Happy 2nd Blogiversary!

And I thought a one year anniversary was a milestone! 😛

That’s right, 2 years ago, on this very day (though I admit, it was probably not a Tuesday), Go Bake Yourself was born. It was a difficult birth, as all births are, with a majorly long labour period and the pains, OH, the pains! You keep clicking and hoping everything is going to be ok, but it still hurt so much when you forget to save your changes or something!


And I wasn’t even at a computer hospital if I needed help!

I was staggering under the weight – should I choose this theme, why is my screen black, oh no, the cramps are starting in my legs from sitting down too long – pain right?

And then slowly, painfully, it took all day at the desk, Go Bake Yourself was born. Pronounced a food blog, she was quite a white creation, with a gorgeous green highlight and black frangipani designs. How I wish I had print screened her, but back in those days, I was new to the whole ‘blogger’ thing!


As she grew, more and more people began to notice her sweetness and desperation love of chocolate. I was quite flattered actually 😉

She then started to tan and went through the ‘rebellious’ phase as most babies too. White writing on black, strawberry header and dark crimson undertones externally, though Go Bake Yourself still remained quite pleasant thankfully, no need to shut her down for a while or anything! It was also now that Go Bake Yourself began to be left to others in the blogger family for couple of weeks at a time, as I had to go back to work (quite literally…) but she was more than happy to be introduced to so many new things!


It was then she went through another makeover, brightening herself up again to the extreme, making her creator quite proud, and that is where you see Go Bake Yourself today 😀

With a satisfied smile, here I sit now, watching my baby thrive, watching it make friends with Pinterest and Facebook and become established in its life.

*sniff* they grow up so fast *blows nose* 😛



Now, while I may be describing this, I have no intention of having an actual baby for a while 🙂 – the real labour pains I do not even want to imagine, I have been to PE class and… yeah…. no thanks…

But YES, celebration time because Go Bake Yourself has turned a whopping two years old today and that is AWESOME-SAUCE! Though… a little bittersweet because, well… allow me to explain… you may need to take a seat 😉


You remember how I graduated last post? Woohoo, YAY, fabulous right?


I still have exams.


NO NO NO tomatoes thrown please, not my fault, blame the Board of Education down under truly! You see, I have finished school (technically) and will never have classes again but now I have to do the statewide exams… versing a million quadrillion students… *hysterically laughs*…. on every topic studied in every subject I do… hardcore….


BUT after November 4th (mark that in your diaries guys!) I am at your disposal… afterhangingoutwithmyfriendsandformalandmultipleholidays… but yep, THEN I am going to celebrate the two years of Go Bake Yourself properly (and with a special international giveaway – so close to Christmas by then, it will be perfect, I promise!)

Until I bake something up like these croissants from scratch I made last year, please enjoy this cake as a sort-of ‘semi’ celebration or ‘pre’ celebration. It is so damn marvellous, I swear, the inside is so fluffy (though it was made for friends so I didn’t get to take photos of the inside) and looks very classy (especially in my favourite Bundt tin 😀

Give it a try, while you wait long and hard for posts (or while you clean, read, watch TV etc.) 😉 – I can’t promise a lot, I have no guest posters this time, but guys, in a little more than a month, you can bombard me with requests while I bombard you with food (like this berry swirl pound cake) right?

Go Bake Yourself is two years old. I think we can handle it 😉


Enjoy and thank you all so much for your support and sweet nurturing (without which, Go Bake Yourself would have fallen as flat as a bad pancake – ’cause good pancakes are be thick and fluffy) 😀

Berry Swirl Pound Cake 
Adapted from: Brown Eyed Baker

Serves: 10-12 people (if you want to have an extra special treat – otherwise at least 15 people)


Berry Swirl (Cheats Tip: It is fine to use normal berry jam, just heat it a little to make it a smooth consistency)

  • 1 cup frozen mixed berries
  • 1/4 cup caster sugar
  • 1/4 cup water
  • 1 tbs cornflour

Pound Cake (Do not faint at the butter or cream cheese quantity please)

  • 350g salted butter, at room temperature
  • 250g cream cheese, at room temperature
  • 2 cups caster sugar
  • 1 cup brown sugar
  • 6 eggs
  • 3 cups cake flour, sifted (or make your own cake flour like I had to because Australia is primitive in the availability of baking supplies…)
  • 2 tsp vanilla essence (strawberry works very well too
  • Icing sugar and strawberries/berries for garnish – optional


