Daily Archives: January 2, 2012

A Sandwich Press’s Dream

There once upon a time was a little sandwich press. For all intents and purposes, let us name this sandwich press Susie (since let’s be honest, can you be bothered to type sandwich press every time?)

Susie lived in a moderately sized kitchen with all her other kitchen friends and she should have been happy. After all, she was regularly used (though the competition between her and the focaccia maker was quite intense) and she was well maintained and cleaned. But poor Susie wasn’t. She had a secret. The poor thing loved sweets!!

51Now being a sandwich maker, she got stuffed with bread, and *god forbid* ingredients like capsicum, tapenade, cheese, tomatoes – as far from sweet as one can possibly get! Once, a little girl who was obsessed with Nutella did make a Nutella-Banana grilled sandwich – but she used the focaccia maker and not Susie! (Susie, if you are reading this, I am so sorry!)

She longed to be with the oven, the grill and even the microwave! To feel caramelised sugar and give a little *ping* when a cake was ready and to let off an aroma that didn’t scream savoury. She was quite distraught and the thought that her dreams of being part of a baking league would never come true made her cry.

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