Tag Archives: chocolate sauce

Match Made In Heaven + Giveaway Time! (Closed)

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There were slates of clouds scattered throughout the sky, dimming the blue and creating an overcast. Glimpses of rays dodged between them, creating natural spotlights on the earth below.


He was walking, quite stiffly if I do say so myself, through the park. He looked all crinkly, and not fresh at all, as if he had definitely seen better days. ‘Ugh, how to do it, how to do it!?’, a single though revolving through his mind. He could feel his fingers probing at a lump in his pocket, its soft velvety texture not providing any reassurance.

She was coming to meet him in only 10 minutes, and he just wanted the world to stop so he could just breathe. He could feel himself melting by the heat of his stress and the pressure placed on him.



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Belated Happy National Pi[e] Day

Pi = 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716 – and it keeps going (if you really want to see, check this out!)

Lots of people do different things to honour yesterday/America’s Pi Day. Let us take for instance, my friends’ maths teachers. Mr S, well to put it nicely, is highly enamoured with Pi. As in, yesterday, he spent the entire period showing his class (and this is the smartest class in the school mind you) ‘Pi’ music videos and mercilessly singing along. *shudder* – but also kinda funny 😉

one person pie 3

Being a food obsessed, maths hater that I am, it was only natural for me to think of pie. The real type of pie. Not some imaginary number that really does not make any sense 😛

Anyway, I was totally going to celebrate with an uber delicious, super gorgeous, terrific pie. And I would have if I could have. But a little thing in my life, called Yr 11, of course stopped me from sharing an aromatic homemade pie with the world/my area. So I had to make do with what little I could do. Me :)… I mean :(… 😉

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