Tag Archives: quick

Virtual Vegan Potluck 2014

Boy, it has literally been years since I last participated in this! But finally, the Virtual Vegan Potluck has arrived once more and I have no uni commitments to get in the way of it! Aren’t you excited? You should be excited because your head is about to. get. turned. 😀


Since it has been such an awfully long time since I have gotten in touch with my inner vegan, I thought it would be an awesome time to reintroduce you to this awesome link up event which, literally, has only grown bigger since the last time! Basically, I know you all have met Annie from Unrefined Vegan, and she organises and oversees everyone in a long chain of bloggers all sharing vegan recipes!

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Guest Post: ShenANNAgans

It is officially socialising time – parties, gatherings, theme parks and just chilling well… everywhere! I have been baking a little but give me a week more and I will return 😀

Just a note though to all you lovely people, my comments have for some reason been going into spam for a LOT of your blogs! I am looking into getting it fixed but till then, I promise I am still visiting and loving every minute! Be sure to check your box and unspam me though!! If I have liked your post, most probably a comment will be in your spam 😛

Anyways, so now we have two more guest posts left, and I would love to introduce you all to Anna from ShenANNAgans! A mix of fabulous recipes, life stories and classy events with a massive douse of humour each time, her blog is one of my favourites!

Enjoy! 😀

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‘Catch Me If You Can!’

So you may all remember that I posted up a lovely little salad recipe a little while back and introduced you all to the very essence of what it is to be a uni student. In terms, of course, of the fact that we are perpetually starving 24 hours a day (or however long we actually are at uni :P)

Well, since this is part of Ala @Wallflour Girl‘s fantastic link up part for all #undergradstudentbloggers and #gradstudentbloggers, we also have a new theme for each time we post up!

I am guessing the title is giveaway enough so let’s see if you can indeed keep up with this part of the student blogger series 😀

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Think Of The Positives

So you know that I am having my exams this week and next week. One this week, 4 next week. No justice right?

I am essaying it up in history and English, trying to understand the French news and right now, mathsing (yes it is a word… now ;)) like there is no tomorrow. Fun no?
No, actually not really, but I take solace in going through your blogs, commenting and basically enjoying myself as such as possible before I have to go and do some more work 😛

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I ‘Oat’ To Get Into Shape

Sorry about that pun, but with all the oats I have just used over the past couple of days, it was really coming 😉

You remember my post from Sunday, also known as my last post to date?
You remember how it was all about my new love affair with cranberries? Well, Valentines may have come and gone, but nothing will extinguish how I feel about this gorgeous red fruit. All dried and pink, all red and round – either way, it is my new favourite 😀

210Sorry that really had nothing to do with this post – I was just once again putting out there how much those wonderful berries mean to me 🙂

Anyways let’s go back to yesterday, when all my troubles seemed so far away (that’s a lie, I am talking about Saturday ;)). I had an epiphany after seeing a post on the wonderful Averie’s site and it lef to me making a revamped version of her wonderful Blueberry Banana Microwave Oat Cakes. Why?

76Because I epiphanised (it is not a word mind you)

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Second Savoury Post

I do not have many savoury posts on this site. Out of the hundred or so posts, in fact, I only have one. But today, when I act like a student with not much time, I deliver to use this wonderful savoury post. The little baker girl is growing up and learning that to get on in life, you need to cook savoury? No, little girl just wants pizza 😀

45A 5 Minute Wrap Pizza. What? No dough. Some simple chopping. And some store bought pasta sauce (I would usually use my mum’s homemade one of course – maybe I will give you that luscious recipe someday yet ;))

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A Third Liebster + A Super Chewy, Super Tasty, Super Sugarless Treat

Firstly, I would like to say thank you for the support shown in regards to my last post. I feel much better now and know that there were a couple of slightly off points in that post. But you (and cheesecake) always make me feel better 🙂
For now, it is touchwood and good thoughts all the way.

