Ironic Comfort

The wind is whipping.

The frost is growing.

The sky is blue but it is so mocking.

The sun is shining yet is only a mirage of warmth.

The heaters are on, to no effect, my nails are pale yet my nose is red. I can no longer feel the tips of my ears.

As I climb out of bed, my heart is heavy, I need something to take my mind of the cold which is so prominent, I feel like I am trying to slash through it with a knife.

rocky road ice-cream 13I trudge down the stairs in fluffy slippers and my brother’s old jumper which envelops me like soft, warm bearskin and then I finally reach my destination.

The freezer.

WAIT ONE SECOND. The freezer?????

rocky road ice-cream11Geeez calm your farm, let me finish the story! *Ahem* sorry, as I was saying, the freezer. A blast of icy cool hits my already red nose until I cannot feel it anymore.

But like the great men and women who climb Everest, I carry on in my quest, digging past corpse packets of peas and containers which used to hold food, turned to ice. Finally, I grasp it and pry out my treasure.

rocky road ice-cream16I take generously, scooping until it gives away to frictional heat and decides to cooperate. And then you find me, sitting in the cold, my toes cushy in my shoes, my body all rugged up, eating a nice big scoop of Rocky Road Ice Cream to make me think of something other than the temperature.

Ok now you can say what you want to…

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It’s so cold, you say you can’t feel your ears yet YOU ARE EATING SOMETHING WHICH COMES OUT OF MINUS DEGREES? WHY??

Because as I said, it takes my mind off the cold and on to how smooth, creamy and delicious and chocolate ganache ice cream is and how much better it tastes when there are large chunks of Turkish delight, salted peanuts and marshmallows in it…


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It takes my mind to a place where I am melting from the gorgeous texture and silkiness of the ice cream and dying because every flavour hit I gets makes me feel as if I am eating rocky-road gone awesomer (yes, it is a word now)

Oh… *drools*

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Is that enough explanation for you? Ironic that a bowl of soup cannot offer me the satisfaction that a Rocky-Road Ice Cream does in winter no?


Do you have a problem with that?

rocky road ice-cream22No!

I didn’t think so 😀

So I know that half of you are experiencing the same steam-out-of-mouth mornings as I am but half of you are sweltering in the ridiculous summer heat.

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So here is a recipe for you both mes amis! Guaranteed to transport you to a world where there are talking marshmallows, smiling peanuts and where you get a whole lotta chocolate love 🙂

Rocky Road Ice Cream
Adapted From: Baking And Boys

Makes: 1 L

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Chocolate Ganache

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  • 180g 70% dark chocolate, roughly chopped
  • 3 tbs cocoa powder
  • 3/4 cup thickened cream

Ice Cream

  • 3/4 cup thickened cream
  • 1 cup full cream milk
  • 4 egg yolks
  • 1/3 cup caster sugar – make 1/2 cup if dark chocolate is too strong for you
  • 1 tsp vanilla essence OR 1/2 tsp coffee essence


** Note: I added in the usual Rocky-Road add-ins but you can use any nuts, lollies, bars, candy you desire 🙂

  • 1/2 cup roughly chopped salted peanuts
  • 1/2 cup mini marshmallows (if you only have large ones, cut them up using scissors because knives DO NOT work)
    rocky road ice-cream14
  • 1 King Size Turkish Delight

  1. In a saucepan over medium heat, heat up 3/4 cream until there are bubbles around the edges but it is not boiling
  2. Take off heat, put in chocolate and cocoa powder and gently stir until mixed together and smooth. Set aside.
  3. In another large saucepan, add in 3/4 cup cream and milk and combine. Bring to the boil. Turn off heat immediately and remove.
  4. While the milk mixture is happening, in a bowl, whisk together the egg yolks and sugar until slightly thickened and pale
  5. Temper the yolk mixture by pouring in 1/3 of the hot milk mixture while stirring continuously (to not get scrambled eggs)
  6. Pour this custard back into the original milk saucepan and stir over low heat until it thickens to be able to coat the back of a spoon and if a finger is run through, it leaves a defined trail (approximately between 76-83 degrees C)
  7. Remove the pan from heat and gently stir the custard into the ganache over a strainer to catch any egg bits
    rocky road ice-cream6
  8. Refrigerate the custard with a piece of cling-wrap placed on its surface to avoid a skin layer forming – note that when it will be taken out it will be thicker and have a mousse like consistency
  9. Scoop the chilled mixture into the ice cream machine and churn according to manufacturer’s instructions.
    rocky road ice-cream15
  10. Place in a large container.
    rocky road ice-cream18
  11. Add in all mix-ins
    rocky road ice-cream17
  12. Stir around and then refrigerate 3 hrs or overnight to firm up (or eat soft serve style!)
  13. Before serving, take out maybe 15 minutes before (less in Summer) and let soften before scooping and devouring 🙂
I toast you with my spoon :)

I toast you with my spoon 🙂


Before I leave, I would like to pass on a couple of awards 🙂

Firstly, I was seriously thrilled to receive another Addictive Blog Award from a great blogging friend and S’mores queen, Kim over at Treats & Trinkets! Thanks so much Kim, you are too nice!