  1. Berry Swirl: Combine all ingredients in a saucepan over low heat and stir constantly till mixture becomes very thick (mash the berries with the back of your spoon). Set aside and allow to cool to room temperature before using (if refrigerate before using, heat it up again slightly before swirling through cake)
  2. Pound Cake: Preheat oven to 160 degres C and grease and flour (VERY WELL) a standard Bundt cake tin
  3. Beat cream cheese, butter and sugar on medium speed using an electric mixer, scraping the bowl every 1 or 2 minutes, until the mixture is light and fluffy (it could take a while, persevere!)
  4. Add eggs in one at a time, beating each one in thoroughly before adding in the next. Scrape down the bowl once all have been added
  5. Beat in vanilla essence
  6. Use a wooden spoon to stir through the flour (I don’t like beating it in, even on low, it makes a mess and is too rough with the dough which shouldn’t be over mixed) until just combined
  7. Spoon 2/3 of the cake batter into the Bundt tin, spreading it out evenly
  8. Dollop in the berry filling and swirl it around in the batter, keeping a 5cm distance from the edges of the tin
  9. Spoon remaining 1/3 of cake filling on top and spread gently over to cover the filling
  10. Bake for 1 1/4 hours or until a thin skewer inserted into the cake comes out clean
  11. Cool in pan for 15-20 minutes in pan before turning out carefully onto a wire rack (mine almost broke, it is an extremely crumby and delicate cake when it is still a little hot)
  12. When at room temperature, sprinkle with icing sugar and strawberries 😀
  13. Enjoy moist berry-licious cake (and just in time for Spring :D)


Au revoir mes amis!

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  1. Pingback: CCU Undercover: Pukka Teas Review | Go Bake Yourself

  2. Pingback: CCU Undercover: Cafe Boheme | Go Bake Yourself

  3. Lilly Sue says:

    Congrats!! Yay!! That is exciting- wow, two years! And all while you were in school 🙂 Thanks for sharing this delicious looking cake and I cannot wait for the real celebration!! Good luck with your exams!!


  4. Pingback: And So It Begins… With A Giveaway – GoBakeYourself

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  6. Pingback: And So It Begins… With A Giveaway | Go Bake Yourself

  7. What a gorgeous cake to celebrate your momentous occasion my dear friend! Congratulations! You have an amazing blog. I adore coming here and seeing what scrumptious thing I will find next and what perky and comedic post you have written.


  8. laurasmess says:

    Yayyyyy! Happy 2nd Blogiversary Uru, I am so happy for you. It’s been wonderful following your adventures and wondering at how you’ve managed both study and blogging at the same time. Can’t believe that you’re on the cusp of graduation. How freaking exciting! Good luck with your exams ahead, I am certain that you’ll blitz them! Hugs xxxx


  9. Suzanne says:

    Fantastic, congrats on your blogiversary 2 years is an accomplishment. Your cake look so yummy and I love the mold, I need to try to find one of those fancy molds. Enjoy the next year in blogging and have some cake for me!!


  10. bec {daisy and the fox} says:

    a massive congrats on you 2nd blogiversary! 🙂 woo!
    you’ve never failed to whip up a delicious recipe that makes me drool 🙂
    and this cake is no exception!

    congrats again 😀


  11. mmmarzipan says:

    What a fabulous looking cake, Uru! Happy blogiversary to you and thank you for continuing to share your treats, thoughts and inspiration with your blogging friends around the world. All the best with your studies and baking adventures 🙂 xx


  12. Tammy says:

    Happy Blogoversary, Uru!!! 😀

    Wowwy! What a feat. I get the biggest kick out of reaching your posts…so cute. Ahhh the pains and pangs of running a blog…I feel ya on that one. Just imagine what the teen years will be like. O.O …no. Nevermind. Don’t imagine that.

    Your cake looks soooo pretty and I can only imagine how fantastic it must taste. I couldn’t think of a better way to celebrate.

    Cheers to many more wonderful birthdays 😉



  13. mjskit says:

    Congratulations on your two year blogiversary!!! You’ve done a lot in two years and all while going to school. You’re amazing Uru!


  14. Happy 2nd blogiversary! My 2nd blogiversary will be next month, so my blog is toddling along now too! And congratulations on graduating, I hope you are done with your exams soon and can relax with your friends. The cake is gorgeous, you get quite a dramatic look from that pan!


