CCU Undercover: Twisted Frozen Yoghurt

CCU could feel her head spinning. Mouth dry, surrounded by exquisitely bright colours, blending into one. It was like Vivid (Sydney’s light show) was surrounding her, but she provided the strobe lights from within herself.

CCU was quite, very Twisted. Not on drugs, not drunk.

Just high on frozen yoghurt and life.

Kids, don’t do drugs. Who was she kidding… kids and adults, don’t do drugs!

Do frozen yoghurt. 🙂 

Especially if you chance by this store…

review title


I had just finished watching The Fault In Our Stars. Even as I type, the soundtrack is playing in the background. What else could you expect me to be but a blubbery, red-eyed, teary little girl, wishing she simultaneously had and had not just experienced the roller coaster of emotion that she had?


But I will write more on that movie later, I promise.

Only one thing was going to fix her state of emotional turmoil. A good dose of some delicious frozen yoghurt. Wasn’t it a good thing that Twisted was having a lovely in-store event to visit? I certainly thought so 🙂


A relatively new store located in the heart and hubbub of beautiful Bondi, this store immediately called to me by its awesome interior. While not overly large (Though I have been told, near the beach is a bigger shop!), it was a cosy, strikingly colourful interior, just waiting to invite you in.


There was a bit of seating to the side, and I will not lie to you. The well-lit signs, teamed with the freezer of frozen yoghurt, and of course with all the toppings being seen, was definitely calling me. My head was definitely twisting as I tried to take in the entire shop! 🙂


I may as well warn you now, a lot of ‘twisted’ puns will be coming your way throughout this post. Nothing personal of course, just my insane obsession with them 😉

Thinking back, I hope Cass Spies, the lovely owner and host for the evening, did not think I looked a little freaky, going in with my red eyes and all. Well, even if she did, she made no comment. Just ushered my mate and I kindly in. There was a sparkle in her eye, and she was definitely excited for the event, and it was definitely infectious!

Before I actually get started describing the event, let me paint a picture for you of how Twisted actually started – I am officially in my rocking chair, and you all are sitting around me, legs crossed and backs straight (because posture is everything :P)


Cass’s company began in 2010, so is relatively new, but by no means is it behind other frozen yoghurt place. Already having one award winning flavour, which you will get to see a bit later on, Twisted has only gone upwards and onwards!

Cass assured us all, as she was explaining about the store, how the frozen yoghurt is made 98% fat free, and completely devoid of artificial flavourings or colours. This is because the initial idea behind Twisted was so that there was a place to offer healthy, natural but delicious snacks, especially at vulnerable times e.g. After uni/work/school!

At this particular event, Cass was introducing her new line of Supercharged Smoothies, and Superfood Bowls – shall we start off with the smoothies? Good choice 😀


All the smoothies actually contain 1 heaping spoon of protein in them (30g and fat burning), directly from Australian Sports Nutrition. They also, if using coconut water, specifically use Raw C Coconut Water, because not only is it fresher, but it has 100%, no added sugar, which is common in coconut water here! Also, all Australian brands of course 😀


Bringing around samples for all, we initially started off a lovely lavender coloured drink called Black & Blue. If I thought this natural colour was vibrant, you are in for a much bigger surprise! Anyway, this smoothie was delicious, filled with blue and blackberries (surprise, surprise!) – going beyond a regular fruit smoothie, the protein makes it an ideal breakfast on the go, and the nuttiness from a double hit of almonds in it was absolutely delicious!


