What Did You Do For Valentines Day?

Well. Here we are. Two days after Valentines Day. The day filled with romance, roses and red stuff. Because you know. Valentines Day.

The day one gets so mushy and gushy (rhyme that with mushy for my sake :P), seeing couples (old, young, in that ‘middle zone’ where they can’t decide) holding hands and walking in rhythm… sigh… what a romantic day.



The day that TV shows nothing but cartoons glowing red and giving their other half a kiss on the cheek with their hearts literally beating out of their chest, as if it would rip it apart.

Yeah, Jerry, you can’t hide that luuuurve on Valentines Day 😉



I have not met my other half yet. Nope, not heard a word or seen even a single hair of him yet. But I am a believer (and a sap for romantic Hollywood classics!). Who needs to rush into this anyway?

After all, who needs to be watching a sappy film in the cinema sharing popcorn when you could eating popcorn alone with your French textbook. Sexiest language in the world indeed, it had me hooked 😉


‘Ooooh la la, Monsieur Livre, tu es trop!’

One day, Monsieur Livre will be replaced with Mr Choc Chip Uru but until then, Monsieur Livre, keep up that… oh my god, I can’t say ‘Frenching’, ‘Sexy tongue’ or anything, it is all so inappropriate! God, the French… 😉

Now, I am but 17. I want to hear about your wonderful Valentines Day with your other halves! Were you swept off your feet with roses? Were you given boxes of chocolate? Did someone try to sneak you love potion Harry Potter style? (because that one is a keeper!) 😉


And in return did you bake/cook for them? 😀

Because if you did or if you didn’t, next year (or tomorrow, because you could say Valentines Week is continuing) you could whip them up something, so ooey, gooey and romantic 😉

This slice is gold. A little weird to make but once it is finished, it is the whole A-U. The base is so wonderfully buttery (I swear, I have never made a shortbread recipe which is so buttery!) and when combined with the delicious jelly-ish topping, it really matches, especially if said topping is bursting with tangy and sweet flavours mingling together.


Opposites attract no?

Strawberry Lemon Hearts
Heavily Adapted From: Blue Eyed Bakers



  • 230g butter, room temperature and cubed
  • ½ cup icing mixture (icing sugar mixed with cornstarch) – can use regular icing sugar too
  • 1 ¾ cup plain flour + a little extra
  • ½ cup desiccated coconut
  • 1 tbs vanilla essence
  • ¼ tsp salt (ignore if using salted butter)


  • 6 eggs, room temperature
  • 2 ½ cups caster sugar (don’t have a heart attack on me yet!)
  • Zest from one orange (can use any citrus fruit)
  • 1 cup lemon juice, fresh is optimum
  • Red food colouring
  • 1 cup fresh strawberries (optional – do not need to add this part in, in which case you will have a simple lemon square)
  • Strawberry essence
  • 1 cup flour


  1. Puree Strawberries (if using): Wash, dry and stem the strawberries. Place in a blender and puree till pure liquid. Sieve through fine wire and then set aside (no seeds!)

  2. Preheat oven to 180 degrees C. Grease and line a 9×13 inch baking tin and set aside
  3. In a food processor, combine all base ingredients (except extra flour) and blend till fully combined
  4. Dust hands in extra flour (because the mixture will be damn sticky!) and press into the bottom of the baking tin, in an even layer
  5. Bake for 15 minutes or till slightly golden. Remove and let cool to room temperature on a wire rack
  6. In a large bowl, whisk eggs, sugar, essence, lemon juice, zest and pureed strawberries together
  7. Stir through a small amount of food colouring until desired shade – make it a little bit darker than you want the colour because as it bakes, it will lighten
  8. Pour over cooled crust and bake for 20-25 minutes or until topping is set


    Cool completely on a wire rack then refrigerate overnight

  10. Cut using heart cutters and eat that gooey deliciousness


  • It is VERY hard to make shapes out of BUT I think you will be fine in the name of Valentine 😉

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  2. Deepti says:

    How did I miss your Valentines day post???? Well my husband and I pre-celebrated valentines day by watching zero dark thirty and having wonderful dinner at an Italian restaurant not to miss a swarovski necklace from him! Well these hearts look wonderful:)


  3. Geni says:

    These are so fun and festive and so yummy looking. You are a very smart girl to be patient waiting for Mr. CCU. Love yourself first and become all that you are meant to be and the rest will follow sweetie.


  4. Heather says:

    Every year Justin and I celebrate Valentines Day at home – I came home to a bottle of Champagne, Flowers and Roasted Edamame 🙂 Since our first Valentines Day we have always cooked together – this year Spaghetti & Walnut Bella “Meatballs” with Gabbys (At the Veggie Nook) Sexy Cake!


