The Revenge Of The… Chocolate

Yoda: “Only the Dark Lord knows of our weakness”

In a galaxy not so far far away, the dark lord returned. Garbed in a dark covering, he beckoned using his force and the influence he wielded over the weak, the powerless to turn them into his minions.

Darth Vader: “You don’t know the power of the dark side!”

He crackled open, releasing a fresh intoxicating yet dangerous aroma and entrapping us in his aura. He hid his inner self behind a thick coat, but I could almost taste the creaminess of…


Wait. You thought I was talking about Star Wars? Emperor Palpatine come to turn Earth into a Death Star? Flashing neon light sabers with clashing cool colours? The death of Liam Neeson… I mean Qui-Gon Jinn?

Hahaha, this is far worse.

Seems like chocolate had had enough of me, making it a second choice and being a turncoat to its tastes. It labelled me a traitor.

Darth Vader: “I find your lack of faith disturbing”

So today it came for me. An intense craving hidden in the form of blackness which emptied my body of its soul, only to return by… joining the dark side.

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Luke: “Never. I’ll never turn to the dark side.”

Yeah, about that, in case you have not noticed, I’m not Luke. I was kind of missing chocolate anyway. And what harm could it possibly do to me if I gave into the craving finally and used chocolate?

The Emperor: “I’m looking forward to completing our training. In time, you will call *me* master”

So you know how the chocolate came to claim me back, and forever twist me around its fingers?

It sent the lord of chocolate. ‘The Emperor’ equivalent of chocolate.

The Tim Tam. For it, I created and toiled and worked forever more. Or at least half an hour.

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The Emperor: “You have your assignments. Do not disappoint me. Now go!”

And so was born The Tim Tam Toasted Marshmallow Malted Milkshake.

All hail chocolate, all hail the emperor.

The Emperor: “Everything is proceeding as I have foreseen”

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Leaving my nerdish tendencies of enjoying Star Wars behind (I could say I only like it because of Hayden Christensen but as much as he was a big part of it, that would be a lie ;)), let’s focus on this milkshake.

Did I just call it a milkshake?

Stupid girl.


Tim Tam Toasted Marshmallow Malted Thickshake

Tim Tam Toasted Marshmallow Malted Thickshake

Not for the faint of heart, with a dislike of chocolate or for the people who lack sucking powers with a straw. You know how thickshakes can be hard to get up sometimes. This is one of those 😀

This started out as your normal toasted marshmallow milkshake. Recipes for these babies are floating everywhere in the vast internet universe. But it was not enough for me.

So then I thought of the Tim Tam (exclusive to us Aussies ;)) – maybe I should have a Tim Tam giveaway huh? Hmmmm…. 😛

The biscuit’s official description as of Wikipedia: “A Tim Tam is composed of two layers of chocolate malted biscuit, separated by a light chocolate cream filling, and coated in a thin layer of textured chocolate”

Fun Tim Tam fact from Arnott’s: “The cream used in Tim Tams is a delicate mixture of vanilla, butter and chocolate that complements the biscuit base and the chocolate. It’s this unique cream which sets Tim Tam apart from any other chocolate biscuit.”

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I second that my friend 😀

So then we had the Tim Tam Toasted Marshmallow Milkshake.

But only vanilla ice cream? A little nuff. So chocolate and vanilla ice cream.

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So then we had the Tim Tam Toasted Marshmallow Thickshake.

Then a little bit more from the chocolate malted milk category never hurt. Come on down Ovaltine.

And so now finally, I give you a refreshing, thick, scrumptious chocolate shake garnishes with cream and even more Tim Tams with a subtle taste of malt, the powerful hit of Tim Tam goodness with the edginess of that beautifully charred marshmallow gooeyness 😀

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So then we had…

Tim Tam Toasted Marshmallow Malted Thickshake

Makes: 2-3 Shakes


  • 6 Tim Tams, roughly chopped (use any flavour but I prefer original or double coated!)
  • 1/2 cup chocolate malted milk powder (Ovaltine)
  • 10 large marshmallows
  • 3 scoops vanilla ice cream
  • 1 large scoop chocolate ice cream
  • 400ml full cream milk
  • Whipped cream and grated chocolate for garnish (optional)
  • Extra Tim Tams and marshmallows to serve (optional)