Speaking of ideal breakfasts, the next smoothie tried was the Rise & Shine. A blend of creamy froyo, mixed with mango, pineapple and coconut and BAM! I was transported to Hawaii at 7 in the evening. Definitely, stressing this as a favourite 😀


I was already beginning to get full just from taste testing at this point (perhaps the depression eating in the cinema had not helped!) but persevered, because there was a lot more to try! We were next introduced to the Green Machine. Probably one of the healthiest, this one was a vegan smoothie, containing a mix of spinach, mango, coconut water, mango nectar, banana and passionfruit. A creamier and healthier version of the smoothie I usually go for on the run, I certainly wished Twisted would come to my suburb after trying this! It was not overwhelmed by spinach flavour, but had a hint of welcome bitterness 🙂


The final smoothie to try was this slightly richer purple one, whose name I loved – The Muscleberry. Not for the lighthearted, made for the healthiest of the healthy, this also included some ice besides its strong banana-blueberry flavour, to really give a dose of freshness!


Overall, this range is very focused on the health conscious and people, students and workers alike, on the run! The range of vegan options within and ability to accommodate for various dietary requirements makes it even better for all active people!

Admittedly, I am super lazy, but that won’t stop me coming to get these drinks! Really, a big fan 🙂


Moving on, Cass brought out the Superfood Bowls. Admittedly, I wasn’t exactly sure what these were, but I learnt soon enough! Basically, it is a large bowl of a healthy fruit or seed, blended with coconut water, then topped with healthy toppings like fresh coconut and strawberries!


These actually come in significantly large sizes, in a transparent plastic container, with any number of topping choices, up to you!

Let me start off with my favourite one – the Red Dragon Fruit (Pitaya) Bowl. You may not believe me, and I would understand but trust me when I say this. These photos are NOT enhanced. These photos are standard. The colour of this is all. natural. The pink is probably the most beautiful colour I have ever seen!


I could have devoured this sweet but healthy beyond reason treat in a second – the coconut and strawberries went very well with it (though strawberry colour clashed a little :P)


And did you know that Twisted is the first to use Red Dragon Fruit in its choice of flavours? SO awesome!

I also got to try the Acai Superfood Bowl, also teamed with coconut and strawberries. While perhaps not the most vibrant of colours, it was still a pleasing plum with delicious flavour. Acai is also one of the healthiest and anti-oxidising of ingredients in use these days, so to have a big bowl of it should be right, non?


Lovely silken texture, but sweet and cold on the tongue, I was very content in my twisted life 😉


There is a final flavour, the Blueberry Superfood Bowl, but this taste is quite similar to the Muscleberry. Texturally, it is a little bit thicker and creamier though.

I enjoyed these treats enormously, I was certainly not expecting more to come! Cass announced that everyone there was welcome to try whatever flavour combos of frozen yoghurt they liked, topped with her awesome range of… toppings 😛


I call this the indulgence row. Cheesecake squares, cookie dough, I suppose I could manage that on top of my Fro-Yo 😉


Twisted, much to the chagrin of my friend actually, changes their fro-yo flavours weekly, creating new combinations between different flavours. Personally, I don’t think I would mind, I like trying new flavours, but am often not forced to because I see my ol’ favourite 😛


A new range of skinny minny flavours has also been introduced, made solely with stevia (like my giveaway *hint*), extending the range of people this yoghurt is perfect for 😀

I chose the award-winning Passionfruit, along with the new flavour, Rich Chocolate. Topped generously with lychee pearls, I was in heaven. Deliciously creamy, more than I expected, they rivalled gelato for me. Honest.


The rich chocolate actually just used to be ‘chocolate’, but Cass’s husband pushed her to add more of the delicious fair trade chocolate into her recipe. Smart man, because that flavour was amazing 😀


Coconut remains, of course, the most popular flavour. Here is a photo of another visitor’s fro-yo, complete with cookie dough because what is health? 😛


I ran into Kelly, from Ms Brûlée , one of the sweetest people ever! We exchanged fro-yo flavour tastings, and she opted for passionfruit and original. I never knew how good original was, it was like delicious creamy greek yoghurt almost!


She also got mochi balls (?) on hers, forgive my spelling. I thought they would be chewy lollies, but they dissolved in my mouth. Definitely getting that topping next time!


