Tag Archives: cookie dough

And So It Begins… With A Giveaway (Closed)

So, here I am again, feeling a bit sheepish that I am blogging when I have been ignoring all your gorgeous posts for what? A week and a half?

I would say ‘oops’ and cover my mouth with my hands all Marilyn Monroe style and pretend innocence, but it is just not that situation! 😛


You guys know that I graduated, and was rather thrilled with it. And then you found out for some obscure reasons, my finals at school were not my finals per se, because I have another set of exams now. #whatisblogging

I promise you all, it seems like exams are all I ever do, but these are for real, my final exams ever. For 4 months. For high school. Despite the fact that I am taking quite few holidays after I finish, I will be all yours. Soon my darlings… so soon!

4th November. Remember that. 😀


So on Monday, my final exams begin (On one day, I have 2 exams in one day 6 hours in one day, and my hand will fall off, I guarantee it :P)

I am already feeling the euphoria, the rush of chucking away sheets (You’ll see what I mean when I post again!) but no, let it begin. Like Jordin Sparks says, ‘Take one step at a time, there’s no need to rush‘ (Lies, I want to rush my butt off!) 😉

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