  1. To toast marshmallows:
  2. Refrigerate your serving glasses
  3. Place on a skewer and turn over a gas flame until charred
  4. Use a blow torch and char
  5. Spread over a baking sheet and put under the grill for approximately 2-3 minutes or until charred – you must be vigilant otherwise they will burn!
  6. Place toasted marshmallows, keeping two or three aside to serve with, crushed Tim Tam cookies, both ice creams, milk and malted milk powder into a blender
  7. Process until thick and smooth
  8. Serve in glasses from the fridge
  9. Top with whipped cream and garnish with chocolate and extra toasted marshmallows

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Just before I leave off, a fabulous blogger friend of mine, Daisy @ Never Too Sweet (isn’t she just the best with a blog name like that? :D) tagged me with a few awards. Thank you so much my friend 🙂
If you have never met Daisy or visited her blog, it is filled with amazing luscious recipes, awesome reviews and just a fun sunny read every time!

The awards given were The Sunshine Award and The Versatile Blogger Award – because I have happily received these awards, click this link to see the Versatile Blogger Award rules and this link for the Sunshine Award rules 🙂

I would like to pass these awards onto the following bloggers – congrats guys 😀

So sit back, relax, enjoy some bloggers and sip some milk-THICKshake my friends 😀

Blog Sig


  1. Pingback: Guest Post #3: Peanut Butter Banana S’mores Bars « Go Bake Yourself

  2. Pingback: Happy 1st Birthday Go Bake Yourself + International Giveaway « Go Bake Yourself

  3. Pingback: Birthday, Brownie, Crownie « Go Bake Yourself

  4. Alice says:

    Omg, I love Tim Tams. Next to Violet Crumbles, they are my fav Aussie sweet treat! I saw someone mention a giveaway – I think that would be immensely popular for those of us in the States! That thickshake looks SO good.


  5. I am making this vegan cake for a vegan friend who is coming over for dinner. I know you adapted the recipe from another I copied both, I really like what you have done with your version. Have a question. Your recipe calls for 1.5 tbs baking soda and the original calls for 1.5 tsp is it a typo or did you really use that much baking soda. I hope you see this question as I am making the cake Wednesday. Also I am subbing coconut milk for water in both the cake and icing I thought that would add richness. Thanks so much


  6. Wow.. whoa!! ..wowww.. Whoaaaaa!! As you can see, I am lost for words.. can I say.. well hello! there my precious? Gosh..all my fav in a drink? Tim tams? Toasted marshmallow and malt shake? Yikess. I am in heaven.. Delish Choc Chip Uru.. delish!!! hugggss


    • Haha, I think that would be most appropriate (love bringing lord of the rings into the movie mix :D)
      Thanks so much for enjoying my friend – truly it has a little bit of everything 🙂

      Choc Chip Uru


  7. Whew, I just listened to the music as I read the description of your creation, and I’m all worked up! CCU, are those multi-colored marshmallows and was that a chocolate decorated fingernail I saw in one photo? This is going to be another chocolate bestseller… hurray for you!


    • Haha I’m glad to hear that my friend – bringing on a sugar high without literally giving said sugar 😀
      Yep multicoloured marshmallows have always been my way to go and as much as I love chocolate, this is an ordinary black nail polish 😉
      Thank you very much my friend!

      Choc Chip Uru


  8. “For those of you who lack sucking power…” I am still laughing. I think I have just gained 5 kg looking at all of those yummy chocolate treats on your site. I would like one of each please. Take Care, BAM


  9. Kimby says:

    I was going to use the Force to transport some Tim Tams from Australia to Oklahoma, but I see they’ve already made it to Kansas (thanks for the FYI, Veronica!), and if Kansas has ’em, Oklahoma can’t be too far behind! (Then again, Kansas isn’t that far away… it wouldn’t even require a jump to light speed, by my calculations.) 🙂

    I saw the “original Star Wars” in a movie theatre, too — will NEVER forget that experience! Another highlight was attending a “laser light show” featuring the music from Star Wars, played by the Minnesota Orchestra (Minnesota is my home planet) — it was incredible. After the movies came out on VHS (yes, the tape kind that you had to rewind…lol) my hubby & I wore them out from having “Star Wars movie marathons” during the long winters (similar to the planet Hoth; that’s why we moved to OK.) 😉

    What a great concoction you’ve come up with, Choc Chip Uru — the “thick shake” is a chocolate lover’s dream come true! Congratulations on your latest awards, too!