Besides fro-yo related products, Cass actually also teamed up with Tess, from Wellness By Tess, also promoting healthy living by raw brownies, three seed bars and coconut protein balls. A perfectly delicious, but healthy snack to give extra energy while downing a smoothie – a clean way to be active 😀


On going home, both Cass and Tess insisted we take home some of their wonderful products. The sweetest gesture, especially because both had been so enjoyed on the night!


I opted to take home this Mocha Madness mix of frozen yoghurt, including coffee swirled with rich chocolate. I swear, I was ready to eat it all on the bus home. But I didn’t.

Everyone else would get jealous, no doubt. When I did eventually try it (when I got home :P), it was a little melted (I live an hour and a half away :P), but so sweet and addictive!


I also took home Tess’s Triple C Crunch Bar, complete with cacao nibs on top. It was chewy and sweet, distinctly tasting of nuttiness mixed with dates! The Raw Chocolate Balls were also delicious, the coconut surrounding it a very delicious idea!


Now, if this post hasn’t covered your sweet tooth, honestly don’t know what would!

And can you believe it was predominantly healthy too?!

Twisted Frozen Yoghurt on Urbanspoon

General Information 


Shop 3074a (opposite Woolworths)
Bondi Junction

Website Links:


I am all written out now, and yes, I do still have exams, so leaving you with these pleasant photos, I bid you adieu mes cheris!

Till next post!

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Disclaimer: Go Bake Yourself was invited to this launch event, courtesy of Cass Spies, but her opinions and thoughts on Twisted’s products are her own.


  1. Ah, I have such a weakness for soft serve frozen treats, but especially any place with a self-serve topping bar! Popping boba are my absolute favorite… I may or may not go to ice cream parlors on occasion just to buy a cupful of them, sans froyo. 😉


  2. Zoe says:

    I have noticed a lot of self serve frozen yogurt shops opening in Melbourne lately. We have tried a few and we are loving it. I’m sure that the frozen yogurt at Twisted must be nice too 😀


  3. GiGi Eats says:

    I cannot tell you the last time I had FRO-YO… However… If I were twisted up with flavors I would be mixed with mint chocolate, vanilla, cookie dough pieces and cake batter! LOL – would that be gross?! OMG what about Peanut Butter Chocolate. CANNOT forget that!


  4. Hotly Spiced says:

    Good luck with your exams. Everyone keeps telling me how sad that movie is and how many tears they shed watching it. I love the look of all this fro-yo and especially like the little balls xx


  5. I Wilkerson says:

    What a great store (and event)! You know I saw a Dragon Fruit in a local store last week and got really excited. Then I found out it was $7.99, so I guess I just live in the wrong part of the world for them…


  6. Debra says:

    Oh my goodness, but I do love frozen yogurt, and I think you have a wonderful healthy option available to you! How great. I have never had lychee pearls before, and they are so interesting. I would have been happy with the simple swirl, but now I wonder what I’m missing. 🙂


  7. Sophie33 says:

    Frozen yoghurts places you won’t see so often in Belgium because people normally are big on ice-creams but I like the idea!

    You can make it as healthy as you want it to be, but with the different toppings you also can make it unhealthy! 😉 MMMM!


  8. Lovely seeing you again Urvashi! Stella and very informative post/reviews. The mochi (you got it right) balls topping is so much fun to eat, that plus Twisted froyo awww yissss. All the best with your upcoming exams 🙂


  9. Jo says:

    Ooh…I enjoyed the movie greatly! how about you?

    Anw..froyo sounds really good right now especially when the weather has been so terribly hot! I think I will be v happy with the original flavour with some fresh berries.


  10. Kids & Adults… Don’t do drugs! Why anyone would want to when a hit of Twisted is bound to produce the same results. Brilliant advice Miss CCU. 🙂 Can’t believe its relatively healthy too. If I get in the car now, I can be eating one of these little beauties by 430pm…. Hmmmm. Happy Friday lovely. x


  11. Beth says:

    I’m reading that book right now, so hopefully I’ll finish it before you give the movie review. (And I already know I need to anticipate red eyes.)


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