My Latest 3-Layer Distraction

Sometimes there are problems in your life. They are unexpected, out of the blue and you see your security starting to crumble a little. You don’t know what to do, how to act and how to face it because it might be a new problem, one you have never experienced before.

It’s a case of life giving lemons but not being able to make lemonade because they are sour or rotten. Not every lemon can be good I suppose.

When these problems come up, there is always a positive side according to my ma and I know she is right. Like yin and yang, light and dark, with every negative there must be a positive, a law of nature.


But sometimes you just can’t find it. You can search everywhere and try to convince yourself you have found that happy side but sometimes it is just too hard and you collapse under the strain. It is in these cases you must avoid the issue for a little bit of time. Calm yourself and let your passions overwhelm you so they can take you to a world away from reality, an ephemeral moment of peace and tranquillity before you are pulled away again.

This is what this recipe did for me. I do not want to think, act or speak, I just want to let my senses devour this cake in front of me so I can be one in my realm involving chocolate, ovens and buttercream snow. I need to be out of the real world and into the my own right now so here is how everything is looking to me.

52I see a cake. A big round cake with beautiful twisted ganache swirls on the top. I feel a thick crusty layer of sweet biscuits, soft and crumby at the touch. I taste a smooth creamy layer of perfect cheesecake, its light perfection mingling with the dense richness of a dark brownie. Opposites are attracting and the three layers of this cake are coming together as one wonderful taste attraction.

I cannot remember, I cannot control, all I know is that all my senses are directed at this brownie-cheesecake hybrid with its devilish three layers working in unison. My nose is catching the scent of chocolate intertwining with the slightest hint of butter and a delicious creaminess. My eyes are assessing each layer. And my hands are gripping a dessert spoon so hard that its silvery steel is clammy against my palm.


Why not join me and lose yourself too? While I may have to, you can by choice, and I am pretty sure that choice is an easy one 😉

I found this recipe for the Ultimate Brownie Cheesecake from The Purple Foodie. It was a case of love at first sight with no optional-making, just set-a-date making. While the talented Shaheen really did go over the top on this with a white chocolate ganache and a jam layer as well, I was initially planning this spider web design, but with white chocolate instead of powdered sugar and milk.

62I said au revoir to that idea and went for the random but pretty chocolate ganache swirl drizzle. Next time I may incorporate the jam in swirls throughout the cheesecake and skip the extra chocolate. Who knows?

Anyhow, here are my tips, variations and tricks on making this decadent delight – help yourself 🙂

  • I dutifully greased and lined the bottom and sides of my springform tin – the cheesecake pieces cut like a charm and the base just slid right off when needed
  • I added 1 tsp of vanilla essence into the biscuit base and used plain caster sugar – the cacao nibs were also ignored
  • I refrigerated the crust to add sturdiness while preparing the brownie
  • I recommend using Sheehan’s brownie recipe since the cooking times go well with the cheesecake and the amount of batter is exact – if you use your own, be very wary to make sure you follow the appearance instructions
  • 121Refrigerate the brownie 3-4 hours or overnight to ensure a sturdy crust and no marbling with the cheesecake layer
  • I added 1/2 tsp coffee essence into the brownie
  • I used 250g cream cheese and 1/2 cup caster sugar (since the packets of Philly are that amount here over 230g or 8 oz)
  • I increased the cream in the cheesecake to 90ml (by accident of course!)
  • 111I had to bake my cheesecake part for around 35 minutes – the brownie was still perfectly moist and delicious but I think this should be your limit (after refrigeration it will not budge I promise!)
  • If you are pouring ganache, be sure to keep your cake in the springform – the drippy effect will take away from the layering so let that set in the fridge before pouring jam/designing – then remove sides
  • Nutella Variation: 1 tbs roasted hazelnuts in crust, 1/2 cup Nutella into brownie and cut down sugar to 150g, 1/4 cup into ganache
  • Peanut Butter Variation: 1 tbs roasted unsalted peanuts into crust, use peanut butter instead of normal butter in brownie, make chocolate peanut butter ganache for the top

9Also, this was my first large cheesecake which didn’t crack! I didn’t put it in a waterbath, I placed it one rack beneath, I tapped it on the counter for air bubbles, cooled it with the oven door slightly ajar for 30 minutes and that was that! A perfect crack-less cheesecake 🙂


Also, a tip on cutting: Use a sharp, hot knife wiped clean but immediately used because this cake is dense like the Amazon forest, if not more so 😉
Clean the knife in between each slice as well (unlike I did because I am impatient like that) 😛

And this is the recipe for chocolate ganache which is fool-proof. I just used all milk chocolate instead of a mixture due to the richness that is dark chocolate brownie 😀

So let yourself loose and throw away practicality as you indulge your senses in this heavenly dessert. It certainly is helping and I hope it will continue to bring luck so it is sure to do wonders for you.


Enjoy my friends.