    P.S. I voted for R2D2 in your USB poll!
    P.P.S.S. Your caramel corn was stellar — we ate it while watching a movie from a neighboring galaxy… E.T. 🙂 (He was the only one using a phone — ours were OFF!)


    • Wow you have the universe in check right now 😉
      I am glad you do not have whiz off to Aus in a starship for the sake of Tim Tams!
      Wowwww, you are like the Yoda of Star Wars by now – and I, being the naive young padawan that I am must admit you had me confused for a second with a VHS 😛

      Thank you so much on both counts my friend – I am sure your inner chocolate lover would love it 🙂
      Great choice of vote and I am sooooo glad you enjoyed it (with a great movie choice ;)) – good on you for turning off those phones 😀 and now I am craving more popcorn – no chance you still want to visit by starship do you?

      Choc Chip Uru


  10. Yes, You should do the Tim Tam giveaway. Last time when I visited Sydney, I brought with me almost a dozen of them. They taste great and this milk shake with tim tam in would be simply irresistible. Have a wonderful Friday evening!


    • Haha sometimes it is nice to bring out the inner nerd 😀
      And I think in this case, it is a good thing the force is not too strong 😉
      Thanks for enjoying!

      Choc Chip Uru


  11. Susan says:

    So funny! I’m a huge Star Wars nerd also but not as good as you 🙂 I’ve never heard of TimTam’s before! I wonder if I can even find them here – I’ll have to look. What a delicious concoction!


    • Haha, you sounded just like me while drinking/eating this shake 😀
      Thank you very much for enjoying and I bet with some Oreos you could have quite an impact… 😉

      Choc Chip Uru


  12. Elaine says:

    I have not tried Tim Tans before because I don’t think I have seen them. I am going to look for them though because I would love to try this shake. I prefer luscious thick shakes like yours.


    • Haha, I take that as a compliment!
      I personally am sure it will be at foreign confectionery stores, lots of people say it is in world food markets – hope you find them 😀

      Choc Chip Uru


  13. OMG, you are brilliant! This thick shake is truly amazing and not for the faint of heart. I’m sure we could handle it. 🙂 Looks amazing. Just toasted our first marshmallows of the season last weekend — have to try this out next time!


    • Thanks very much my friend 😀
      Definitely not for the faint of heart which I never even considered was you 😉
      Congrats on the first toast – may you toast forever more!

      Choc Chip Uru


  14. Justine Duppong says:

    I haven’t been feeling so well lately…I think I need to find someone to make this for me! What a perfect sugar high! 😉


  15. Nami | Just One Cookbook says:

    Hi Uru! Your blog makes me happy and happily sugar-high! Love your thickshake! When you started to torch on marshmallow, I was 120% sure this thickshake is YUM!


  16. Thank you for the award! It made my day 🙂
    This looks delicious! I think I need to purchase a blowtorch now, how fun!
    I though this post was to celebrate “may the 4th be with you” day. A little late, but still very awesome, I enjoyed this post 🙂


    • My pleasure my friend 😀
      And happy you enjoyed this recipe – a blowtorch is a must get 🙂
      I also completely forgot about May the 4th day but glad this was only a couple of days off 😛

      Choc Chip Uru


  17. cookingactress says:

    I love that you’re a fellow nerd! Lol and this shake looks so so amazing. I want it. And maybe some of those cookies on the side also, bc I’m pretty sure they’re delicious!


  18. machisan says:

    These look so cute! I admire your effort to make a lot of these beauties, as I can imagine it was quite some work, but looks really worth it!


