A Classic

Update: Foodbuzz is being a little fritzy again – I will let you know more soon I hope 😛

Update: I don’t seem to be able to comment on ANY wordpress.org or wordpress.com blogs right now so if you are having the same problem, please let me know 🙂

You can’t go wrong with classics. Sometimes, no doubt, you want to go out of your mind crazy and totally vamp up dishes (I should know :P), so they too can see light of the new century. But like good music, some things should be left as they are.

Ever heard a decent remix? Nope, didn’t think so 😛

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I love classic things. I am a 21st century teenager who would rather telephone a friend and hear their voice, better yet, meet up with them rather than spend hours on end ‘liking’ people-I-don’t-know’s photos on Facebook – therefore I do not have it, though I will probably by the end of next week (I made a pact with PDS :P)

Anyways, classic totally applies to food.

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*Ahem*, milk and cookies anyone? Chocolate cake and lemonade? Ice cream and hot fudge? Pasta and garlic bread (yeah, I can totally throw in a savoury too!) – most of the times, these babies are the unbeatable ones no?

What else is there that is classic – oh, Oh, classic evening gowns – oh my gosh, can you not imagine having a huge cup of hot chocolate (coffee is unacceptable, mocha you are sitting on the fence ;)), in front of a roaring fire with your laptop/iPad, looking at gowns.

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Long, swishing flowing gowns? (Yes I know my yr 10 formal is over but never too early to start looking for yr 12!) – I love the classic v-neck, the traditional long open back – how can you go wrong!?

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And classic horror films – who does not giggle in those black and white vampire films with Bella  Lugosi as Dracula! They are so adorable with clichéd females, stereotyped male heroes and the usual plot of the female being captured, the male rescuing her and living happily ever after, after driving a stake through the heart of the villain 🙂

Classic, clichéd, I absolutely LOVE it 🙂

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I think I could keep going on forever about the classics, so I am just going to talk about the classic dessert I prepared today.

Chocolate Fudge Cake.

Checkpoints for being classic

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  • Simple name – most recipes of mine are 5 words at least so you already know this is different
  • Solid main ingredient – chocolate – how could any ingredient get more well known or more grounded than that 🙂
  • The dessert itself – just a cake – not a soufflé or a danish, just something simple and lovely which everyone has heard of because it is a (need I emphasise it anymore) a classic 🙂

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I actually have an English assignment meet up with D & N tomorrow and I promised them something chocolate-y and very over the top delicious – this is just that without being an extravagant dish at all 🙂

I promise, if they are reading this, to give them extra big pieces since I cut a piece of the cake in order to do the usual photo shoot – but hey, give me credit, all I did was try one spoon of the crumbs that fell and that’s it (yes, we are obviously good friends – I do not do that for just everyone you know ;))

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It was moist. So moist and rich, I felt a little lost without any lemonade 😉 – it was very fudgy, like a brownie, yet had the crumb of a cake so I officially knight it as the most amazing mix between brownie and chocolate cake 😀
I cannot wait to eat serve it tomorrow! 🙂

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Just before I recipe you up (I know I have teased you with photos far too much by now), I do have some awards to give out to some wonderful bloggers 🙂
So here goes…

First up, seems like my sweets, reviews and odd savouries are an addiction!!! I am so happy to have received The Addictive Blog Award from both Emma @ Food, Fork & Good as well as Laurie @ Laurie’s Cravings!
At Emma’s stunning blog, her posts always have the most delicious pictures and mouth-watering recipes – why if you click the link above, it will take you to some gorgeous apple pie rolls! As for Laurie, she has the coolest writing style and currently, has a hazelnut brownie (with a twist) recipe waiting for you all – what a chef!/
Thank you to you both!

The rules of this award are

  • Thank the person awarding you
  • Share a little about why you blog and how the journey started
  • Paste the blog award on your page
  • Nominate 10 other bloggers you feel deserve the award 🙂 (the best part!)