  15. Happy blogiversary CCU! It has been a pure joy watching go bake yourself transform along the way. I can tell your changing as there is not one small morsel of chocolate on this bundt cake but gorgeous all the same colourful and beautiful.
    Best wishes on yet another set of exams, I guess “they” do not want you to get out of practice… Take Care, BAM


  16. Hi Uru! Thought I would pop by to invite you to a Pasta Party I’m having for my blogoversary! I know you’re really, really busy but I didn’t want you to think I wasn’t thinking about you. Once again, Happy Blogoversary. May you have many, many more:) Louise


  17. Happy 2nd blogiversary my dear!! You are truly a marvel and I have enjoyed getting to know you through your fun and delicious blog!! I am so sorry to hear you have more exams… YIKES!! I hope you ace them and put this high school chapter of your life behind you with a big sigh of relief! 🙂

    Looking forward to all the fun coming from your blog when you have don’t exams taking up so much of your time. The cake is a beauty!! Celebrating with a virtual slice. 🙂


  18. Nami | Just One Cookbook says:

    Whoo hoo! Congrats on the 2nd year anniversary! Time flies – I still remember your first anniv too. It’s so nice to know you and your blog and best wishes for your delicious blog


  19. Beautiful cake & wonderful analogy about the birth of a blog. I think we all had those same problems & fears of publishing. Mine sat staring at me for a very long time until without my knowledge, my daughter just hit the publish button for me to get me out of my pain.


  20. What a fantastic post, Uru. You made me laugh with your analogy of birthing pains! I remember some of the same feelings when I first posted–especially when I lost work because I hadn’t yet figured out how to save changes properly. Your educational system and the exams proves what a better education you’re receiving than what we expect from our U.S. students. I think these national exams sound very important, so we’ll let you get to them, and look forward to the two year anniversary celebration in November! 🙂 Love the pound cake!!


  21. Happy Blogiversary and congratulations!!! :3 We’re 2 years old too, but our special day just came and went without fanfare. Maybe I’ll remember to do something next year. haha. Or one of these days as an “unbirthday”!


  22. foodfashionparty says:

    So glad to know a sweet little person. HAPPY Two year Bloggiversary.
    The cake is lovely and all the best for a lot more.


  23. Becky says:

    Congrats on your 2nd Blog Anniversary. How time flies! Now you have a toddler. I always look forward to reading your creative and expressive blogs, and following your adventures.

    Your pound cake is awesome with all of those berries.

    Good Luck with your exams!!!!


  24. shashi @ http://runninsrilankan.com says:

    CONGRATS On your second anniversary!!!
    This poundacke is adorable – and mighty tasty sounding – love the berry layer in the middle!


  25. Oh I remember some of the times you mention like the white writing on black, we’ve all come a long way together! Congratulations my friend
    Ok get your head down my friend and study, study and study some more!
    And I was wondering how on earth you got that cake to look the way it did then I saw your cake tin…… wowzer!


  26. Zoe says:

    Happy Blogiversary, Uru!!! You have been blogging for 2 years ONLY!!! I thought that you have been this blogging business for ages… as you have been such an outstanding food blogger 😀



  27. Aaaaaaaaggggghhhh! You still have exams?!?! Lol and we all thought it was all over with that last post. Poor you. But at least there’s a light at the end of the tunnel, right? You’re almost there! And I’m sure you’re going to kick those exams in the butt. Then you can celebrate your second blogiversary in style. Yay for 2 years and here’s to many many more! Love the bundt – it looks gorgeous.


  28. Liz says:

    Seems I have the same comment as everyone else–so unoriginal! But will say it just the same: Beautiful! And happy anniversary to you and your blog 🙂 lol, the labor pains. You just wait… 😉


  29. Happy Blogoversary, Uru! My blogoversary is on October 1st too!!! I’m beginning my celebration on October 2nd! I had no idea your blog was so “young.” You have nurtured it along quite creatively. Wishing you many more years of blogging fun!

    Oh my more exams, ok, but I’m kicking and screaming as I oogle that delicious looking bundt!

    Thanks for sharing and a very Happy anniversary to both you and your “baby!”


  30. kitchenriffs says:

    Happy 2nd Blogiversary! My, my, time does fly, doesn’t it? 😉 Sorry about the exams, but looking forward to much, much posting after them. 😉 In the meantime we’ll just have to eat this delish cake you baked us! Good stuff – thanks.


  31. A_Boleyn says:

    The bundt cake pan is so beautiful that the resulting cake doesn’t need more decoration than a sprinkle of icing sugar and some fruit in the middle.

    Best of luck on the statewide exams. One last hurdle … until the next. 🙂


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