Tag Archives: vanilla

Getting Back Into It

So, after a long haul of dragging my butt to the library, writing countless pages and walking around my house like some sort of noob, repeating facts over and over again, I am finally back to enjoy cooking and blogging and eating! Ohhh boy, especially eating!


Weird Fact: Did you know that while I study, I am not a fan of eating? How weird is that! (But then again… when I am not actively studying, I eat like a horse that is high and has a case of the munchies…hmmm…)

Anyhow, HI HOW ARE YOU? Honestly, I feel like someone kicked me off to boot camp and on returning, I have become a bit of a stranger, trying to get comfortable again in my apron skin with whisks for hands! 😉

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We’re all friends. I mean look at us, hanging around, doing whatever, watching the ridiculously scary new Pretty Little Liars episodes on a usual Saturday night.

All good fun, no problems, lots of food and a great night.

That is how hanging out with friends usually is, honestly, don’t get me wrong. But on Halloween, things start to happen. It usually starts with ‘something evil lurking in the dark’, and then when you turn around, ‘you see a sigh that almost stops your heart’

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Think Pink!

We have so many celebratory options in October it seems it is not even funny. Any type of celebration you want seems to be available in this month which kind of makes it really awesome. If I be brutally honest, it should be a holiday month. Do tell the board of education that 😉

But seriously, let’s see, do you want…

  1. A scary movie marathon? – Halloween
  2. To stuff yourself like there is no tomorrow? – Thanksgiving (admittedly not for all countries, Australia included, but I go along with it anyway ;))
  3. To have a night to let loose – Octoberfest

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Birthday CCU Undercover: Little Rock Cafe

NB: This post says it was posted on the 12th of August but it was the 13th in Australia 😀

CCU woke up, a grin widening from ear to ear. She was 17, the big 1-7? Naah, just 17 😀 – the big one would be coming in a year but she was so not going to think of that!
She didn’t feel different, nor did she feel particularly older but OMG, she was 17 and she felt very very excited 😀 😀 😀

To celebrate son anniversaire, she [had her daddy ;)] treat her whole family to a wonderfully big and luscious breakfast. Toast dripping with butter, pancakes… what else could a girl want to turn 17 with???

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Cupcake Confession

Psychologist: These sessions seem to be getting tedious. I am afraid I will have to advance you to a higher level of help if you cannot tell me.

Patient:How will I tell you without you judging me? How can I tell anyone?

Psych: You must not bottle those feelings, they will crush you later in life and you will wonder why…

cupcakes 19
Patient: It is not that easy…

Psych: Once you let it out, it will be. Tell me.

Patient: *breathes in deep* Ok… I think… I think I am… a cup-, a cupcake… snob…

Psych: Oh… wait, so you came here for ten sessions because you wanted to tell me you. are. a. cupcake. snob…?

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The Proud Moment

Update: Check out Kelli’s awesome National Can It Forward Day Post! Her e-book sounds fantastic!

In everything we do, anything we take part of, there is always one defining moment where you finish it, stand tall and say ‘I’m proud of myself.’

You could be the worst at it in the world, for example, someone you may know sucks at football, but even then, said anonymous person scored a goal for the first time – ultimate defining moment of pride 😀
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The Revenge Of The… Chocolate

Yoda: “Only the Dark Lord knows of our weakness”

In a galaxy not so far far away, the dark lord returned. Garbed in a dark covering, he beckoned using his force and the influence he wielded over the weak, the powerless to turn them into his minions.

Darth Vader: “You don’t know the power of the dark side!”

He crackled open, releasing a fresh intoxicating yet dangerous aroma and entrapping us in his aura. He hid his inner self behind a thick coat, but I could almost taste the creaminess of…


Wait. You thought I was talking about Star Wars? Emperor Palpatine come to turn Earth into a Death Star? Flashing neon light sabers with clashing cool colours? The death of Liam Neeson… I mean Qui-Gon Jinn?

Hahaha, this is far worse.

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Vanilla Maple Caramel Popcorn: My Guest Post

Good morning, afternoon, evening, twilight to all!

No matter which country, which culture, there is one thing that connects the human race. Our love of movies.

Honestly, can you tell me you don’t enjoy flopping down, shutting the doors on your phone and email before having a garbage can’s worth of popcorn while sniffing into tissues in front of a nice big screen? No? I really didn’t think so 😀

Well then, today is a very important post for you.

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