Tag Archives: malt milk powder

Chocolate Chip Baking Week 8: Malted Milk Powder Chocolate Chip Cookies

I know it says published 19th December but here in Aus it is the 20th – how time travel style, Doctor Who cool is that!

Sorry, but being the child I am, I sometimes have to let all my pent up festive excitement out (as seen through the way I devour fruit mince pies, tear open presents in a frenzy, adore the secrets of Kris Kringle and love watching Christmas themed reruns of Sabrina the Teenage Witch…)

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216What is malted milk powder? On stumbling on this chocolate chip cookie recipe, that was the first thing that hit me. See, Australia is kind of a baking goods hole a.k.a you can find no toffee chips, or Reese’s special hot fudge topping etc. unless you go to specialty shops in the city or further beyond. No wonder I had never heard of this thing before!

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