Second Savoury Post

I do not have many savoury posts on this site. Out of the hundred or so posts, in fact, I only have one. But today, when I act like a student with not much time, I deliver to use this wonderful savoury post. The little baker girl is growing up and learning that to get on in life, you need to cook savoury? No, little girl just wants pizza 😀

45A 5 Minute Wrap Pizza. What? No dough. Some simple chopping. And some store bought pasta sauce (I would usually use my mum’s homemade one of course – maybe I will give you that luscious recipe someday yet ;))

A put-on-whatever-you want idea. No oven. Just a grill. Do you believe me now?

I have to dash unfortunately making this one of my smallest recipes ever but enjoy it (I know I did followed by one of these cookie sundaes – but with two scoops – don’t judge my cravings!)

26Enjoy 😀

5 Minute Wrap Pizza
Source: Original Recipe

Makes: 1 pizza


  • 1/2 Spanish onion, diced
  • 1/2 medium red capsicum, diced

**Use however many of whatever veges you like on your pizza, no limitations!

  • 1/2 – 3/4 cup shredded cheese

** Try using a mixture of parmesan and mozzarella

  • 2 wrap breads (I used mission tortilla wraps, jalapeno flavoured!)
  • 1 tbs olive oil
  • 1-2 tbs Italian herbs
  • 1 cup store bought or homemade tomato pasta sauce


  1. Preheat grill on medium low
  2. On a hot plate, place one wrap bread. Spread olive oil all around (sprinkle with a thin layer of cheese if desired as well)
  3. Place second wrap bread firmly on top – don’t worry if it doesn’t completely stick!
  4. Spread using the back of a spoon pasta sauce on pizza, leaving a small edge around the circumference of the wrap
  5. Sprinkle with vegetables
  6. Evenly sprinkle cheese on top
  7. Dust with Italian herbs
  8. Bake in grill for 30 seconds – 1 minutes or until the edges have lifted and are lightly browned with cheese melted – I swear it takes so little time!
  9. Serve warm and enjoy!

110Quick, easy, relatively healthy and easy, I think I deserved my extravagant sundae! See you all this weekend where I make you seriously fat 😀

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  1. Pingback: Green Salad With Grapes | Simple Gluten Free Kitchen

  2. Pingback: Think Of The Positives « Go Bake Yourself

  3. Girlie, the baker-girl sure is an all-round talent in the kitchen! Who would’ve thought of tortilla wrap pizzas? Not me, at least! This really is a genius idea and so quick to put together for one of those times you’re feeling extra lazy to cook a proper dinner or meal 😀 Awesome!


    • You are very sweet my friend 😀 thank you very much!
      As far as this idea goes I was totally thrilled but I most certainly suck at making daal 😉
      Definitely a lazy dinner recipe 😛

      Choc Chip Uru


    • Thank you so much – I promise you many more desserts in the future 😀
      And it is wonderful that you found me at Balvinders – she is a lovely blogger friend!
      Nice to meet you 🙂

      Choc Chip Uru


    • I love making homemade pizza (especially when Nutella is involved ;)) but I don’t always have time – this idea is perfectf for quick but tasty results – very happy you enjoyed it so much my friend 😀

      Choc Chip Uru


  4. Maggie says:

    Oh my gosh, I lived on something like this when I was in college, except I used pitas. I had totally forgotten about these and how they are a much healthier option than traditional pizza. Yours look great, and way to go posting a savory recipe…although I do love your sweets! 🙂


    • Good thing I made these now because I will definitely need them when I go to college 😀
      Thank you very much for your sweet words and this is a once a year event I would say so I am glad my sweets are your thing 😉

      Choc Chip Uru


    • I promise this weekend that I will really show you what this blog is all about – thanks so much for following 😀
      I will be joining yours under another email (see my about me page, I am a little weird 🙂 asap!

      Choc Chip Uru


  5. janeycakes says:

    Such a good idea for those nights when you want a quick and yummy-fied meal! My husband makes and jars sauce almost every week (which he has been begging me to post on my site, guess I should do that huhu?)…so for us this would be so useful! thanks! xo


  6. Liz says:

    So quick and delicious! My kids would like this so much better than some of the dinners I come up with 🙂

    PS…I had to start adding some savory posts, too, so I wouldn’t weigh a thousand pounds!


    • Haha, I don’t quite think this can take over your wonderfully presented dishes but it is a fast and kind of healthy dinner option 😉
      Hope you enjoy it and I know the pain you go through of not eating desserts for every meal 😛

      Choc Chip Uru


  7. I am not sure whether you got my earlier comment because something went wrong while I was standing it. Btw, I am loving this simply savoury pizza you have shared. All the more I need it when during time crisis after getting back from work. Thanks and yes to this wrap and moving on with yum, yum and more yum.


    • I didn’t receive your other comment but thanks for commenting another one my friend 😀
      I am really happy you enjoyed this wrap so much – I promise you, it is the perfect pick me up after a busy working or school day 🙂

      Choc Chip Uru


  8. This is a great recipe for when you get that pizza craving but just do not have all the time for the crust preparation. I have been a victim of that situation way too many times, so I am glad to have come across this. It is surprising that the whole thing takes only 30 seconds on the grill. Also, stacking the wraps was a smart move in order to support all those goodies on top!


  9. Li says:

    What a fab idea! I could easily make this with gluten free wraps for a healthy and safe meal that my whole family would enjoy, especially on a warm spring evening 🙂


  10. Just Baked says:

    Ha! Like me you are all about the sweets 😀 But, I guess we have to eat breakfast lunch and dinner. I have three kids and this is a super quick way to get dinner on the table in the midst of chaos. And, who doesn’t like pizza? Even my picky kids will definitely eat this!. Thanks for the good idea!


    • I agree with you – but the positive that comes out of savoury is that my sweet tooth grows even bigger 😀
      This is definitely a quick recipe – glad it can help you out 🙂
      Thanks and enjoy!

      Choc Chip Uru


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