  5. awww such cute adorable hearts. Got a sweetheart? =D
    We don’t really celebrate valentines day, except this year I was kind of inspired to be creative. It’s more fun to come up with something awesome, just how you did it with the hearts. =)


  6. Cakelaw says:

    These strawberry lemon hearts are adawbs!!! I did nothign soecial for Valentines Day, but the next evening I caught up with my man friend and we exchanged chocolates – I think I did better than him as I got twice the number of chocolates!


  7. Nami | Just One Cookbook says:

    Now I wish to have heart-shape cookie cutter! Nope, I don’t own even one! xD Strawberries and lemon goes so well together and this dessert sounds perfect for any occasion. Even it’s heart shape it doesn’t have to be on V-day. 🙂 Lovely, Uru!


  8. Ahh, to be 17 again! All the boys that are going to fall in love with you and have you love them in return (and bake for them!!!) are seriously lucky dudes. The only advice this old lady who’s been there and done that can give you is to make sure they always respect you. If not, kick their butts to the curb! I love this idea and the heart shapes are adorable. My mouth seriously started watering when I saw the strawberries and the delicious puree you made. Yum!


  9. jlaceda says:

    Happy Valentine’s (belated)! Strawberries and Valentine’s go hand-in-hand like chocolate and peanut butter! Totally superb and delicious!


  10. Saskia (1=2) says:

    Lovely post CCU! I met my other half at uni, many moons ago. We bonded over music. You’ll know when you’ve found yours; and he will be one lucky dude! I received coffee in bed on Valentine’s Day, but the best part was going out for dinner. Love cooking, but it’s nice to have a break….


  11. cakewhiz says:

    my hubby and i do anything special on valentine’s day. for us, our wedding anniversary is more meaningful 🙂

    but, that still doesn’t stop me from baking something yummy. next year, i am making your little hearts… they are so cute and pink!


  12. Amy Tong says:

    These are some gorgeous heart shaped cakes. I bet it tastes wonderful with all those strawberries in it.

    I spent the V-day just like any normal day with my family. But I did cook them something special and a heart shape chocolate cake.

    You’re so young! And you are absolutely right, no need to rush into meeting Mr. just yet. I believe he’ll appear when it’s the right time. 😉


  13. Happy belated V day Uru. I love yellow filled sponges, (kinda reminds me of pink lamingtons!) No doubt your French will come in handy and you continue to bake your skills around the world, no doubt ending up in France with your valentine to be as you train as a top class pastry chef!!! (One day…)


  14. Gina says:

    Who needs the drama of a bf when you have a French book, lol. Mr. Right is worth waiting for, I love how you waited with Strawberry Lemon Hearts. Looks so yummy. Hope you are having a lovely weekend.


  15. Hope you meet that special person one day. For us we are celebrating 41 anniversaries. Valentine’s Day is always special and I usually make a nice meal with a special dessert and we spend the whole day practically in each other’s company. I usually get jewelry – how romantic is that?

    Such cute heart cookies; creative!


  16. Beth says:

    On Valentine’s Day I was busy driving my teenager around from one activity to the next! But my husband and I went out to dinner the next night. To me it doesn’t matter whether it happens on Valentine’s Day, but it is nice to spend time together.


  17. navane64 says:

    Valentine’s day is another normal day for us because we don’t wait for such occasion to show and care for each other. We do it all the time. Lovely color plus the heart shape is fits the occasion.


  18. Jenny @ BAKE says:

    These sweet hearts look delicious! You never know you may have met your other half already! I met my boyfriend when we were 12, dated him for 2 weeks when we were 15 then didn’t talk to him again until we were in our 20s and we’ve been together for 4 years now! life takes funny turns sometimes!


  19. petit4chocolatier says:

    Your recipes are always lovely and outside of the box of creativity! I love the strawberries, and that one picture of the strawberries in the blender is gorgeous. You have great patience my dear. They came out of the cutters looking like delicious hearts!! Yummy!


  20. There is nothing better than finding your significant other — but don’t find him too soon–you need to experience life and find your way yourself before you join with another — seriously I did not meet my sweetheart until I was 27, but I had a lot of fun before that and was ready to settle down (although I am not sure why this is settling down–I did not settle). This confection looks beautiful –so let your cooking and French books keep you company for a little while longer (I feel long in the tooth giving you this advice, and I guess I am–but don’t tell me)


  21. Delightful! Crunchy shortbread and scrumptious strawberries!

    I baked us a beautiful Chocolate and Beetroot Cake (served with a Mascarpone cream) that was quite complicated in that it had so many different techniques in it (and 5 bowls to be washed up) but it is amazing! You’d love it. I’ll be putting up the recipe before long.

