Tag Archives: mexican

CCU Undercover: Your Fork

CCUUUUUUUU’ – her mother was screaming at her. Again. But could she really blame her? After all, she was sitting in her pyjamas not doing anything. Again. An empty carton of what used to be Chinese takeaway sat sadly on her bedside table. 

Guess it’s time to reorder that, CCU mused. Her parents were out for the night so looked like she was getting takeaway again. I mean, sure baking is all good, but what even IS savoury food?

Just as she was about to find the restaurant online, her laptop began to fizz. It began to bubble. Her internet sparked. Suddenly, she was transported to a whole other site than the Chinese restaurant she was virtually going to!

She read it out loud to herself, a little perplexed. “Delivery at home… mumble mumble… fresh ingredients… mumble… homemade easy dishes…’

She found herself grinning, as her interest was piqued, and she threw the Chinese takeaway into the bin!

review title

That did not really happen. Not at all. And disclaimer alert: I am all for Chinese takeaway!

Let me admit now, I am a staunch lover of takeaway and dining out.

I love it when I am out with my friends, and we are sipping cocktails and waiting for our tapas. I love it when I am coming home from uni and take a quick swerve into a very greasy driveway (in more ways than one) for satisfying trans-fats.

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Introducing Forster

Good morning, afternoon, twilight, dawn, dusk, whatever, wherever you are, to you all… wow… that greeting went much longer than expected… 🙂

I want to share with you the loveliness of a small, quaint town called Forster that I visited with my parents a couple of weeks back at the beginning of the holidays. According to Wikipedia and my lack of direction sense, it is a ‘large coastal town in the Mid North Coast region of New South Wales, Australia’.

They say large but really, psssht, it is pretty small considering you can walk roughly from one side to the other in 2-2 ½ hours 🙂
Why do I say it is quaint? Why is it not a full on, up and coming, technologically raging city?

Because it focuses on


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Introducing… Savoury

That’s right folks, I have made and posted my first ever savoury dish – I feel so unlike me! But I am sure every avid baker who still lives with their parents has had the conversation ‘You must learn to cook savoury because when you are living alone, you can’t survive on sweets!’

**Ahem** – I beg to differ 😛

But finally after a long couple of months of insistence, I gave in and starting looking for savoury vegetarian (in case you didn’t know, we are all predominantly vegos) dishes and actually bookmarked a couple. ME!

19I wanted to start out simple and there was nothing that seemed better than this delicious Kidney Bean Dip recipe found at my greatest source, Exclusively Food! For a nice summer barbecue, this recipe was yelling at me to be made so you know – I went ahead and did it! And it was far from a disaster.

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