  1. laurasmess says:

    Uru! This looks absolutely amazing. Ah-mazing!!! I am such a huge fan of layered cheesecakes. It’s like every bite is a few treats in one 🙂 So glad that you’re ahead in all of your course work. Sounds like it was pretty full on for a while there. Hugs, and thanks for this yummy treat! xx


  2. Pingback: Quick & Easy « Go Bake Yourself

  3. Pingback: Traditions Of March #1 « Go Bake Yourself

    • Thank you very much 😀
      This cake was one of my proudest ever and I definitely recomment making this for a party – not even the most savoury of people will be able to stop at one piece 😀
      Glad you stopped by!

      Choc Chip Uru


  4. Wow – yum. I LOVE cheesecake and I am developing my interest in brownies since joining Foodbuzz, so this is really interesting for me! Being UK based, we don’t do Brownies too well, so I will be taking inspiration from this! Anyway, back to Masterchef on TV! Thanks Uru! Moo x


    • I promise you, you will be a brownie queen in no time at all – brownies are one of my most favourite dishes to bake in the world 😀
      Enjoy and devour and have fun with Masterchef!

      Choc Chip Uru


    • Haha, you are so funny 😀
      I am so glad this recipe has touched you – I will most certainly be devouring it again soon!
      And it is my pleasure – your blog is wonderful 😀

      Choc Chip Uru


  5. Great Post Choc Chip Uru! Your posts keep getting better and better. I have to laugh in spite of myself because you are probably avoiding doing your homework and blogging instead. This cheese cake is decadent and sinful. I think I might have gained weight just looking at your pictures. Just kidding. Have a great Valentines Day. BAM


    • Thanks so much my friend – so maybe homework shouldn’t be mentioned right now 😛 but I am very happy you enjoyed this recipe so much – I wouldn’t blame if you did gain weight though but the taste is so worth it – I want to make another one right now 😉

      Choc Chip Uru


  6. Amrita says:

    What a beautiful cheesecake you have there! Great notes to the recipe, I always appreciate it when people add notes like this since people like me have a million questions sometimes 😉


    • Haha, sleep is usually second on the agenda when it comes to baking 😉
      Thanks for such sweet words – I actually made this over three days after school (crust + brownie, cheesecake, ganache) 😀

      Choc Chip Uru


  7. Haha my tooth broke so I have to go easy on sweets and all of you blogging people remind me how much I need to get to some chocolate. This stuff is addictive, especially when it looks as good as your cake. Well done! Also I came by to say that I gave you Liebster Blog Award, hope you’ll accept it– its really fun thing to do! Wishing you all the best! 🙂
    Here are details if you’re interested and accept the little challenge 😉 Wishing you all the best!


    • You are the sweetest – thank you so much for the award my friend 🙂
      And as for your tooth all the best in getting it fixed and I hope you feel better soon – I think you need some chocolate ice cream pronto 😀

      Choc Chip Uru


    • Too sweet! Thank you so much – I too am n love with this!
      Is it not absolutely fitting that Valentines Day is coming up 😛
      Thanks for visiting and hope you make this and fall in love again 😀

      Choc Chip Uru


  8. This is the perfect combination of 2 of my favorite desserts. I love the peanut butter options too! And that fudge cookie sandwich. I could spend some QT at the table with both of these and a giant glass of milk.


    • The combination is exactly why I fell head over heels in the first place 😀
      I can’t wait to try the other options – And as for those fudge cookies, I needed something to keep me going while the cake set in the fridge right?
      Glad you enjoyed this 🙂

      Choc Chip Uru


  9. Oh. My. God. This looks incredible!! Look at those layers! Heaven! I would be in a completely different world just at the sight of this. I’m sure each spoonful is an amazing combination of flavors and delicious textures. Wow.


  10. Heather says:

    A perfect way to lose yourself; I for one bake and cook for therapy & enjoyment…I am sure everything will work out the way it is meant too 🙂

    The layers of your creation look beautiful, I can almost feel the suagr rush just thinking of this master piece!


    • Your words make me feel very good and it is so great that you understand – thank you 🙂
      I am sure if the pictures are giving you a sugar rush, the product itself would actually having you bouncing around (I certainly was ;))

      Choc Chip Uru


  11. Wow. I came for the drool worthy pics of chocolate cheesecakey goodness and ended up completely relating to your story. My week also needs something sweet and gooey like this. Thanks for sharing. MIght give this a try on the weekend:)


    • Thank you so much! I am always scared of cracked cheesecakes so I feel so happy when I look at it 😉
      And this cake is made to convert the human population to chocaholism! Glad you enjoyed 😀

      Choc Chip Uru


    • Haha I am actually ahead in my school work – I am so lucky to keep time management – and the fact that all I do is bake when I take a break (rhyme!) 😛
      I am certain this cheesecake would be perfect for you – so happy you enjoyed it 🙂

      Choc Chip Uru


  12. This presents so much better than the marbled cheescake brownies. Also, there is that perfect balance of the three in every bite-yum! I like that you included variations and you have very helpful tips here. Great post!


    • Thank you – the flavouring options are a must try and I agree, I prefer these to my cheesecake brownies (probably because the cheesecake ratio is higher ;))
      Glad you enjoyed this!

      Choc Chip Uru


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