Secondly, I am very very very happy to announce that I have received a third Liebster Award 😀
This time from the wonderful Little Housewife – This lady is the epitome of perfection. All her posts make me want to devour the computer screen but I really doubt I would get the flavour of her wonderful baking that way. Kind, sweet and with a fantastic sense of humour, she is like a baking idol!

blog award
To see the rules of this award, you can go to my first award post – not because I am lazy but it is actually quite a bit to rewrite out and my copy and paste is a little hazy on my computer (I actually did not know a problem such as that was possible ;))


So here are 5 people I would like to recognise as winners in blogging 😀

  1. The Unorthodox Epicure – Funny, awesome and a brilliant chef – there is really nothing else to say when it comes this guy’s fabulous blog 🙂
  2. Pasta Princess And More – I don’t know about you all, but ‘Pasta Princess’ is one of the coolest blog names I have ever heard 😀 – and on top of that, she can cook savoury and sweet to the boot!
  3. Simple Gluten Free Kitchen – Balvinder is one of the sweetest bloggers around – one of my first and top blogging friends, she is absolutely a delight and her recipes are truly made to fall in love with!
  4. Sunday Morning Banana Pancakes – Heather is one very talented chef – her ideas are unique and delicious and each time I visit her blog, she inspires me so much!
  5. Eliot’s Eats – I am not sure how many times I have sat and gone through the wonderful recipes on this blog – Sweet, savoury, delicious, more delicious – This wonderful couple make everything!

Congratulations to all you fantastic bloggers, it is much deserved 🙂


Now this will be a short post with a recipe that I made myself. *Applause* *Applause* 😛

I was looking all over for a healthy muesli bar recipe. I was looking for something filled with nuts, oats and cereals which could fill me up while I was studying and keep me focused (are you not proud) – I researched brands initially but I can eat all those preservatives in store-bought pastry and be healthier! And looking around on the web, I was not interested in recipes containing 1/2 cups of brown sugar and butter. Emphasis on the healthy aspect. So I decided to make my own. And I am pretty happy.

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Nutella Baking Week Continued: 4 Ingredient Nutella Brownie Bites

Today was one very hectic day I must say 🙂

Which is why to continue with this glorious week, I decided on making a recipe I had coveted for many a moon and was super simple.

This takes

  • 2 minutes to mix
  • 41010 minutes to bake
  • 3 seconds to eat (if you are a slow eater of course :P)

Three of the ingredients are something every baker keeps in their pantry – flour, eggs and Nutella. The hazelnuts, our fourth ingredient, is really quite optional.

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A Sandwich Press’s Dream

There once upon a time was a little sandwich press. For all intents and purposes, let us name this sandwich press Susie (since let’s be honest, can you be bothered to type sandwich press every time?)

Susie lived in a moderately sized kitchen with all her other kitchen friends and she should have been happy. After all, she was regularly used (though the competition between her and the focaccia maker was quite intense) and she was well maintained and cleaned. But poor Susie wasn’t. She had a secret. The poor thing loved sweets!!

51Now being a sandwich maker, she got stuffed with bread, and *god forbid* ingredients like capsicum, tapenade, cheese, tomatoes – as far from sweet as one can possibly get! Once, a little girl who was obsessed with Nutella did make a Nutella-Banana grilled sandwich – but she used the focaccia maker and not Susie! (Susie, if you are reading this, I am so sorry!)

She longed to be with the oven, the grill and even the microwave! To feel caramelised sugar and give a little *ping* when a cake was ready and to let off an aroma that didn’t scream savoury. She was quite distraught and the thought that her dreams of being part of a baking league would never come true made her cry.

21 Continue reading

Feeling Healthy Pre-Formal

Two nights ago was one of the most anticipated events of my young life so far – my year 10 formal. The night was amazing at the beginning I have to say with all the fluttering and giggling and the ‘oh my gosh, you all look so utterly fabulous’ talking! Then, when we actually were inside, we were wowed by the decor – Vegas casino theme = martini glasses on tables, silvery balloon arch, gorgeous star themed light and a scattering of cards, poker chips and dice. Just try to picture it and I promise you, the hall we were in would look at least 10 times nicer (depending on the strength of your imagination of course :p)

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