Nutella Baking Week Continued: Nutella Ice Cream

Before the real post begins, I am sorry to say I won’t be able to show you any frozen ice cream ball photos since it needs to freeze overnight or at least 5-6 hours and I won’t be home tonight to do the blog post. Sincerest apologies. But you won’t be angry in the first place. 512***************************************************************************** I think the entire blogging world knows the simple, quick and delicious Nutella Ice Cream recipes. Evaporated Milk + Nutella + Ice Cream Maker = Nutella Ice Cream And sure, for someone who doesn’t particularly fancy the creamier style of French Custard making, this is the best way to bring spooning Nutella out of a box just that little bit better. A lot more creamier, a lot more colder, a lot more sweeter. Yum! 116BUT… let Penny from Hairspray explain: “In my ivory tower Life was just a hostess snack But now I’ve tasted chocolate And I’m never going back”        – Penny to Seaweed – “Without Love” Although I only mentioned the ivory tower part to keep a nice beat going in my head of the song, the rest of the song does apply to the ice creams. The quick method is good because there is not much of it and once it’s gone, the taste doesn’t linger in your mouth and mind. Just like airline food or a small commercial brand (Hostess in this case) foods. Yum ——–> then straight out of my head. But this French Custard style is rich, heady and intoxicating. It is pulsing through my blood and yeah, “I’m never going back214With two types of chocolate (and my additional third), heaping spoons of Nutella, hazelnuts galore and dangerous amounts of thickened cream, I guess I should have expected it 🙂 Since I only ate some (some she says, some!) and it was absolute at its peak soft serve, I think ate the world’s thickest triple chocolate ganache with Nutella mixed in. Oh yea………. 76When spooning Nutella and if you take a big chunk, strand dip down from the spoon and you attempt to catch them, only allowing them to get stuck to your chin when you miss. When I spooned this ice cream, it was at least five times thicker than the usual strands 😛 This recipe, I thought would be difficult to keep up with initially. Unlike the usual French Custard recipes I have made, a lot when into the custard after was thickened like extra whipping cream, essence, chocolates and Nutella. But as long as you keep yourself up to hand, you should be fine (can’t you see it calling out your name anyway) I can’t say much more when it comes to this I-struck-gold ice cream. Just see some pictures, weep, get over it, spoon some Nutella and then go make it 🙂 613My changes to this recipe gotten from the fabulous Baking Obsession

  • For 1/3 the recipe, I used 30g chocolate, 20g dark and 10g white (the white really lightened it up I felt and was a subtle delicious aftertaste)
  • I added more vanilla essence since I didn’t  have any Frangelico or Hazelnut Syrup substitutes
  • Obviously, I added more Nutella than necessary (and swirled some through my helping of the ice cream ;))

A splendid addition I think to both this week and my freezer. I can’t believe tomorrow is the final post. But I shall not think about that, nope I refuse to 😀 Today is today, tomorrow is later and I need some more ice cream! Long live Nutella!!! Oh and before I leave you, on a completely different topic, my grandpa is an avid photographer. Do you remember my grandpa? He featured

Anyway, rain or light, day or night, he is out and ready to take any photo and better them in his little study on Adobe CS5. Sunsets, Opera House, rainforests, he has a preference for landscapes and is very talented at his hobby. If you wish to check them out for a change from food photography, you can view his beautiful photos here:

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  1. Pingback: CCU Undercover: Enigma at the Piazza | Go Bake Yourself

  2. Pingback: French Custard Style Nutella Ice Cream | bella nutella

  3. Yum-I am just imaging what this tastes like! I am game for frosty treats anytime. In fact, I am wondering if you got up in the middle of the night to try after it was frozen. I know I would have. Delicious recipe.


  4. AGHH that looks so good, I think I might die! Nutella is my favorite, and in ice cream? Yum. This makes me of the Nutella gelato I had in Italy (which was amazing).

    PS: For some reason the comments you wrote me aren’t showing up on my blog’s comment form. Trying to solve the problem! 🙂


    • Wow a Nutella gelato – good to know this ice cream is available everywhere 😀
      And I am so ealous of you in italy!!!
      Sorry bout the comments – I’ll keep commenting thought and I am sure it is only temporary 🙂

      Choc Chip Uru


  5. Pingback: Nutella Baking Week Continued: Nutella Chocolate Molten Lava « Go Bake Yourself

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