I Love Thee, Microwaves!

Oh how I love you microwaves! You are the fastest, easiest machines in the world which work as both a grill and an oven now for me, especially these long hard days of studying! Wherever would I be without you melting Nutella for my ice cream or warming up chocolate chip cookies! 😀

That sauce is hot, sweet and perfectly hidden in the middle of the cake...

That sauce is hot, sweet and perfectly hidden in the middle of the cake…

Anyway, excuse my ode to the microwave, I am guessing by now you know why I did it anyway 😉
I have always had a soft spot for anything that can give me a smashing dessert in a matter of minutes – let it be my microwave, my grill, my fridge or even my mother 😀
I remember my first ever microwave cake, courtsey of course of Not Quite Nigella, and her 5 minute cheesecake has been bookmarked for too long already – I vouch for the cake, even though I have made literally tens of.. well ok dozens of variations of it, the base is always so fudgy and perfect, it is a wonder it comes out of the microwave.

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Since I am still on my, what I like to call, quick kick, due to my exams, it was the perfect opporutnity for me to make my own microwave treat, my own recipe and my own idea. The results = perfect success.

Honestly, the taste is pure, unadulterated heaven and it doesn’t even contain chocolate (although it is of course an option!). This microwave self saucing pudding cake is liquid gold (literally) and melts on the tongue, all heated and warm and it is just a wonder I have not already made this and posted about it! I am just going to let you enjoy some more photos and marvel at the fact that it can be made in a microwave 😉

Ironic is it not? :P

Ironic is it not? 😛

butterscotch pudding16But before I post this recipe up today (I know it is coming much faster than usual no? :P), I would like to give you guys some fabulous news 😀


Yep, in preparation of my yearly exams during the time of September next term (yes I do think ahead) I would like around 8 guest posts so that I do not feel pressured to keep cooking during that period but can still run a blog 🙂
Why am I asking you, what, a quarter of a year early? So that I can set up these posts during my holidays in a week and a half’s time and when yearly exams (shudder) come, all I have to do is press a button 😀

butterscotch pudding18I give you all free rein – make it savoury, sweet, both, as long as you desire, I do not mind at all but I do require photos and a smile 🙂

I will send further details to anyone who wishes to guest post so please do NOT hesistate to email me at go_bake_yourself@yahoo.com.au – the first 8 people will be accepted and the the first 4 after these people will be placed on my list of guest posts come holiday time with Christmas in tow 😀

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Also, there will be a date I will need them by but more on that later my friends…. so if you want, start emailing now 🙂
This is so so so so so so so etc. exciting!!! 😀


Ok, ok, I did promise you the recipe now so enjoy mes amis!

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5 Minute Microwave Self-Saucing Banana Butterscotch Pudding
An original Choc Chip Uru recipe

*That’s right, SELF SAUCING in 5 minutes! Not just a cake, SELF SAUCING!

Serves: 1 happy bugger



  • 1/4 cup SRF (self raising flour)
  • 1/4 cup brown sugar
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 20g butter, melted and slightly cooled
  • 2 -3 tbs full cream milk
  • 1/2 ripe banana (small) or 1/4 big ripe banana, mashed
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla/butterscotch essence
  • 2-3 tbs white chocolate chunks/nuts/caramel chips


butterscotch pudding10

  • 1 tbs golden syrup
  • 10g melted butter
  • 2 tbs brown sugar
  • 50ml hot water


  1. Mix together brown sugar and SRF and cinnamon (whisk out all lumps or sift) in a large soup mug
  2. In a small bowl, mix together melted butter, milk, banana and essence
  3. Make a well in the dry ingredients and pour in wet ingredients
  4. Mix until just combined, making sure to get all pockets of flour from the corner of the mug
    butterscotch pudding 5
  5. Stir through the chunks if using
  6. For Sauce: Mix together all ingredients till saucy, slightly thinnish consistency. Pour over the back of a spoon over cake batter in mug
    butterscotch pudding8
  7. Microwave for 1 minute and then 10 extra seconds on HIGH
    butterscotch pudding9
  8. Serve with ice cream, cream and additional sauce and devour while studying 😀

butterscotch pudding 13*****************************************************************************

And just before I go, I would like to acknowledge that I was awarded the Versatile Blogger Award by Kelly @ My Love Affair With Running! Powered by her oats and tea (:D), she is an amazing blogger with awesome range of delicious ideas and a super sunny personality! Thank you Kelly!