Since I just got this award, just check out this post to see its requirements 🙂

Secondly, sweet Ambreen from the fantastic blog, Simple Sweet ‘n’ Savory, nominated me for the Illuminating Blogger Award, presented to bloggers who give illuminating and informative blog content 😀
It really lit up my day (sorry, irresistible!) Thank you very much my friend 🙂

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For both these awards, I would like to nominate:

rocky road ice-cream23Congrats my friends 😀

Also check it out! Lyna at ThemThreePees finally received my foodie penpal package! Yay 😀
I did not want to write anything in my own foodie penpal post until she received the package (which I was so scared she wouldn’t) so here you are a pic of what I sent along to my buddy in the Philippines! Read more about it at her gorgeous blog!

Curry powder, lamingtons, fruit & nut chocolates, samosas :)

Curry powder, lamingtons, fruit & nut chocolates, samosas 🙂

And to all, don’t let the hot or cold get to you (yes, I am including Katy Perry’s song in this too!) 😉

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  1. Pingback: Guest Post #4: Satisfying a Craving, The Healthy Way | Go Bake Yourself

  2. viveka says:

    Wonder how you can keep your figure – when all this goodies are coming out of your kitchen nearly every second day. Amazing – and it looks so good. *smile I eat ice cream nearly every day. My biggest guilt. Wonderful stuff here and your photos really make everything justice.


  3. No matter what kind of ice cream I’m eating or making, I am always jealous what others are cooking and having…. 🙂 This looks so good. I’m about to go sleep but I’m having a craving for a bowl of ice cream. Looks so good Uru!


  4. kathleen1richardson says:

    Totally agree, CCU, that ice cream is perfect for a cold weather day. I’m drooling over the whole recipe, most especially the Turkish bars which I’ve never had. Gotta find them.

    Keep writing…


  5. Pingback: What’s Been Happenin’ In The Cocina ~ 7/14/12 | Juanita's Cocina

  6. Looks magnificent! I wish I could have some right now! I’ve never had Turkish Delight. But it is readily available in my neighborhood. So cool that you put it in your ice cream — which looks fabulous, but the way. 🙂


  7. Louise says:

    We’re celebrating National Ice Cream Month in my neck of the woods and Rocky Road just happens to be one of my personal favorites. Yours looks heavenly:)

    Congrats on the awards!

    Sending Warm Sunshine your way Uru and thanks for sharing..


  8. Catherine says:

    Your ice cream looks beyond delightful and refreshing! We’re having a heat wave here! I love making ice cream. A beautiful post and splendid treat! Blessings my dear, your friend, Catherine xo


  9. Cucina49 says:

    I love the writing in this post, and that sundae looks amazing. Would you believe that Alaska, one of the coldest states in the US, has the highest per capita consumption of ice cream?


  10. I don’t blame you one bit for heading right for the freezer. If I had this waiting for me, I would have done the same! Rocky Road was one of my favorite flavors as a kid. Gee, it’s been a while since I’ve enjoyed a big scoop of it. This looks great!


  11. It was winter here when I blogged about my homemade chocolate syrup and used it on sundaes–hey, if it’s good, it’s good. Right now, however, now we’re in the middle of a hot dry summer and the ice cream looks perfect!


  12. Oh my, I just died a little bit. It’s the middle of the night and I can’t fathom dragging myself out of bed but I think I very well may have ice cream for breakfast tomorrow. You make the *sweetest* things 😉


  13. biscuitsandbobbins says:

    The rocky road looks luscious and delicious ! I would totally raid the freezer in the middle of the night for it. 🙂


  14. LOVE this rocky road ice cream, Uru. But then again I like lots of ‘stuff’ in my ice cream! Your pictures are fabulous! Especially that one where everything is ‘marbelizing’ I could definitely use a scoop or two or three of this today!


  15. Kristina says:

    Haha omg no problem at all, that ice cream looks fantastic!! I literally go through a pint of soy ice-cream about every 4 days…. no judging 🙂 Gorgeous pics too, this looks so perfect for summer!


  16. First of all I love your writing and although I’m in perfect climate right now I was was reading this snuggled under my covers because it’s chilly here in the morning.

    My all time favorite ice cream is Rocky Road, yet I’ve never made it. I don’t have my ice cream maker here with me but the second I get back home I’m making this. Like you, I can eat ice cream regardless of the temperature. Thanks for sharing this recipe.


  17. Cher says:

    It’s very warm up here – so ice cream is especially tempting right now. But, even in the dearth of winter, ice cream is one of my favorite things. Your rocky road version looks wonderful!


  18. grace says:

    it makes zero sense, but it just works. our bodies and cravings are baffling at times, aren’t they! i love the things you’ve selected to mix in–very satisfying!


  19. Zoe says:

    Totally agree that ice cream is a great comfort food for all seasons even winter… In fact, it is difficult for me to make ice cream during the hot Melbourne summer because my lousy ice cream maker wouldn’t cope with the intense heat during the warmest weather… Seeing your extra-delicious ice cream, I think I need a better ice cream maker!!!