    • Thank you my friend – it actually was not much effort at all – the only tiring parts were cutting the Tim Tams and trying to suck it out through a straw 😉

      Choc Chip Uru


  19. Sissi says:

    The milk shake looks gorgeous and so unusual! I have already put Tim Tam biscuits on my shopping list in case I go one day to Australia. They look deliciously addictive!


  20. Lisa at fLVE says:

    I commented earlier but looks like it didnt go through, so hope this works. I want this shake! Must try. Love star wars and this is so brilliant. So not only does the dark side have cookies, now they have a thick shake, too? So awesome. 🙂


    • Sorry bout that stuff up – thanks for commenting again!
      I am so happy you enjoyed this! It was the whole idea of the dark side having cookies which inspired the thickshake – what could possibly go better with cookies right? 🙂

      Choc Chip Uru


  21. hahaha! Annie @ An Unrefined Vegan referred me to your post and I’m so glad she did! LOVE IT! May the 4th be with you! And I am SO going to make a vegan version of this shake!


    • That was so sweet of her and thank you for visiting 😀
      Love the May The 4th 😉
      Hope you make an amazing vegan version and I look forward to seeing it – surely you are also in the Vegan Blog Hop no?

      Choc Chip Uru


  22. We used to gorge on Tim-Tams in Singapore too! Especially the dark chocolate ones….NOMNOM! And thick shakes are the best, I’m not into thin watery shakes…if it’s too thick, I dunk a spoon in and all is right with the world! 😀


    • OH MY GOSH, dark chocolate Tim Tams rock my socks 😀
      All is right with the world for sure when a thickshake is so thick you need a spoon – totally second that 🙂

      Choc Chip Uru


    • Mmmm, Milo – beats ovaltine for sure 😀 – I will definitely use that next time (have you seen my Milo milkshake??)
      Still glad you loved this my friend! 🙂

      Choc Chip Uru


  23. Lisa at fLVE says:

    I want one! Thats some good thick shake right there! Love the star wars reference! So funny and so true! 🙂 i think darth vader would lure more people to the dark side if he had these thick shakes! Lol.


    • So it did go through just as spam 😛
      Sorry about that my friend!
      But I agree – he should stop lifting people up and choking them and cajole them with thickshakes 🙂

      Choc Chip Uru


  24. hotlyspiced says:

    What a fun and fabulous thickshake. When I was younger and could eat packets of tim tams in a single sitting without gaining an ounce or even beginning to feel ill, we’d come up with all sorts of crazy things to do with them like microwave them and put them in hot drinks and sandwich them together with ice cream – there are never too many ways to enjoy a tim tam xx


    • Thank you my friend 😀
      And while I have been banned from ever doing your Tim Tam packet adventures (mum :P) I certainly have polished off quite a few in hot fudge sundaes, sandwiches and more – we are so Tim Tam alike 🙂

      Choc Chip Uru


  25. judy says:

    I love Tim-Tams. We used to get them when we lived in Jerusalem, but alas, I have not found them here in Virginia. Now I know where they come from. My kids used to dunk them in hot tea. Thanks for bringing up yummy memories.


    • I am sure you will find them again my friend, possibly in international confectionery stores! Persevere for them 😉
      Dunking them in hot tea or hot chocolate is actually the basis of the Tim Tam Slam – awesome memories indeed 😀
      Glad I got you reminiscing!

      Choc Chip Uru


    • Thank you my friend 😀
      Um, no not really – this has a luscious chocolate coating biscuit with a creamy chocolate mousse almost filling. Though a peanut butter version of this beauty is certainly desired! 🙂

      Choc Chip Uru


  26. That sounds like the most delicious and decadent shake ever! I don’t know Tim Tams either but they look a bit like our Penguins. They would work I think.
    All the best to you, my friend


    • Awww am I? Probably considering I am on the dark side already 😉
      Thank you for enjoying my friend! And that old? As if – I am so jealous you got to see it cinemas – that is so cool!

