Tag Archives: chocchipuru

A Peek Into Som Tam

Do you have a bucket list? Of course you have a bucket list, everyone has a bucket list! But CCU, being the strange little munchkin she is, actually has gazillions of bucket lists. Um, just off the top of her head, she has the 30-before-30 (shhh… top secret list!), she has the do-before-you-wed list, she has a 30-with-the-bestie list.

Lots of list, so little time!

She also has a bucket list of restaurants to visit in every restaurant in Australia. And a few restaurants on a global scale. Yes, CCU thinks big, but is that truly so wrong? 😛

So can you imagine her surprise when a restaurant she had on her bucket list from Melbourne asked her to do a review of their menu from all they offer? And try and share one of her recipes with you?

Bucket list magic, it works every time… 🙂

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