Birthday Post #2: A Guest Post At Cake Whiz

Ok, so you remember how, to celebrate with my family, I made an apple strudel which kicked butt (G rated blog ;)) because it had added caramel? Well, one of the reasons for this choice was actually because my family is not particularly fond of chocolate. Like I am 😉

So while we had fun, consumed vanilla ice cream at an alarming rate and enjoyed life to commemorate my 17th birthday, I also celebrated with my gorgeous, chocolate loving, chocolate obsessing, chocolate all buddies at school 😀

brownie banana cake 5
I decided to make something which just wasn’t full of average, normal chocolate…

It was full of quadruple chocolate… also known as four types of gorgeous chocolate…

And Nutella… so much Nutella… 😉

But spoilers! (As River Song would say :P)

brownie banana cake 6
To check out this fantastically wonderful excuse for eating chocolate in the morning, head on over to Abeer’s beautiful blog, Cake Whiz!!!


***Cake Whiz Guest Post***

She so kindly asked me to guest post and I was over the moon because to celebrate part of my birthday with one of the most amazing cake artists ever would be actually insane! She is such an inspiration!

brownie banana cake 7Here are some of her creations just so that after checking out my humble over the top chocolatey cake, you can ogle hers 😉

Here is the link to mine and check out some of her goodies below 😀

Peacock Cake & Cupcakes
brownie banana cake 4

Mini Sushi Cakes

brownie banana cake 1
Carrot Cake w/ Rose Technique

brownie banana cake 3
Ruffle Cake

brownie banana cake 2
*All photos directly from website with permission

Ok, so you get the idea, I could keep going on forever 😉
I intend to learn all her techniques and practise and practise by learning from her blog when I have time (a.k.a finish school :D)

Check it out now mes amis! 😀


To add the good news in this post, I have some more awards to pass on – YAY 😀
Firstly, from a wonderful blogging Aussie buddy of mine, Carla Sue at Eat Sweet, I was lucky enough to get the Beautiful Blogger Award!!!
Thank you so so much my friend, so sweet just like her blog name!


Also, Jasline from the magnificent blog, Food Is My Life, although on vacation left behind for me the Lovely Blog Award as well, which was too sweet 🙂
Thanks Jasline, much appreciated to be in your thoughts!

I am passing these two awards on to these fantastic nominees – to see the full rules (which I am sorry to not be following this time), please check out these lovely bloggers’ links and while you are there, have a gander at the food as well 😀

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  1. Pingback: Guest Post: Chocolate Spinach Cake With Leaf Prints « Go Bake Yourself

  2. Pingback: The 40 Hour Famine « Go Bake Yourself

  3. Huhu Uru!

    Happy happy belated birthday wished from my side! As I can see, you know how to celebrate, and I wished I could have helped you in the tasting. =D

    Congrats to your gorgeous awards as well!! you earned it 😉


  4. Hahah, it’s probably because you keep making stuff with chocolate, they are getting sick of it! Although I don’t entirely know how that’s possible. I eat far too much chocolate, and I have never been sick of it (that’s a lie. Never for too long.. :p)


  5. That ruffle cake is divine – what a beautiful job!! Did you change your site again? It looks lovely! (and strangely, though I always though I had “followed” you, it seems that it’s not showing up–will re-follow now :))
    ps- congrats on your awards!


  6. I’m so sorry – I am WAY behind on my blog reading! This is fantastic – I love the peacock. The most cool thing is I got a jar of Nutella and I LOVE IT!!!! Always thrilled to read your posts.


  7. Yum! That looks absolutely gorgeous. Happy Birthday. What a great way to celebrate your birthday with chocolate. My husband doesn’t like chocolate either so I never usually make chocolate cakes as I’d be the only one eating them…. on second thoughts, that might be a good thing!


  8. Tara says:

    Must check out her site ASAP. Her decorating skills (especially the fondant) look great! It’s a new passion of mine (now that I’m whipping out birthday cakes, cupcakes, treats, you name it for my own kiddos) and I have tons of room for improvement. Oh, and happy birthday! I’m feeling a little old seeing as how I’m almost twice your age:)


  9. hotlyspiced says:

    I bet you’re very popular at your school Uru, especially when you walk in bearing gifts for your own birthday. That quadruple chocolate slice would have given you just the right amount of buzz to get through those tedious subjects like maths and science. And I shared that beautiful peacock on my facebook site. She is so creative and clever xx


    • Haha I am pestered to bring my cooking to school all the time so a birthday is the perfect time 😀
      And it does make the day shorter!
      So glad you did my friend, Abeer’s creations deserve to be world famous 🙂

      Choc Chip Uru


  10. You’re always such a thoughtful blogger, CCU, thanks so much for awarding my blog!! I don’t usually follow the “rules” of these awards, but I always really appreciate receiving them nonetheless.. it’s a great honor coming from someone with a blog as wonderful as yours! Happy Birthday again.. and I’m off to visit your friend’s blog:D xx


  11. Mmm, chocolate and hazelnut are such an unbeatable pair, and the texture of those cakes look like pure fudgy goodness!

    Cake art is really inspiring, and these are some stunning examples you’ve featured here. I wish I could even approach that skill level…


    • Thank you my friend!
      And I know how you feel, it is beyond me how someone can be so extraordinarily talented (though I do think the same of you :D)
      I learn from you all!

      Choc Chip Uru


  12. aidaweb101 says:

    Congratulations,you really have the best blog!!!

    Wow,thank you soo much CCU!!! I am really happy that you enjoy my blog as I do yours!I am sincerely grateful and speechless!
    You are so kind…
    All the best mate!


  13. Ambreen says:

    Delicious chocolate treat, looks divine! And such lovely & tempting cakes by Abeer! Congratulations on the awards, and thank you so much sweetie for thinking of me 🙂


  14. Saguna says:

    Thank you so very much CCU, you’re the sweetest, literally! I appreciate it SO much. 🙂 II’ll be sure to pass on the blog award in my next post and share the blog love!

    I hope you had an awesome birthday- it certainly sounds like you did! Abeer’s blog looks fabulously dazzling- and so does your recipe on it for this chocolate-in-every-way-possible bread. Love it!


  15. Tisa says:

    Congratulations on the awards, Uru, you clearly deserve them. Brownies look swoon worthy – I could just drown in all that chocolate, I’m going back to take down that recipe:))


  16. Cakewhiz says:

    Thanks alot for guest posting Uru! Your nutella bread was the perfect choice for a birthday treat… I am so glad you shared the recipe 🙂

    And you have me blushing with all that you are saying about my cakes…hehe. You are too sweet and i am flattered by all your sweet compliments 🙂


    • My pleasure my friend, it felt like an honour to post on a blog where you post such amazing creations 😀
      And just go through these and your own comments my friend, you are nothing short of marvelous and deserve these compliments – definitely one of my baking idols 🙂

      Choc Chip Uru


  17. viveka says:

    Congratulations to the awards … and to this colorful and calorie filled post. Loads of wonderful stuff here. My favorite could be that pink ruffle cake, but I don’t like frosting so I go for the cute and stylish sushi cakes.


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