      Choc Chip Uru


  27. Incredible! Over the top indulgence!! Even though I’m gluten-free, I’ve tried the delicious Tim Tams. When I worked in a Career Center at a local University, a rep that came from another University in Australia, would bring boxes and boxes of Tim Tams to give to us. They are insanely tasty and it makes me want to create a gluten-free version right now!! 🙂



    • You have the hit the nail on the head – over the top indulgence for sure 😀
      I bet this rep was the most popular visitor ever 😉
      A gluten free version? YES 😀 – awesome idea!

      Choc Chip Uru


    • Haha I am glad to have introduced them to you my friend and thank you for some much enjoying? To die for? Hmm, maybe to ‘come to the dark side’ for 😀

      Choc Chip Uru


  28. The Mom Chef says:

    You know that if I liked chocolate I’d be all over that thickshake, right? 🙂 That being said, I saw the original Star Wars movie in the theater 28 times. Yeah, I was a nerd and a fan. A HUGE fan.


  29. Tisa says:

    Very nice post again, Uru..i think we get Tim Tam in World Foods Market, any which way, I need to get me some to make your thick shake- a wonderful combination indeed and who doesn’t love ovaltine?! BTW, my little guy will be an instant fan of this, with your glorious Star Wars intro.


    • Thank you my friend 😀
      I am glad you have steady access to this amazing biscuit – I promise if or if not using them in a thickshake, they will become addictive 😉
      Aww I can imagine a little baby boy sipping a huge glass with a star wars bib… awwww

      Choc Chip Uru


  30. Food Stories says:

    I love, love, love the star wars references. Thx for sharing the Tim Tam (since I didn’t know what they were) and for passing these awards to me … Thx, CCU 🙂


  31. This is a truly dangerous post, the warning about it not being for the faint of heart should have been in the title or at least the first few lines, now that I have read the whole post there is really no turning back!dark side here I come


  32. Micha says:

    Reading this post was a great way to start my day! Yumm. I think I’ve seen Tim Tams around here somewhere in the eastern states…Might have to pay more attention. I never knew what was in them but they sound good! And you’ve brought it to my attention that I don’t make enough milkshakes…


    • Haha good to know my friend – these biscuits deserve to be lavished with attention, especially in thickshakes. Which dr was it who said one thickshake a day keeps the doctor away? 😉

      Choc Chip Uru


  33. Beth says:

    Any post that references Star Wars that much has to be fantastic!
    And thanks for the link to my blog. I really appreciate it!
    Have a good day, and yes – I think a Tim Tam giveaway is an excellent idea.


    • Haha it most certainly is 😀 – I think all kids and adults alike with chocolate taste would enjoy this!
      Glad you enjoyed them my friend – a very epic movie 🙂

      Choc Chip Uru


  34. navane64 says:

    Star Wars and neither shakes are my kind but that does not mean I don’t admire this beautiful and chocolaty shake you have made. Will certainly recommend to my friends who will be high over heels over this shake bc they seem cannot have enough of anything with choc flavors.


  35. Averil says:

    Am a big Star Wars fan myself though for me Luke Skywalker will always be Mark Hamill 😉 But this shake, more like a lava lake complete with all those rocks (:-)) on top looks impossible to resist. What a fantastic tribute 🙂


  36. I know of one store that carries Tim Tams and I always buy them when I go there. They are pretty tasty and the idea of a milk shake with those does sound pretty fabulous. Besides that who can resist this picture-yum! Another winner!


  37. Ramona says:

    Oh my… now this is what I call a decadent milkshake!! I would eat most of it with a spoon… I don’t think my straw-sucking abilities are that stellar. LOL! Well done!! PS… I loved the Star Wars storyline… too funny. 🙂


  38. Veronica says:

    Guess what? Tim Tams have made their way to the states! We even have them in Kansas-the middle of nowhere! I haven’t yet purchased them but can’t wait to try them and do the “Tim Tam Slam.” This thickshake is off the chain, girl–I love how you took something great and kept adding things to just go completely over the top with it. My kind of girl. 🙂


    • Woohoo, I am so happy for you 😀
      They should be the international cookie no doubt! Aaah the Tim Tam Slam… memories 😉
      Thanks for enjoying the thickshake – over the top is how everyone should roll 😉

      Choc Chip Uru


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