Daily Archives: July 16, 2014

CCU Undercover: Embossed Rolling Pins @ Bezalel Art Shop

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There are time when I get emails that don’t just make me happy. They make me grin, throw my hands around a little and get super excited! Well, I was getting off the bus after a slog of a day at uni, and BAM! What should light up my day… night… like an email from Denis Savelyev, owner of the Bezalel Art Shop @ Etsy.com.

For those living under their rocks. Etsy houses creators of all sorts, ranging from specialty outfit to customised iPhone cases, to just about anything artsy, hipster and beyond your usual ‘Homemaker’ shops. They bring ‘vintage‘ to a whole new level, often shipping worldwide.


Denis exemplifies this, by being the creator of not only handcrafted earrings and pendants in unusual, innovative designs, but of the vogue new trend;

Embossed Rolling Pins.

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