    All the best to you


  22. Who isn’t a sap for romantic hollywood movies? 🙂
    I spent my Valentines day studying for the midterm I had the next day. My boyfriend is in Russia so nothing romantic that day. I should have made this!


  23. What a delightful post, CCU. You always make me smile while I’m reading your wonderful recipes. We didn’t do much for Valentine’s but now I’m feeling that perhaps I could have baked something nice, and didn’t! I’m glad you reminded me that it’s not too late! 🙂


  24. Loving this cake/tart/strawberry shortbreadiness! Of course I baked foe Valentine’s Day! A whole week filled with chocolate- Death by Chocolate Guiness Cupcakes, Cookie Bottom No-Bake Peanut Butter Cheesecakes, and a Truffle Dark Chocolate Cream Pie. Yesssssss. Anyway- I’m spying on a variation of this dessert here for my little sister’s upcoming birthday maybe? Thanks!


  25. BekAtCrave says:

    We had a belated V Day celebration last night and went to Pony Dining @ Eagle St Pier and stayed overnight at the mantra. It was amazing 🙂 I also made him a special nutella packed french toast for V Day dessert after a delicious Moussaka dinner. Plus I bought him a shirt, card, photo frame with necessary cute photo of us and a choccy. He shouted the dinner and hotel though so I was the spoilt one!


  26. Everyday is Valentine’s Day in our household. Well, in spirit, at least! We like to cook a big meal every Valentine’s Day, and a bit later go out to eat, so we get two celebrations. (We never go to restaurants on Valentine’s Day – it’s always so crowded that the experience can be a tad unpleasant.) Anyway, fun post – thanks.


  27. Chef Randall says:

    Delicious looking dessert. Very creative idea, something that could be done on any occasion. Love and hearts is an expression for everyday. 🙂

    Thanks for sharing CCU.

    Chef Randall


  28. Alex says:

    Plenty of time to meet your Valentine. This year we celebrated it at home. Sweets instead of roses. 😉 (A couple of years back we went to a shopping centre precisely on Valentine’s day. It took us almost 4 hours to get there, so heavy was the traffic. We learned our lesson!) 😛


  29. Amanda says:

    Well, my wonderful friends (all girls :P) sent me flowers. 🙂 Happy belated valentine’s day! I’m young like you too, (16), so I’m still waiting for my prince charming!


  30. viveka says:

    I bet you were baking on Valentin’s Day .. and in heart shape of course.
    Personal I spent my day in the laundry room .. but to celebrate I had a big bowl of ice cream in the evening .. with catching up on my TV series.


  31. mjskit says:

    What a tasty little cake! All those different flavors – coconut, lemon and strawberries – YUM! My hubby and I spent V-night sitting on the couch holding hands, watching a movie, drinking a little wine and eating chocolate. Not bad for old married folks. 🙂


  32. Eva Taylor says:

    What a lovely recipe for this day of love, fret not you will meet your better half! I met mine when I was 14 and knew right away we would be married one day. And it happened 9 years later! 34 years later and married 27, I’ve never looked back!
    My better half made me a Niçoisse salad with fresh seared tuna! I made crêpes Suzette’s for dessert!


  33. How beautiful! Love the heart desserts. As you know, I did a heck of a lot of baking…they’re all posted :). V day, we went to a one year old’s birthday party and enjoyed balloons and party hats, no hearts in sight. I loved it. Hope you had a good one too.

    Nazneen xx


  34. Susan says:

    Your hearts are just perfect and your family is so lucky. I made brownies and my grandparent’s Valentine cookies to send to my family, but was late in getting them off. I just figure love continues, XOXO


  35. Oooh Michael would adore these hearts!!!!! He loves strawberry anything, lol. We haven’t had our day yet, we’re celebrating tomorrow, but I’m very excited 🙂 And you def. have time my darlin, you’ll find your mister in due time, yes 🙂


  36. Cher says:

    The other half is out there somewhere – some times you have to go through a bunch of quarters, tenths or even hundreth’s before you find the “half” 🙂

    Lovely treats made by a lovely lady 🙂


  37. I spent Valentine’s Day with a group of friends over some pizza and good conversation. I made for them my lemon pancakes with pistachio mascarpone and blackberries. Your hearts looks delicious– definitely a recipe worth trying. And I’m shocked that you’re only 17, you bake (and take better photos) than most 30 year olds I know 🙂


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