Tag Archives: raspberries

A Mad Weekend

This weekend was mad in the kitchen. This weekend I baked two dishes and neither. one. had. chocolate.

It is not even a case of rustling up a one person dish for myself like my last post which was exploding chocolate-y goodness. I just did not bake with chocolate, my melts resting comfortably away in their pantry instead of screaming and running amuck like usual. Not that I would know of course 😉

mini cakes 7

And what is even more astounding that the cookie batch and the mini cakes batch would be perfect for a tea party. You know what else goes well with tea/hot chocolate, oh whoops there I go again, chocolate!

I feel my temperature running high, my head starting to spin – I simply must have been quite delusional as to do this to myself and to my family (who actually sacrilegiously prefer it this way!)

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