The rules of this award are:

  1. Thank the blogger who nominated you
  2. Include the links to their blogs
  3. Include the award image in your post
  4. Copy the award image to your site
  5. Give seven random facts about yourself
  6. Nominate 15 other bloggers for the award
  7. When nominating other bloggers include the links to their sites
  8. Let those bloggers know they’ve been nominated 🙂

Ok, so another seven things you never knew about me… 🙂

  1. I find dolls are really scary – not Bratz dolls but the glassy eyed china dolls in 1800s clothing… shudders
  2. I am a huge fan of Pretty Little Liars (thus, if you follow it, you understand why I am scared of dolls!)
  3. When I get a dog in the future, I want a German Sheperd – say ‘Awwww….’
    butterscotch pudding1
  4. I cannot look at an insect without screaming and cannot pick them up with a tissue!
  5. I used to take singing lessons (but cannot sing infront of people 😛 besides my ex-teacher)
  6. If you cast me in a television show, I would be the companion in Dr Who 🙂
  7. If I had to become an animal, I would love to be a snow leopard – they are so sleek and beautiful 😀

Now congratulations to these wonderful nominees!

Well deserved by all, no doubt about it! 😀

butterscotch pudding20Now, I am off to write my ancient essay, you are off to make this pudding, so I shall talk to you all this weekend – Ciao 🙂

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  1. Pingback: The First Guest Post: Pineapple Shortbread Bars

  2. Pingback: Guest Post #3: Chocolate Amaretti Torte

  3. Pingback: Guest Post #2: Chocolate Pineapple Upside Down Cake – GoBakeYourself

  4. Pingback: Sweet cravings: 5 Minute Microwave Self-Saucing Banana Butterscotch Pudding | The Lady 8 Home

  5. Pingback: The Final Guest Post: Double Chocolate Coconut Muffins « Go Bake Yourself

  6. Pingback: Guest Post #7: David Lebovitz’s Chocolate Chip Cookies « Go Bake Yourself

  7. Pingback: Guest Post #6: A Double Whammy « Go Bake Yourself

  8. Pingback: Guest Post #5: Thai Tofu Tacos « Go Bake Yourself

  9. Pingback: Guest Post #4: Rustic Blueberry Tart « Go Bake Yourself

  10. Pingback: Guest Post #3: Chocolate Amaretti Torte « Go Bake Yourself

  11. Pingback: Guest Post #2: Chocolate Pineapple Upside Down Cake « Go Bake Yourself

  12. Pingback: The First Guest Post: Pineapple Shortbread Bars « Go Bake Yourself

  13. Jay says:

    this looks so unbelievably good . i do have a question though .. what would i substitute the banana with ? i have a friend who can’t eat it :s


    • Thank you very much 😀
      In the case of the banana, you could potentially add any mashed fruit desired – mango pulp, mashed soft pear – whatever flavour desired 🙂

      Choc Chip Uru


  14. Pingback: A Classic « Go Bake Yourself

  15. Pingback: CCU Undercover + A Wannabe Gozleme « Go Bake Yourself

  16. Pingback: 5 Minute Self Saucing Banana Butterscotch Pudding @ Not Quite Nigella

  17. Pingback: Colourful Quinoa Salad, Awards and GIVEAWAY!!

  18. Pingback: Here’s S’more Irony « Go Bake Yourself

  19. Pingback: The Good & The Bad « Go Bake Yourself

  20. Pingback: It’s quite catchy: Blog on Fire Award! | foodtable // la vie éclectique

  21. Marta says:

    I’ve never tried a microwave dessert except for a popcorn, but I don’t think it’s a dessert 😉 It looks delicious though and I love that you did it in a sout bowl 😀


  22. Mmm I love microwavable desserts! This sounds incredible!! Thank you so much for the award! And sorry for the late response, preparing for my wedding is taking up MUCH more time than I ever imagined it would!! Good luck on your exams!


