Tag Archives: cookies

A Hygienic Obsession (Giveaway – Ended)

Ok so this post was absolutely, 100% scheduled to be for the Christmas period. I was going to act like Santa, launching a giant sack over my back and Ho-Ho-ing till all of you guys were giggling – you know the drill!

But, my holiday mood kicked in and I got so busy, that the very ability to blog dried up and was forgotten in the corner, while holiday celebrations took centre stage. That along with other commitments means that now, I am making this a new years style giveaway and post for you.

You know, taking the whole new year-new you approach (as if that hasn’t been done before, but regardless, it’s all good!) 🙂

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Welcome 2015!

Another year down, another year past, another year done and dusted. Congrats everyone 😀

In the words of the immortal Queen ‘another one bites the dust’. And you ALL came out on top 😉

I probably going to sound like your parents when I say this, but this year seems to have gone by quicker than the past! I swear, it is incredible! Personally, I felt like I was a newbie at uni, and WHOOSH.

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CCU Undercover: Embossed Rolling Pins @ Bezalel Art Shop

review title

There are time when I get emails that don’t just make me happy. They make me grin, throw my hands around a little and get super excited! Well, I was getting off the bus after a slog of a day at uni, and BAM! What should light up my day… night… like an email from Denis Savelyev, owner of the Bezalel Art Shop @ Etsy.com.

For those living under their rocks. Etsy houses creators of all sorts, ranging from specialty outfit to customised iPhone cases, to just about anything artsy, hipster and beyond your usual ‘Homemaker’ shops. They bring ‘vintage‘ to a whole new level, often shipping worldwide.


Denis exemplifies this, by being the creator of not only handcrafted earrings and pendants in unusual, innovative designs, but of the vogue new trend;

Embossed Rolling Pins.

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And So Ends The 2014 World Cup…

What a match.

What a thrill.

What an honour to watch two teams go head on to bring home the glory.

Is it not heartbreaking, that only one team can win?

Honestly, without the dulce de leche oozing gently out of my alfajores, I don’t know how I would have made it through all that stress!


This morning, at 5am Sydney time, I was huddled in a blanket, surrounded by an overdose of testosterone, watching Argentina play Germany in the FIFA world cup finals of 2014. I wasn’t waiting for the sunrise, or passing time due to my insomniac tendencies, but genuinely hauled my butt out of bed at 4:30 in the morning, solely for the game.

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Risky Business

I could feel my heart pumping, my hands going sweaty and my eyes darting left and right.


Paper was dampening in my hands, I had no way out. I could hear the construction in my head, houses going up around me, enclosing and suffocating me.

I walked down a couple of lanes, darting in and out of free parking, avoiding the houses and hotels surrounding me. It felt too suburbia, it felt too expensive, almost like I was stuck, living in the hub of a big game…

Suddenly a police officer stopped me. Pale as milk, yet imposing in his blue uniform, he beckoned me forward. Slowly, I walked up, not even knowing I had done something wrong.


Bound and gagged, he tossed me into a dark jail cell, with a small passage for visitors. Huh. Who would visit me?

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Well… I’m Off

Hi guys. So I do not have much time to write a lot in this post, though it includes an awful lot (contradictory, aren’t I?) 😛

But don’t blame me – it is SO my brother’s fault – he got me involved in a very heated Scrabble battle.


In the tiebreaker we TIED – 307 to 307, we are what champions aim to be 😉

But anyway, you are probably wondering about the title. I do this a lot to you.

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Superfoods #2: Coconut Sugar

How lucky am I? A couple of days back, Justin from Cheap Super Foods Australia, contacted me, asking me to try some wonderful up and coming raw, organic ingredients from their huge range. As if I could turn down a huge opportunity like that! I know many bloggers, especially Vegan, focusing on all these new foods, so I knew I had plenty of inspiration to start making recipes.


But what are superfoods? Why is using them considered ‘super’ but using caster sugar, isn’t? We are not being ingredient-ist here, but the term ‘superfoods’ means that particular ingredient has been classified as Food with high nutrient and phytochemical content that may confer health benefits. It has few negative properties if any, considering it is highly unprocessed (natural), does not contain contaminants, saturated fats, artificial ingredients or food additives.” – Wikipedia

When I say ‘phytochemicals’, I mean naturally occurring beneficial chemical compounds in plants, such as antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and polyphenol. I used this think anything ‘organic’ equated in some way, to marijuana and hippie food, tasting like dirt despite any ‘benefits.’ Since I started food blogging, I have learnt a heck of a lot about all of it, and am glad to learn that is not the case! 🙂

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Time To Get Beautiful!

And one, and two, and one, and two, and… oh sorry wait, haha that is to get fit!

And we were talking about getting beautiful! 😀
In my opinion, there are a lot of things which contribute to beauty, here is a little list:

  1. Self-confidence
  2. Good clothes
  3. No stress
  4. Enlightenment – Agreeably, Buddha is really the only one who has achieved this so far but hey, can’t we try?

The idea of beauty is convoluted these days, truly I have to write a post about it soon! But that is later. For now, you can get all off the above and more to make yourself beautiful just by reading Marcela De Vivo’s wonderful article below! 

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