something sweet to cheer me up. I hope you are well. Enjoy the rest of your week. Happy Spring!


  13. I love all things lemon, so of course I love this! Lemon curd is one of those wonderful flavors that I can’t get enough of. Plus it’s such a versatile ingredient is so many recipes. This looks terrific. Excellent guest post – thanks.


    • I have been known to eat it by the spoonful! I especially like it when it’s been in the fridge for a while and has dried up a bit round the edges – then you get sweet and sharp with goo and crisp – perfection!


  14. I love lemon curd and sweet & tart is my thing. Good luck for exams and all the fabulous weather (we will hopefully have) in the lead up to Easter holidays and then there’s all that magnificent chocolate too!


  15. Suzanne says:

    Lovely guest post and LOVE lemon curd. The recipe is simple and I am sure very delicious. So nice to find your beautiful blog, just started following. So nice to meet you.


  16. Veronica says:

    Great timing, I’m just about to create a lemon cupcake for Easter and knew I wanted to fill it with lemon curd! It looks so lovely in the jars with labels. I have to tell you something though, and hope I don’t freak you out. I once made lemon curd and didn’t use all of it until a year later. And it was still good! I don’t know if that’s because I had a freak batch of lemon curd or if it lasts longer than we think, but I don’t think I’ll put it to the test again. lol


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