I love telling you guys my life story so instead of rewriting it, I am going to link you to here and here if you want to know about me, actually see me (though you may want to shut your eyes!) and understand why I am here on the world wide web 🙂

Secondly, a wonderful blogger buddy of mine, the awesome Elena @ The Sweet Life, awarded me with the Versatile Blogger Award – awwww *gushes* 🙂 – If anyone is Versatile though, it is Elena – can you believe she made a Matcha Panna Cotta? Crazy awesome and it just one click away 😉

For this award, just check out this link since I recently received it 🙂

For both these awards, I would like to nominate 10 fabulous bloggers – drum roll please 😀


I actually made a recipe very similar to this ages ago but this recipe kicks that recipe’s old-style butt – yep, one way in which it is totally not classic 😉 – maybe because this recipe is made by, I don’t know, THE Margaret Fulton (click on the link to find out more about Australia’s first lady in cooking :))

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I found it in the Sydney Morning Herald and fell in love on first sight, though I did find it ironic that next to the recipe was a picture of a lady eating a nectarine 😛
I have copied out the initial recipe but my changes are in bold (seriously, do my changes ;))

Enjoy, devour, do not feel guilty my friends!

Classic Chocolate Fudge Cake
Slightly Adapted from: Margaret Fulton’s recipe in SMH

Serves: 8-12 (it is one BIG cake)


  • 250g butter, salted
  • 250g dark chocolate
  • 1/3 cup brown sugar – I used dark brown sugar and made it 1/2 cup
  • 3/4 caster sugar – I used 1/3 cup + 1/6 cup
  • 6 eggs, separated at room temperature – I forgot to put mine out so I can’t say whether you can taste a difference or not
  • 1 tsp coffee essence (or vanilla)
  • 3 tbs plain flour – I made it 6 tbs and cut out the nut flour (yes I call it that :P) entirely
  • 2 tbs almond meal – can use hazelnut or any nut really
  • 1/2 tsp cream of tartar – I ignored it, really no need


  1. Preheat oven to 180 degrees C
  2. Grease a 25cm springform tin generously (use 22cm for a larger, more impressive in height cake), line the base with baking paper and flour tin (I didn’t line and cocoa powdered the tin)
  3. Melt butter and chocolate in a large, heavy based saucepan over low heat, stirring constantly till melted and smooth
  4. Stir in essence and set aside
  5. Beat sugars and egg yolks till just combined
  6. While chocolate is warm (but not hot), whisk in the egg yolk mixture until smooth and then stir in flours too
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  7. Beat egg whites with cream of tartar (or not) until soft, rounded peaks form
  8. Gently fold in 1/3 of the whites into the chocolate mixture then fold in the rest, being careful not to deflate them

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  9. Pour mixture into tin and  smooth top
  10. Bake for 35-45 minutes (30-40) or until the cake is set around the edges but has a soft, creamy circle (12cm approximate diameter) in the centre – the cake should slightly tremble when shaken gently – let cool in oven with the door slightly ajar so less chance of sinking
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  11. Cool thoroughly in tin before unmolding, decorating and serving

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My Notes

  • It says to serve this with Vanilla whipped cream, which you can find the recipe for here (basically the same as the one in the paper)
  • I personally find it better slightly warmed with ripe strawberries, vanilla ice cream and hot fudge sauce 🙂


Well, looks like I read the newspaper and with good reason too 😀

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Happy week ahead my friends! All those in the Southern Hemisphere, try not to freeze fingers off and those in the North, eat all the ice cream you can (applies to the South too actually ;))

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  1. Pingback: Pear Apple Cobbler Recipe - A Twist on an Old Favorite | MJ's Kitchen

  2. Pingback: Thankyouverymuch!!! | themthreepees

  3. Susan says:

    Beautiful classic! I want to thank you for your blog award too. Since I’m an award free blog I’m sorry I haven’t responded earlier. I love your blog!