  23. Mary says:

    Congratulations on your well-deserved award. Your microwave desserts are a perfect example of why you received it. They sound delicious. Have a wonderful day. Blessings…Mary


  24. Liz says:

    Wow, what a yummy recipe you created…all my favorite flavors!!! You go, girl! And my daughter is the same way about bugs…I always have to rescue her 🙂


  25. I haven’t had the greatest luck with microwave cakes, but I’m sure it’s just a matter of finding the right recipe, and playing with your specific machine (since they all heat differently). Yours looks amazing!


  26. Joanne says:

    I’ve avoided trying this microwave cake because I always have the ingredients on hand and it seems so dangerous to be able to make at the drop of a hat. Dangerously DELICIOUS, that is.


  27. camilla says:

    You know, I’ve never really been a fan of the microwave…however, that puddin’ looks pretty damn fine!
    I hope your eating some veggies too in your exam frenzy :0)


  28. Juliana says:

    Somehow I do not microwave to cook….I sure am changing this soon. Your pudding looks fabulous with all the flavors in it. Nothing like having a awesome dessert in no time.
    Hope you are enjoying your week 🙂


  29. Cucina49 says:

    I wish I had eaten half as well as you are during exam periods when I was still in school. Love your fast microwaveable treats, and I hope the exams are going well!


  30. grace says:

    butterscotch essence? my stars, that sounds amazing! i need to get my paws on some of that. 🙂
    and wow, i’d be out of luck and so unhappy without my microwave. 🙂


  31. Elaine says:

    Hi! I haven’t even had breakfast yet and now you have me craving this. 🙂 It looks like the perfect comfort food and perfect to get you through exams. Good luck with them!
    P.S. I am behind in my blog reading, but intend to get caught up soon!


  32. Becky says:

    Thank you for Versatile blogger award. I am very honored to be in the company of such wonderful bloggers.

    I love your microwave cake, so yummy and so dangerous. thanks for sharing your passion:)


  33. Catherine says:

    Believe it or not, I do not have a microwave! But this certainty looks like a delicious idea! This is what I call a perfect midnight snack!!! Blessings to you my dear, Catherine~


  34. Balvinder says:

    My Guru Uru, I am a microwave fan but not as much as you, who can make decadent desserts. This yummy dessert is sure to give you instant energy and keep you focused on studies.


    • Thanks my friend 😀
      And that is a trick my cooking teacher at school last year taught me – basically it allows the sauce to fall gently over the batter and not in one concentrated area which will stuff up the self saucing 🙂

      Choc Chip Uru


  35. Kristy says:

    I love the microwave too. I don’t use it often, but in a pinch it comes in so handy. And I’m loving the looks of that French vanilla ice cream hanging around in that pic too. Mmmm!


  36. Eva Taylor says:

    I’ve always thought of my microwave as a tool, like a mixer or measuring spoons; you have certainly changed my mind with this tantalizing recipe (although a might sweet for my tastes!)
    Congratulations on your award, always nice to be recognized.


  37. I was looking through the ingredients thinking caramel in the middle would be so yum.. and I’m sure from reading that’s what would pop out when digging in with a spoon.. you’re amazingly inventive and I’m not sure how you find the time to blog and study.. but you do and I think that’s also amazing! xo Smidge


    • Mmm, mixing caramel in with the sauce before baking – now THAT is inventive my friend, yum idea 😀
      You are really kind all the time and your kind of encouragement keeps me going 🙂

      Choc Chip Uru


  38. Kristina says:

    Thanks so much for the nomination!! You are so sweet, just completely made my day! 🙂 Anddd I love microwaves. I don’t know what I would do without mine. Prolly starve… haha


  39. Ramona says:

    This is totally awesome because it’s so convenient!! What a wonderful recipe. I hope your exams are going well!! You deserve an A++++ for this one. 🙂


  40. Eliot says:

    OK–you know I am old as dirt, right? I remember one Christmas Eve when my sister and dad and I scoured the stores looking for on of the first microwaves for my mom’s present. I couldn’t live without one now! (Especially since my oven conked out and I am waiting for the repairman!!!!!!)


    • A_Boleyn says:

      Having recently had my 56th birthday, I’m curious how old your dirt is, but won’t be nosy enough to ask. 🙂

      Suffice it to say, my first microwave was very heavy and had the faux wood grain on the outside. It worked just fine until I gave it away cause my, then 25 yr old nephew gifted me the one he had bought for his first ‘at school’ apartment and brought home when he was done with uni. He was horrified that I was still using my old one and insisted his was ‘better’.