    Congratulation with your awards! And thanks for passing on the awards to me. I feel very honoured 😀


  20. Elaine says:

    Well, I am from the half that is sweltering in ridiculous heat right now, so I am loving your photos of the ice cream! What a very cute and creative post. 🙂 Congratulations on your awards! Thank you so much for sharing them with me! You just made my day!


  21. Ramona says:

    You are such a rebel… ice cream in the cold!! 🙂 I would be willing to wear a winter coat and gloves to enjoy this ice cream too. 🙂 We’re melting here and you’re in the middle of winter. Wow… isn’t the world crazy. 🙂 Congrats on the awards my friend. 🙂


  22. Carolyn ChanC says:

    Now all I want is the Turkish Delight ! I really miss them, can’t get them here in Singapore…I also miss Sydney winters haha. Delicious post!


  23. Paula says:

    The last thing I want when cold is ice cream. In this weather we are having now however it is welcomed and wishing I had a bowl of your lovely treat right now. I used to love Turkish Delight chocolate bars but I really can’t remember when I had one last.


  24. Wow, I just discovered your blog. Your photos are gorgeous! I live in the UK (Scotland) where it’s supposed to be summer but I’ve barely seen the sun all year, it’s freezing cold, grey and raining all the time, but yet I’m also eating ice cream too. I’m in total agreement with you, who can resist ice cream and it totally takes your mind off the cold weather, anyway with central heating, who knows what the temperature is outside anyway. Yum!


    • Nice to meet you Katherine, that is very sweet of you – welcome 😀
      Wow I know how you feel, the world of sun (Australia) saw no sun in our last summer either! I hope the weather improves for you but if not, just keep on eating ice cream 😉

      Choc Chip Uru


  25. kitchenriffs says:

    I really like that first picture – it took me a good half minute to figure out how you did it! Really interesting picture, great use of reflections. It’s been so hot here I wouldn’t mind trading weather with you, although just for a few days! It’ll be cold here soon enough. And nice recipe, as always. Good stuff – thanks.


    • Haha thank you 😀
      Our sunroom is the perfect photography room and sometimes, I get super lucky – I saw the reflection and fell in love 🙂
      Thank you for enjoying!

      Choc Chip Uru


  26. Juliana says:

    Nice ice cream…like the idea of adding Turkish delights in it…I sure would love a bowl of this treat.
    Thanks for the idea and hope you are having a fabulous week 🙂


  27. A_Boleyn says:

    NO NO NO … you can NOT tempt me with turkish delight (love love love) and chocolate and salted peanutes when I have 4 containers of freshly made ice cream in my freezer already. And I just brough home sweet cherries to make ANOTHER batch.

    You are a truly evil young woman, CCU, and I’m going to stop reading your blog.

    At least until tomorrow.

    (note to self: call my handyman and ask him to come over and pick up a couple of containers of ice cream for his daughter to enjoy)


  28. Food Stories says:

    Thx so much for the awards, Uru … You totally light up the blogoshere with your stories & recipes … BTW, loved your two recipes & that you equated your journey with others ascending Everest!


  29. Jennie says:


    Thank you so much for the lovely awards, my friend. You’re the sweetest! I love eating ice cream all year long. It’s not a seasonal treat. Nope! I love the stuff. Chocolate ganache! Oh my, yum! This is why I’ve deemed you the Chocolate Queen.

    I’m going to have to use your “Hold your farm” saying. Love it! Once again, thank you so much for honoring my blog with these wonderful awards.


  30. hotlyspiced says:

    You have so many awards Uru and they are all so well deserved. I love this ice cream – this is another great creation. I love marshmallows and chocolate and nuts and turkish delight and mixed together, how incredible – that would take the chill of the day, anytime xx


  31. juanitascocina says:

    Oh my gosh! Thank you so much for the awards! Yours are much deserved. I found myself enthralled by your writing! Amazing!

    And of course…I was equally enthralled by that ice cream. 😉


  32. navane64 says:

    Wow, I am trilled with this recipe of yours, not only the outcome is fabulous but it sound so easy to be make. Tq for sharing and it makes a big difference to someone like me who makes desserts once a while.


  33. Lisa says:

    This rocky road ice cream is like heaven times 1000. Not only is the ice cream SO creamy, but your additions are amazing – especially the Turkish Delight. You are one creative young lady! On another note – thank you so much for these awards – I’m so so flattered! I’m putting them up now in my little ‘flattered’ corner, because I’m so incredibly flattered! xoxo


  34. Wow, on the otherside of the world it is cold here it is burning hot… Send me some cold here…LOL
    This ice cream looks yumm, i too eat ice cream in cold winter days.. It taste even yum when u eat it outside in chilly winds..


  35. Balvinder says:

    Is it that cold? I can totally understand your craving for ice cream. When it is cold outside and the heat is on in the house season or temperature doesn’t really matter. Deliciousness outweighs everything. am I right?


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