  4. viveka says:

    This is my favorite chocolate cake and I make it myself from time to time … love it because it has loads of chocolate and it’s quick to make. In Sweden we call it “Kladdkaka” – “sticking cake” – because it sticks to you when you it eat it – around mouth and on fingers. Beautiful photos and I wouldn’t mind a piece now with my morning cup of coffee.


  5. Pingback: Changes « Go Bake Yourself

  6. Pingback: Cheeeeeeeese! « Thoughts Appear's Blog

  7. Congrats on your awards! I’m seriously trying not to bake anything (for us) for a while, hard to do when you’re a dessert blogger. However, this recipe and your yummy pictures are really tempting me.


  8. Pingback: The Proud Moment « Go Bake Yourself

  9. Pingback: Awards et douceurs rouge, blanc, bleu « Mon chat m'a ramené un chipmunk !…=^.^=

  10. Pingback: Awards and red, white and blue treats « Books, cupcakes and cats chasing chipmunks…

  11. Gina says:

    Hi Sweetie, Thank you so much sharing an award with me. I’ve been in the middle of a move and I haven’t had much time to keep up with blogs. I really do appreciate you thinking of me. Gorgeous cake!


    • It was a pleasure my friend you deserve it 😀
      Best of luck with your move and I can’t wait to subscribe to your new blog! I will try and contact you after move 🙂

      Choc Chip Uru


  12. Pingback: Ironic Comfort « Go Bake Yourself

  13. Things become classics because they are awesome! Just like this chocolate cake. Gosh you’ve really got me craving for a slice now! It looks sooooo moist and decadent…I’m sad! Makes me want to bake one for myself. All for myself. 😀


  14. I love a good old classic chocolate cake 🙂 But i think it’s actually quite hard to find and make ~ because so often people tend to over mix the matter and it becomes dense or like what Lorraine said only use cocoa powder and there really just isn’t enough chocolate in there 😛


  15. Oh my goodness Uru, you certainly know how to make me hungry when doing the blog hop (usually past midnight). This chocolate cake looks so awesome and I’m loving the overload of photos to go with it. It definitely is a classic that will never die or be out of ‘fashion’. I so want to get my butt to the kitchen now. Yummo!


  16. Catherine says:

    I couldn’t agree more with you. Why fix what isn’t broken? This cake looks decadent and elegant. I’m sure it tastes rich and just as fantastic as it looks. Beautiful post, my dear. Blessings to you, your friend, Catherine xo


  17. mjskit says:

    WOW! Thank you SO MUCH for these two wonderful awards! I’m truly honored and can’t wait to go check out the other bloggers! Wonderful Classic chocolate cake! It’s got me craving something really really chocolate and sweet. YUM!


  18. kitchenriffs says:

    Boy, you really showed restraint in not gobbling this all up by yourself! Terrific pictures, and the recipe looks even better. So much chocolate! And I’ll bet that coffee essence adds some nice, subtle flavoring. Good stuff – thanks.


  19. Uru….I really love the classics, too! This fudge cake is such a perfect example! It looks amazing….and worth every ounce of guilt I might feel. (Truthfully….I won’t feel much guilt at all) Fudge cake….nectarine…..Fudge Cake…nectarine….FUDGE CAKE!!! (See what I mean!) Congrats on your many well deserved awards. You are a baking rock star! : )


  20. Oh YUM! This is my daughter’s favorite cake – she is NOT a fan of any kind of icing and my nana used to make this for her….I think I will use your recipe and make her one this week!


    • Thanks so much 😀
      No actually I cheated and used Hershey’s syrup… oh wow it was good 😀
      But in my recipe index I have a recipe for the best hot fudge in the world 🙂

      Choc Chip Uru


  21. Lisa says:

    Congrats on your awards! Very well-deserved! I totally agree…there is nothing like a good ‘ole classic chocolate cake, and the fudgier, the better! It looks absolutely to die for and gorgeous..especially the plating!