  41. Okay, Uru. I’ll share the Doctor. But only with you. Think he’ll mind if we use the TARDIS’ engine to bake? Then again, all of time and space at our disposal, and the two of us will probably spend it at interstellar bakeries. I wonder if the 51st century has Nutella?

    I’d be happy to do a guest post for you, but I have to warn you, I have no plan-ahead skills. None. Whatsoever.


    • haha baking in the Tardis with a friend and the Doctor – what a dream 😀 😀
      I think in the 51st century, Nutella will be necessary for survivial, tastier and non-fattening 😉

      I have definitely put you down to do guest posting in Decemeber my friend and the good npart is, I do the organising 🙂

      Choc Chip Uru


  42. Joanne says:

    Thank you so much.
    I love your choice of future dogs – the German Shepherd is my favorite breed. I would have two but opted for a Border Collie pup as a future running partner since the summer heat is too much for that thick German Shepherd fur. But my buddy GSD, Shane, sure does ok on shorter runs. I absolutely adore him!

    As for the recipe (you can guess my priority with your post (blussshhhing!)), it looks so good! I tried NOT using the microwave for a long time but went right back to it. It’s just too convenient for busy working folk to ignore.


  43. hotlyspiced says:

    Congrats on the award. Sorry to hear about the exams. No doubt you have eight guest bloggers lined up already. And what a great dessert. So quick, easy and tasty – even without the chocolate! And I can’t handle insects either – nothing that crawls or wriggles. Dogs are so much better! xx


  44. navane64 says:

    Microwave for me is more for warming up food or to melt ingredients like butter. I somehow prefer the stove and oven for my cooking. You post gave in an incredible idea on how I can use microwave for the simple and lovely banana butterscotch.


  45. Wow this looks so good and you made it in a microwave?! Amazing!
    I am also obsessed with pretty little liars 🙂 I cannot get enough of it! I totally get why you are scared of dolls now lol


  46. Sissi says:

    I also couldn’t live without my microwave. I still remember when my very old one broke two years ago and I spent lots of time looking for a nice looking and not too expensive (why they are all white????). In the meantime the two months were a real nightmare.
    Even though I use my microwave a lot I have never baked or cooked anything from the scratch in it. This pudding looks fantastic.
    Congratulations for the award!


  47. I love easy – and this is SUPER easy. Also I love that is it portion controlled – because sometime things can get out of hand if there is an extra piece… Looks amazing! Thanks!

    P.S. – Thank you for the nomination! I’m so taken back 🙂


  48. viveka says:

    Awesome recipe .. love my mirco wave too – this I will try before I go on holiday. Going to buy a banana today. Love bananas, but I eat like them like a monkey under my radio therapy to stable my stomach – 25 per day and since then I haven’t touched them, but still like them. So I have 2 x 5 min recipes to try out now from you.


  49. Hannah says:

    Awesome! I usually use my chocolate cake mug cake microwave recipe but I love that yours is eggless. When I make mine just for me, I have to halve an egg, which is just stupid 😛


  50. OMG OMG OMG 🙂 Uru! This is AMAZING I love this recipe! That’s exactly what I need! I’ve been craving sticky banana pudding but have been putting it off because I can’t be stuffed making a huge one ~ This is great!!! I’m gonna make this tonight if i have the time 🙂 THANKS FOR SHARING!


  51. OMG Uru! Thank you so so much!! You are just not chocolatey sweet, you are microwaverly (yes, that’s a word, I just now made it up) that which requires a hug every two seconds. And you are a genius. Do you have any clue how many recipes I have bookmarked from your site?

    Good luck for your exams. Best of wishes from the bottom of my heart.
    PS: I would love to know your Mom. She has to be an amazing lady.


    • Awwww you are so sweet, it was my pleasure my friend! I am so glad you enjoy this blog!
      Thanks for the good wishes and I know my mum would love to know you too 😀

      Choc Chip Uru


  52. Uru, first off, why did it not dawn on me to melt nutella in the microwave for my ice cream before?? hello, you just rocked my world. 🙂
    secondly I l-o-v-e this butterscotch pudding cake. It sounds so divine ( love soft pudding cakes) Some extra warmed sauce for me please!


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