Daily Archives: October 15, 2011

Diwali Baking #2

Part two in my Diwali baking endeavours! Also made during the excitement hype of my end of exams night was the Nutella Fudge and then today, I learnt about the delights of truffles – White chocolate and lemon to be precise 😀
These were made for a very special family I have known since birth… good friends with a preference for sans oeufs here’s to you!


How can I describe making these – they are fun, they are easy and when you get to eat Nutella by the spoonfuls, I think they are a pretty big part of your daily eating plan (is that just me, really?)

These small  (you can chop the fudge up largeor make HUGE balls of lemon truffles) delights are extremely amazingly delicious. The flavour punch you get from each is awesome and balance of flavours totally works!!!

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Diwali Baking #1

Hello my friends!
After an insane week of exams and hair pulling and eye gouging (no, this is not female wrestling), I am back to bake weekly after a brilliant night of Footloose-ing with mates (ILY Willard, Rusty’s blue prom dress!)

Like in my procrastination post before this one (oops!), I was saying how many things are fast approaching (and not just baking wise)

One of these is DIWALI! Indian festival of colours, this is the time when our house is the lightest on our street 😀

For Diwali is Indian equivalent to Christmas I’d say so we go around eating rich Indian curries (mutter paneer and stuffed cheese naan – YUM) and giving out presents – This year I was commissioned to bake for a couple of families specifically by my dear mother – DO YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS?


  • I bake full recipes instead of quarters and eighths!
  • I bake during the night because it is a lot of work getting out cakes and truffles all day long!
  • I decorate the desserts!
  • I see big fat smiles (touchwood so far…)

57My first recipe was a German Chocolate Cake. It is for my brilliant godparents. Dam do they deserve this cake which I am so happy to give to them!!!

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