  22. Lisa at fLVE says:

    Congratulations CCU! You deserve every single blogging awards everyone passed to you. 🙂 As for classics…yes, I agree. If something can last and becomes a classic by the time it reaches me, it’s almost a sure bet that it’s good. So long flowing gowns, classic horror b&w film (Lol), amazing chocolate desserts. All of that. You are one wise teen. 🙂


  23. hotlyspiced says:

    Oh dear, the formal. You are right, it’s never too early to start planning your dress and what you have in mind sounds gorgeous. This classic chocolate fudge cake looks gorgeous xx


  24. Is ther anything better than the smell of Chocolate cake baking in the oven, no way! It’s been so cold as you mentioned and chocolate is my cure pretty much for many, many things! Looks so good, fudgey and delicious!


  25. libishski says:

    Thank you so much for the award!

    I’m very much an old fashioned person and think that things (for example, music, like you said) should be left untouched. However, there are some great remixes and mash-ups lying around 🙂

    And while I do love embracing technology, I do think that nothing beats talking to a friend face-to-face. After all, you can’t enjoy a coffee or a good meal together if you’re both conversing in your own homes with an i-something or other!

    Love the cake, looks delish!


  26. Help! I’m typing on an iPad and I can’t see the words I’m typing in your comment box! I’m sorry for any mistakes! cCU!! I love this Classic Chocolate Cake.. I will have to try it for our next birthday celebration! It’s so pretty and I love how you’veputpretty strawberries drizzled with chocolate … Fantastic!


  27. Balvinder says:

    And, I thought all these type of social medias are for 21st century people. I signed up on twitter just to go on pinterest and hardly ever go there. Talking about classic things I was thinking to make a board for classic people,things and food I love.

    This classic cake would be the first one I will pin on classic board. Really, Guru Uru, I marvel at your writing and baking skill at this young age.


  28. Liz says:

    Oh this would be a popular dessert in my house! And congrats on all your awards! You are just such a vibrant, pretty young thing…I love your posts 🙂


  29. CCU, this post was so cute! ” Ever heard a decent remix? Nope, didn’t think so” haha so true! I love having those favorite, neverlet us down recipes. I’m loving your classic chocolate cake & congratulations on the awards, you deserve it! :@)


  30. A_Boleyn says:

    You’re right. You can’t beat a classic generous slice of a rich chocolate cake (filling nor frosting required) and a big glass of ice cold milk (if you’re not lactose intolerant) to savour along with it. And you just had to add those big juice chocolate-drizzled strawberries for garnish didn’t you? 🙂

    Cause you’re over the top that way.

    I’m glad that you held back on the whipping cream or scoop of ice cream though. Cause some of us older ladies need to watch our waistlines.

    (Actually, I’ve never made a chocolate ice cream and my chill-fast container is in the freezer waiting for it’s next batch of frozen goodness. So many ice cream flavours … so little time.)


  31. Mary says:

    Congratulations on your well-deserved award. There will be many more. Your cakes is a feast for the eyes and I know I’d enjoy a slice of it with my afternoon coffee. Have a great day. Blessings…Mary


  32. I love how the classics never fail us. You need to feel warm and cozy? Hot chocolate to the rescue? Looking to indulge? Chocolate cake with fudge sauce 🙂 Although I have to admit I have NEVER heard of chocolate cake and lemonade! I was always a fan of chocolate cake with milk or coffee. Maybe this is a combination I need to try!

    Gorgeous cake! Sounds so fudgy yet with a great crumb 🙂


  33. I’m a classic comedy girl myself. Mel Brooks or Abbott and Costello movies are so much funnier than any Adam Sandler movie I’ve ever seen. And I wouldn’t mind a slice of cake to eat while watching. *holds out plate*


  34. Your cake looks lovely and delicious, CCU. But if you are reproducing a classic from a recipe, you need to follow the recipe — otherwise what you have is a reinterpretation of a classic. Cheers!


  35. Ramona says:

    You my dear deserve all your awards and accolades!!! You simply amaze me with your knowledge… talent and writing. 🙂 Well done!! I would love this classic to eat right now!! I wish you didn’t live on the other side of the world… I would be dropping by for evening tea to enjoy some. 🙂


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